网络出版日期: 2023-08-28
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education for All: Why is It Possible and How is It Feasible?
Online published: 2023-08-28
阮平章 , 董辉 , 刘许 . 面向人人的双创教育:何以可能及如何可行[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(9) : 100 -111 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.09.007
Under the strategic layout of education, science, technology and talents, the relationship between education and innovation has been further narrowed. How to meet the demand for innovative talents through the construction of high quality education system has become an urgent proposition. As an important part of the training of innovative talents in colleges and universities, innovation and entrepreneurship education in our country has made great progress, but still faces practical problems such as uneven distribution of opportunities, low overall quality, and poor efficiency of educating people. Creating innovation and entrepreneurship education for everyone is the only choice to help build a powerful education country, adapt to the changes of universities themselves and respond to the technological changes of the times. By reviewing the literature and case data of creativity research and education practice at home and abroad, it is found that “everyone can be creative” is becoming mature in theory and feasible in practice. In view of the future, it is still necessary for colleges and universities to promote the deep popularization of “specialization, innovation and integration” in the education process, create an ecological environment of multi-party collaboration and “create atmosphere”, and at the same time, facilitate the continuous growth of students’ “innovative self”.
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