Girls in mainland China are getting more offers from universities and colleges than boys in re-cent years. It's believed that the given subjects and contents in College Entrance Examination are important contributing factors. This study attempts to answer the two questions:a) is gender gap discrimination power stable in recent years? b) is gender ratio of college admission determined mainly by gender gap in academic a-chievement? sample 3,160 high school students from Shanghai, Shandong, Zhejiang and Hunan participated in the study. Their scores in Mathematics, Chinese and English, together with the test items of National Col-lege Entrance Examination in the year 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014 were collected and analyzed. Gender gaps were calculated, and hence the stability of gender gap discrimination power across the years. The results show:a) gender gap discrimination power is not stable; b) many of the academic achievement gender gaps are small; c) gender ratio of college admission is determined mainly by participants' gender ratio and general admission rates.
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