网络出版日期: 2023-03-11
Towards Reinvention: The Dual Effects of Intergenerational Transmission of Family Education of the First Generation College Students
Online published: 2023-03-11
陈涛 , 张艳 , 薛海平 . 走向再塑:第一代大学生家庭教育代际传递的双重效应[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(4) : 111 -126 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.04.009
The first generation of college students is a generation of family intergenerational transmission, and a generation of China’s intergenerational society. As they form their own families, they also start the process of reinventing their children after remolding themselves. Based on the CHFS data in 2019, this article focuses on the first generation college students in families. This article, from the micro perspective of “family intergeneration” to the macro perspective of “urban and rural stratum, studies the family and rural-urban effects of the obtainment of supplemental education on the offspring of four groups: the families started by the first generation college students, non-college families, the families started by the first generation college students in urban areas and that in rural areas. The results show that: (1) intergenerational transmission of education widens the gap of the obtainment of supplemental education among children of families with different cultural capital; (2) intergenerational transmission of education narrows the gap of the obtainment of supplemental education between rural and urban children; (3) authoritative parenting and characteristics of the first-generation college students’ families are the internal reason of the double effect. To sum up, the experience and characteristics of the first generation of college students determine intergenerational reinvention that transmits cultural capital, class reinvention that crosses urban-rural boundaries, and upbringing reinvention that values all-round development.
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