

  • 朱琳
  • 安徽师范大学组织部,安徽 芜湖 241000

网络出版日期: 2016-07-05



An Investigation of the Types and Causes of College Students’Online Anomie Behavior

  • ZHU Lin

Online published: 2016-07-05




朱琳 . 大学生网络行为失范的类型、成因与对策[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2016 , 34(2) : 88 -95 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2016.02.012


The purposeful social interaction of college students in syber space, that is, the online behavior, is not only a practice, but also a cognitive interaction. In essence, the online behavior of college students is also a kind of social behavior, which has an interactive and close relationship with the realistic morality. With the increasing popularity of the Internet and its stability, the advantage of the Internet era is becoming more prominent. But the anomie of some college students’ online behaviors can never be ignored. Meanwhile, the lack of rational knowledge and moral judgment of misbehaviors online leads them to be deeply stuck. Online anomie behavior of college students has been a major concern in the field of moral researches of college students. It is also a high-risk social issue concerning many aspects, which can exert far-reaching influences. Based on the questionnaire among 1708 college students from 22 universities, 126 educators and 46 parents, this article analyzes four common types of online anomie behavior of college students: violation behavior, infringement behavior, violence behavior and crime behavior. The survey revealed that online violation behaviors existed commonly in Chinese college students, among which the most prominent behaviors were online game addiction, ill information browsing and the abuse of online languages. Meanwhile, this article offers a detailed explanation of the factors leading to the online anomie behavior of college students from internal and external dimensions. The internal dimensions include the misunderstanding of the virtual reality, the excessive worship of the online information technology and the initiatives to deal with the psychological stress. On the other hand, the external dimensions refer to the decline of social collective consciousness, the absence of norms, and the relative backwardness of the ideological and political education and management of college online. Higher educational institutions are the major places where moral education is carried out for college students. This education plays a critical role in cultivating college students’ online behaviors and their moral qualities. Thus, moral educators in higher education institutions should adapt actively to the new requirements for college education in the Internet era and introduce some intervention measures, such as guiding the self-strengthening of college students’ compliance awareness, intensifying the role of moral educators, innovating the methods of moral education, improving college students’ online environment and implementing evaluation system of college students’ online behaviors, etc.
