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    01 September 2024, Volume 42 Issue 9 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Some Fundamental Issues on Educational Great Power
    Zheng Ke
    2024, 42 (9):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.001
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    Regarding the educational great power, there remain several fundamental and underlying issues open to discussion and debate. The first fundamental question is: What does it mean by an educational great power? The essence of this term lies in making a nation powerful by education. Educational great power is the great power by education, not the great power in education. The second fundamental question is: What qualifies an educational great power? The countries that perform better in addressing commanding challenges in education can be considered as educational great power. The third fundamental question is: How does education make a nation more powerful? All nations aspiring to become major powers need education to strengthen the country in three key areas: first, by consolidating and expanding the nation's ideological advantages; second, by providing high-quality talent for industries to compete internationally; and third, by supporting high-level technological self-reliance and strength. The fourth fundamental question is: How can an educationally powerful nation be realized? There are three strategic tasks for building an educationally powerful nation. First, identify the key elements that determine whether a country can truly become an educationally powerful nation and address them as the main battlefield. Second, seize the historical opportunity of the intelligent society and open new tracks for intelligent education. Third, reduce obstacles on the path to building an educationally powerful nation by removing bottlenecks.

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    Impact of Cognitive Skills Distribution on National Economic Growth: New Empirical Evidence from the Building of a Powerful Country in Education
    Bin Huang, Ruxian Yun, Kailin Wu
    2024, 42 (9):  13-32.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.002
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    The building of a powerful country in education urgently requires exploration of new evidence regarding the relationship between educational human capital and economic growth. Previous studies on measuring a country’s educational human capital dominantly employed indicators such as the mean years of schooling attained by the population. However, an increasing number of scholars argue that measuring a country’s educational human capital should utilize the mean cognitive skills of students. Nevertheless, means can only depict the location of the distribution but cannot reflect the overall differences in the distribution of cognitive skills among populations of different countries. Additionally, there may be significant differences in the distribution of cognitive skills between students and adults in various countries. This study constructs a database of adult cognitive skills for 73 countries and regions from 2000 to 2020. By using three indicators of skill distribution, i.e. the mean, coefficient of variation, and skewness, to respectively reflect the overall level, disparity, and skewness structure of a country’s educational human capital, we empirically analyze the impact of these three indicators on national economic growth. We find that the skewness structure of human capital distribution has been a major driving force behind economic growth in various countries since 2000. The more left-skewed the distribution of adult cognitive skills in a country, indicating a higher proportion of highly skilled individuals, the faster its average economic growth rate in the long term. Moreover, with economic development, the promoting effect of left-skewness on economic growth continues to increase. Improving the quality of higher education and implementing immigration policies contribute to increasing the proportion of highly skilled individuals, leading to a left-skewness shift in the distribution of adult skills, while expanding the scale of higher education does not have a significant impact. The building of a powerful country in education should follow the basic path of “closing the gap in basic education and enhancing the quality of higher education,” establishing a value-added evaluation system centered on human skill development, adhering to the openness of higher education to the world, lowering the threshold for the influx of international talents, and introducing top-notch international educational resources.

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    Ten Theses on the Origins and Pragmatics of Modern Pedagogy and Social Pedagogy
    Dietrich Benner
    2024, 42 (9):  33-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.003
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    The paper emphasizes that modern education and Bildung are based on a new basic Bildung for all to be taught in schools and a new basic social Bildung that is taught and strengthened in socio-educational professions, which is institutionally anchored in the differentiated modern social subsystems and encompasses fields of social work in Germany in the forms of family social work, school social work and professional social work through to community work as well as social work in social hotspots and in the resocialization of offenders. In the Chinese education and Bildung system, the equal importance of general and basic social Bildung is firmly anchored. It is expected that the ten main theses in this paper, when translated into Chinese, will support China to make corresponding discussions on basic and social Bildung with Chinese characteristics.

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    Towards a Shared “World Literature”: On the New Mission of Chinese Comparative Education in the Dialectic of Enlightenment and Culture
    Zhengmei Peng, Lisha Chen, Yuezhu Wu, Fangting Shi, Li Deng
    2024, 42 (9):  42-55.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.004
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    We can examine the development and new mission of Chinese comparative education over the past two centuries through the dual lenses of culture and enlightenment as derived from the discussion of “world literature” in the “Communist Manifesto”. The enlightenment mission involves engaging in critical dialogue with global education, introducing the spirit of world education, and promoting the continuous modernization of Chinese education. The cultural mission involves participating in the construction of modern pedagogy, telling the story of Chinese education internationally, participating in international educational governance, connecting Chinese and foreign educational spirits; and constructing a shared “world literature” through the dialectic of enlightenment and culture. The dialectic of enlightenment and culture requires comparative education to adopt a rational critical attitude that aims to eliminate cultural one-sidedness and limitations in responding to the relationship between cultural confidence in education and “world literature.” In terms of value direction, it should aim to build a shared educational “world literature” to implement the new era’s vision of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the common values of all humankind, and the world imagination of a community with a shared future for mankind. At the same time, this also involves reviving the invaluable “peace-making under heaven” dimension of our lost educational tradition in the modern process. In the era of globalization, all education researchers are to some extent scholars of comparative education, and the move towards a shared “world literature” is a call to all Chinese education scholars.

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    Comparative Education and Human Development: Progress in the New Century
    Wei Shen, Xinyue Zhou, Zhiwei Jiang
    2024, 42 (9):  56-73.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.005
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    Under the common mission for human development, development study is based on the comparative study of education. The research takes the journal of “Comparative Education” as the main data source, combining the overall progress in the field of comparative education, analyzes its comparative context, scope, as well as emerging concepts and methodologies. The research found that in the new century, comparative education research has turn its focus on the Global South, and educational research on South America, Asia, and Africa has begun to increase, while the number of studies on Europe has slightly decreased. Comparative education has maintained a deep concern for the development of human society. The Global South and the Global North have been reconceptualized; new forms of governance have emerged in international organizations and they are involved in the construction of the future; globalization and localization have new connotations and relationships in theoretical dialogues; learning as an educational and social phenomenon caters to the development needs of different countries in terms of quality and discourse; metaphors and fluid identities in comparative education provide another perspective for knowledge production and practice; Methodologies in comparative studies gain further discussion and development. All of these encourage comparative education improve herself and contribute more wisdom to human development.

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    Interdisciplinary and Critical Concerns: Current Comparative Education Research in the United Kingdom — Also on the Construction of Independent Knowledge System of Comparative Education in China
    Dan Zhang, Junling Han, Xiang Xia, Siyan He
    2024, 42 (9):  74-88.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.006
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    In the era of globalization, China’s comparative education still lacks local theory and methodology construction. The research theme focuses on national strategy, but lacks theoretical perspectives and various methods. Exploring the current research situation of comparative education in the UK can provide reference for China. By analyzing the research data of 548 comparative education researchers from the top 72 universities in the UK, this paper finds that comparative education research in the UK focuses on global and transnational education issues, pays attention to marginalized countries and groups, applies interdisciplinary theories and methods, and aims to construct and innovate global theories with critical concerns. Considering the current situation of comparative education research in China, China should seek a balance between policy consultation and knowledge production, establish transnational interdisciplinary teams, innovate theories and methods, attach importance to theoretical criticism and local independent theoretical construction, so as to contribute Chinese experience to global education.

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    From Nationalism to Cosmopolitanism: A Shift in The Methodology of Comparative Education Research
    Gang Zhu, Lingshuai Kong, Qiguang Yang, Tianyi Wu
    2024, 42 (9):  89-102.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.007
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    With the “nation state” becoming the basic unit of comparative education analysis since the beginning of Western modern times, the methodology of comparative education has long been trapped in the quagmire of “methodological nationalism”. Methodological nationalism assumes that a nation state is a natural development form of modern society and political organizations, viewing it as the only analytical unit or “container” of social processes. In the research process, “methodological nationalism” uses the experience of nation states to explain the modernization process, ignoring the context of other nation states, and thus limiting the research to the geopolitical boundaries of specific nation states, viewing the nation state as the ultimate unit of analysis, and defining multiple analytical phenomena and problems in social sciences. With the deepening development of globalization and the arrival of a global risk society, cosmopolitanism has become an important trend in global education development and has important educational value implications. Methodological cosmopolitanism takes into account the multiple perspectives of the entire world and its globalization, reconstructs the various binary opposing conceptual systems formed in the sociological system of “nation states”, expands the analytical units and research paradigms of comparative education, and transcends the limitations of “methodological nationalism”. In the context of the transition from “nationalism” to “cosmopolitanism” in humanities and social sciences, it is a feasible path to overcome the current development dilemma of comparative education methodology.

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    Can Running Schools by Group Promote the Development of Urban-ruralStudents’ Non-cognitive Skills?
    Wanpeng Lei, Jing Xie
    2024, 42 (9):  103-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.008
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    Running schools by group is an effective measure to promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and is also an important means to promote educational equity. This study explores the impact of running schools by group on students’ non-cognitive skills based on the survey data of 8 counties (districts) in 3 cities (prefectures) of Y province. The study found that, first, running schools by group can significantly enhance the emotional stability, school adaptation, and self-control ability of both urban and rural students, and the conclusion is still valid after the introduction of instrumental variables to correct the endogenous problems. Secondly, the heterogeneity analysis shows that running schools by group had a greater positive impact on rural students above the intermediate ability level, demonstrating a distinct superiority effect in emotional stability, self-esteem, and self-control ability. Thirdly, Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition results suggests that running schools by group can explain a large extent of urban-rural students’ non-cognitive skills gap, and this effect is mainly due to the difference in the rate of return to study in running schools by group. It is suggested to further optimize the distribution of running schools by group in counties, improve the cross-organizational operation mechanism of driving rural areas by cities, and provide compensatory support for disadvantaged student groups, so as to promote the fair and quality development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas.

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    The Legal Status of Tutoring Institutions and its Normative Significance
    Qi Zhang, Zhongle Zhan
    2024, 42 (9):  116-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.09.009
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    Based on the evolution of the Private Education Promotion Law, tutoring institutions have been positioned as private schools. However, as a kind of off-campus education, tutoring is a supplement to school education in the national education system, which promotes personalized development of individuals. The positioning of tutoring institutions as private schools has diminished their complementary role due to the failure to take into account the particularity of tutoring institutions. Tutoring institutions are different from private schools. On this basis, the legal status of tutoring institutions includes not only the legal person status in civil relations, but also the legal status in administrative relations. Regarding the former, it cannot be simply assumed that tutoring institutions are corporate entities; regarding the latter, tutoring institutions should be positioned as other educational institutions under the Education Law. The identity of other educational institutions of tutoring institutions is the legitimate basis for the special regulation of tutoring institutions. The clarity of the above legal status has two main normative meanings: first, tutoring institutions should be separated from the adjustment scope of the Private Education Promotion Law and specially regulated by other legislation. In theory, other legislation can be off-campus education legislation or social education legislation, but in China, lifelong education legislation is a more realistic choice; the second is that the regulation of tutoring institutions by other legislations should be different from that of commercial subjects and private schools, and the normative strength of the former should be between the normative strength of the latter two. As for the choice of specific normative strength, it depends on the guarantee of the public welfare of education and the maximum utilization of supplementary role of tutoring.

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