录用日期: 2024-06-27
网络出版日期: 2024-11-22
What Are Discipline Practices: Based on the Perspective of Ontology
Accepted date: 2024-06-27
Online published: 2024-11-22
杨道宇 . 什么是学科实践?——基于本体论视角[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(12) : 73 -81 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.003
Discipline practices are the result of the specialization of the activities of understanding and reforming the world. As a new paradigm of talent cultivation in the era of core competencies, original connotations of disciplinary practices have three dimensions: behavior, cognition and reflection. In the behavioral dimension, discipline practice points to the empirical investigation, which begins with the presentation of real questions based on the real world, with objective facts as the object of experience, with hands-on operations as the basic method, with the direct aim of obtaining first-hand empirical data, and with the basic tenet of service theory construction and engineering design. In the thinking dimension, discipline practice from sciences points to the construction of theoretical thinking aimed at revealing and representing the world as it really is, and its engineering level points to the construction of engineering thinking aimed at designing of transforming the world. In the reflective dimension, discipline practice points to the practice consciousness of the practitioner, who takes his own practice behavior and thought as the object to reflect on himself, improve himself, and motivate himself. It is the organic unity of self-clarity of determining self-practice state, self-criticism of improving self-practice quality, and self-encouragement of motivating self-practice forward.
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