网络出版日期: 2023-10-27
From Knowledge Sharing to Knowledge Co-creation: A Decentralized View of Knowledge in the Education Metaverse
Online published: 2023-10-27
翟雪松 , 楚肖燕 , 顾建民 , 李艳 , 王会军 . 从知识共享到知识共创:教育元宇宙的去中心化知识观[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2023 , 41(11) : 27 -37 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.11.003
With the advent of Web3.0 era characterized by semantic network and swarm intelligence, educational metaverse have become the exploration topic of future education under the new generation of Internet revolution, which will profoundly affect the future knowledge dissemination and knowledge production in education. Exploring the innovation of knowledge concept in the context of educational metaverse is not only necessary to clarify the connotation of educational metaverse, but also an essential requirement to build a higher quality and more equitable education service system. From the perspective of technology-society interconstructionism, the current research elaborated the decentralised characteristics and technological basis of the education metaverse. Oriented to three realistic problems of cultivating top innovative talents, quality and equitable development of education and education evaluation reform, the study uncovered the technological-social duality of education metaverse from the decentralised concept of knowledge. Combining the technological characteristics and the educational needs of society, the education metaverse effectively empowers decentralised knowledge co-creation in the process of knowledge production, dissemination and application. However, the knowledge concept of the education metaverse is a relative decentralisation, which still requires central institutions to play an appropriate role in the education ecology, classroom teaching and knowledge organization. A rational and critical investigation of the decentralised knowledge concept of the educational metaverse provides a reference for further promoting the high-quality and balanced development of education driven by the “Internet + Education”.
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