麦克·扬是世界课程社会学的奠基人,他早期提出了知识及学校制度的"社会建构性"和"有权者的知识"(the knowledge of the powerful)的概念;此后,随着他对世界各国教育改革的发展尤其是对英国及南非课程改革的关注,他转向了对"强有力的知识"(powerful knowledege)的研究。围绕着从"有权者的知识"到"强有力的知识"的转变过程,张建珍和许甜发起了与麦克·扬关于课程知识观转型的对话。
文雯,许甜,谢维和.(2016). 把教育带回来——麦克·扬对社会建构主义的超越与启示.教育研究, (3), 155-159.
张建珍,许甜,大卫·兰伯特.(2015). 论麦克·扬的"强有力的知识".清华大学教育研究, (6), 53-60.
Bernstein, B.(1999). Vertical and Horizontal Discourse: An Essay. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 20(2), 157-173.
Karpov, Y. V., Heywood, H. C. (1998). Two Ways to Elaborate Vygotsky's Concept of Mediation: Implications for Instruction. American Psychologist, 53(3), 27-36.
Young, M., Muller, J.(2010). Three Educational Scenarios for the Future: Lessons from the Sociology of Knowledge. European Journal of Education, (1), 11-27.
Young, M., Muller, J.(2016). Curriculum and the Specialization of Knowledge. New York: Routledge,37-48.
Young, M., Lambert, D., Roberts, C., et al. (2014). Knowledge and the Future School: Curriculum and Social Justice.London: Bloomsbury.