网络出版日期: 2024-07-23
Reform of the Concept of “Labor Education” in the Development of “Integration of Education and Labor”
Online published: 2024-07-23
肖绍明 . “教育和生产劳动相结合”发展中 “劳动教育”概念的变革[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(8) : 9 -22 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.08.002
“The integration of education and productive labor” is an important and fundamental principle of Marxist educational theory, which internally regulates the connotation, form and reform of modern labor education. The material production labor and modern education in the integration of education and labor are historical concepts, and their inherent integration decides or makes labor education be the basic connotation and main form of modern education. In the era of intelligent labor, non-material labor has replaced the dominant material productive labor. The “integration of education and labor” has mainly developed into the “internal integration”, “diversified integration”, and “interactive integration” of education such as information education, communication education, and emotional education, and material labor, non-material labor. This is also known as the “deep integration of education and labor”, resulting in a shift towards “non-material labor education” and intelligent education in labor education. The labor education of “deep integration of education and labor” creates subjective and objective conditions for achieving tremendous development of productivity, liberation of labor and the man, realizing self-improvement of labor people and innovation in economy, society, and education; achieving the unity of labor freedom and human freedom as well as presenting the comprehensive development of personal freedom, individual subject, and the mass public. The eternal significance of labor education in the development of “integration of education and labor” lies in that labor is involved in education and educating man, and returning to the essence of “educating people” in labor education while adhering to the methodology of historical materialism and practical materialism.
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