

  • [加]F·迈克尔·康内利 ,
  • [加]D·琼·柯兰迪宁 ,
  • [中]何敏芳
迈克尔·康内利(Michael Connelly), 现任加拿大多伦多大学安大略教育研究院教师发展联合中心(Joint Center for Teacher Development)主任,课程系教授,《课程探究(CurriculumInquiry》)杂志的创始者之一和现任主编|琼·柯兰迪宁(Jean Clandinin),现任加拿大埃尔伯塔大学师范教育和发展研究中心主任,《课程探究》、《教育思想杂志(Journal of Educationai Thoughts》)、《教学与师范教育(Teaching and Teacher Education)》等杂志的副主编|康内利和柯兰迪宁在关于教师知识的一系列研究项目中进行了17年的合作,在教师个人实践知识、专业生活素质(professional life qualities)和专业知识场景的研究方面作出了富有创造性的成就。目前他们正从事于探究教师的个人实践知识、专业知识场景和专业身份之间的关系,进一步完善教育研究的“叙述方法”与“专业知识场景”的术语和概念等方面的研究。康内利和柯兰迪宁都是多家杂志和研究机构的评论家。撰有多种书籍、章节和百科全书辞条,他们合作的代表作品主要有:《教师是课程制订者:经验叙述(Teachers as CurriculumPlanners : Narrative of Experience)》(1988)、《经验的故事和叙述探究(Stories of Experienceand Narrative Inquiry)》 (1990)、 《教师专业知识场景(Tenchers' Profession;l KnowledgeLandscapes)》(1995年)等。|何敏芳,先后就读于武汉水利电力大学、加拿大莱克海德大学(Lakehead Universily), 现为多伦多大学安大略教育研究院博士生,导师康内利

网络出版日期: 2022-10-10


[加]F·迈克尔·康内利 , [加]D·琼·柯兰迪宁 , [中]何敏芳 . 专业知识场景中的教师个人实践知识特约稿[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 1996 , 14(2) : 5 -16 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.1996.02.002


null Connelly, F. M.. & D. J. Clandinin. 1995. Teachers' professional knowledge landscapes. New York: Teachers Collcge Press.
null Connelly. F. Michael, & D. J ean Clandinin. 1988. Teachers as curriculum Planners: Narratives of experience. New York: T eachers College.
null Dewey, John. 1938. Experience and education. New York: Collier Books.
null Fenstermacher, Gary'D. 1994. The knower and the known in teacher knowledge research. in Review of Research in Education: Teaching Knowledge and Practice Part Ⅰ. Consulting editors: Lee Shulman and Peter P. Crimmett.
null Gage N. L. (Ed.). 1963. Handbook of research on teaching. A Project of the American Educational Research Associaton. Department of the National Education Association. Chicago: Rand McNally.
null Geertz, Clifford. 1988. Works and lives: The anthropologist as author. Stanford : Stanford University Press.
null He, Ming Fang. (In progress). The professional knowledge landscape for Chinese female teachers' enculturation and acculturetion processes in Canada. Doctoral dissertation, (supervised by F. M. Connelly). University of Toronto.
null National Society for the study of Education U. S. A. 1902. Yearbook of the N. S. S.E. Part Ⅰ. The course of study in history in the common school.
null National Society for the study of Education U. S. A.. 1902. Yearbook of the N. S. S.E. part Ⅱ. The progress of geography in the schools.
null Travers, Rober, M. W. Ed.. 1973. Second handbook of research on teaching. A Projeet of the American Educational Research Associaton. Chicago: Rand McNally.
null Wittrock, Merlin, C. Ed. 1986. Handbook of research on teaching. 3rd. edition. A Project of the American Educational Research Associaton. New York: Macnillan.
