网络出版日期: 2023-03-01
Reconstruction of Teachers’ Competencies: A Key Support for the Digital Transformation of Education
Online published: 2023-03-01
田小红 , 季益龙 , 周跃良 . 教师能力结构再造:教育数字化转型的关键支撑[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(3) : 91 -100 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.03.010
The digital transformation of education is driven by the technical ecology formed by the integration of multiple technologies, and it is necessary to analyze the needs it brings to the teaching profession from a technical perspective. The technical intention of the digital transformation of education has shifted teachers from “teaching” to “learning”-centered, and smart education environment has shifted human-machine relationship from auxiliary to collaborative. The physical-social-cyber space survival mode penetrated by technology requires teachers to have corresponding moral cultivation capabilities, and the paradigm of knowledge growth in the digital age requires teachers to continue to develop themselves. Borrowing the functional capacity analysis construction path of organizational behavior elements analysis, the paper analyzes the core mission and attributes of educational organizations, and combines the needs of education digital transformation to obtain the specific types of capabilities supporting the digital transformation of education: curriculum development and teaching competency, human-computer collaboration competency, effective moral education competency and self-growth competency. From the perspective of supporting the digital transformation of education, curriculum development and teaching competency is the premise and guarantee of “learning”-centered, and human-computer collaboration competency is the transformation direction of teachers’ ICT capabilities in smart environments. Effective moral education competency is the primary role of teachers in the process of digital transformation, and self-growth competency is the purpose and means of digital survival. Teacher education needs to face up to the current problems in teacher capacity development and reshape teacher education around the core competencies required by digital transformation.
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