The Education Space of Disciplinary Body and its Reconstruction
Online published: 2022-12-03
宋岭 . 教育空间中的身体规训及其改造[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(12) : 26 -37 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.12.003
The connection between body and space is the basis for interaction between people and the world. Different education spaces influence and shape different people. The concept of traditional education space is the product of the industrialization era. Closed, fixed and static are its main characteristics, and it is attached to the education production and its efficiency through the auxiliary education management and the creation of power relations. The schoolyard built with adult perspective and preferences is far from nature and children; the wall fences create barriers and confinements to the body while resisting injuries; school buildings divide the learning space into separate functional activity areas; windows can only transmit light and surveillance in one direction; platform and Box format seat imply the relationship between authority and obedience, and divides the respective powers. While meeting the established educational needs, it also served and gave birth to those negative educational concepts. To transform the educational space, it is necessary to make the educational space open, interactive and equal, and use its scientific and biophilic nature to meet the real needs of current teaching and learning.
Key words: educational space; industrialization; function; body; discipline; reconstruction
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