呼唤(calling)是个体对追求目标的内心认同与强烈渴望,实现呼唤能使个体体验到更多的工作意义?个人使命与真实自我?但并非所有呼唤都能实现,曾经本可以选择但又放弃了呼唤的自我对现实自我?职业与生活有何影响?基于假设思维?自我概念和呼唤研究的已有成果,可以发现:(1)基于呼唤的假设自我(counter actual self based on calling, CSC)是与事实自我并行的新构念;(2)CSC对呼唤与假设思维研究具有重要理论贡献;(3)CSC能对个人情感?认知?动机与行为产生直接影响?
Calling is an individual identity and a strong inner desire for the pursuit of one’s goals. Achieving a calling allows an individual to experience the meaning of one’s work, mission and a true self. However, not all callings can be achieved, and what is the impact of the calling which you could have chosen but had to give you’re your self-concept, career and life? Based on the counter factual thinking, self-concept and calling-related researches, this paper argues that: (a) counter factual self based on calling (CSC) is a new construct paralleling actual self; (b) CSC has contributed much to theoretical research of calling and counter-factual thinking; (c) CSC can have direct impact on individual’ emotion, cognition, motivation and behavior.