

  • 北京师范大学中国教育创新研究院,北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心,北京师范大学化学学院,北京师范大学生命科学学院,北京师范大学心理学院,北京 100875

网络出版日期: 2016-07-26

Research Design of EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE: Global Experience of Developing 21st Century Skills and Competencies

  • 1, China Education Innovation Institute, Beijing Normal University; 2. China Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment toward Basic Education Quality; 3. College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University; 4. College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University; 5. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
LIU Jian1,2WEI Rui3,1LIU Cheng4,1LIU Xia5 FANG Tanxiang1 Chris Tan1

Online published: 2016-07-26


北京师范大学中国教育创新研究院受世界教育创新峰会(World Innovation Summit for Education,WISE)的委托,梳理与总结全球21世纪核心素养教育的实施经验。该研究围绕4个核心问题展开:提出21世纪核心素养的驱动力,全球主要的素养框架及其要素分析,在课程、教与学、评价等方面的实践案例,政府及社会各界所应建立的支持体系。考虑框架制订者的地域广泛性以及文化与收入水平的多样性等要求,选取了5个国际组织和24个经济体为研究对象。经历研究问题确定、文献检索及分报告撰写、驱动力和素养框架的比较研究、实施经验的案例梳理、反思和提出政策建议等研究过程,完成《面向未来:21世纪核心素养教育的全球经验》研究报告。本刊刊载的4篇文章分别从上述4个研究问题出发整理成。


1,2刘坚;3,1魏锐;4,1刘晟;5刘霞;1方檀香;1陈有义 . 《面向未来:21世纪核心素养教育的全球经验》研究设计[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2016 , 34(3) : 17 -21 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2016.03.002


China Education Innovation Institute of Beijing Normal University (CEII, BNU) was entrusted by World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) to summarize the global experience of developing 21st Century Skills and Competencies. It aims to help policy makers, education leaders and researchers to have a comprehensive understanding of the formulation, connotation and implementation of 21st Century Competencies around the world. International organizations or economies use various terms to describe the educational goals. For the purpose of the current study we use the term “21st Century Skills and Competencies” or “21rst Century Competencies”. A competency is, therefore, a broader concept that may comprise skills, attitudes and knowledge. The study has four aims: (a) to identify the driving forces behind these competencies, (b) to analyze the elements and structures of the frameworks, (c) to investigate the implementation of the frameworks in education, and (d) to discuss necessary support from government and communities. Finally, suggestions are put forward based on the above analysis. Official publications on the frameworks of 21st Century Competencies by five international organizations and 24 countries or regions have been reviewed. The frameworks represent organizations or economies from six different continents. The inclusion of more economies from Asia, Africa and South America in this study presents more substantive research findings, compared with previous studies focusing on Europe or America. The economies are at different stages of their development. Besides, the inclusion of middleincome economies may be a meaningful expansion of previous studies. The research process includes defining the terms, identifying the research questions, selecting research subjects, reviewing literature and writing the report, suggesting strategies to promote, develop and apply these competencies, etc. As the outcome of this study, the report EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE: Global Experience of Developing 21st Century Skills and Competencies was published in this journal, together with four research papers centered around the four aims. The papers are: (a) Driving Forces under the Construction of 21st Century Competencies, (b) Analysis of 21st Century Competencies and Frameworks, (c) Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, and Assessment for 21st Century Competencies, (d) Supporting 21st Century Competencies education. We conclude this study with some issues worthy of further study, e. g, what competencies are needed today and in the future and how they can be cultivated? The traditional Chinese philosophy (e.g. dealing with changes with changelessness) could offer alternative perspectives on these issues. On the one hand, it requires considering whether there are some core competencies based on children’s cognitive development. Moreover, the wholeperson development is not simply a total of these competencies. Therefore it’s essential to explore the connotation of a “whole person” and the way to cultivate such a person.

