

  • 1. 巴西公民和社会行动部, 巴西;
    2. 陕西师范大学教育实验经济研究所, 西安 710119

网络出版日期: 2019-05-21



Home Visiting Program and Public Policies for the Early Childhood Development: Lessons from Brazil

  • 1. Ministry of civil and social action of Brazil;
    2. Center for Experimental Economics in Eucation, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China

Online published: 2019-05-21


在整个生命周期中,生命系统的早期奠定了生物有机体各方面内外功能的基础,是大脑可塑性最强的时期。相较于后期的投资,生命早期的投资具有最高的社会回报。世界各国已经意识到制定儿童早期发展政策的重要性。处于中等收入水平的巴西政府作为大力推动儿童早期发展项目的先行者之一,发起了一个具有开拓性的儿童早期发展项目——PIM(Primeira Infancia Melhor或Better Early Childhood)项目,之后在该项目的基础上又启动了一项全国性的儿童早期发展项目,即"快乐儿童项目"(Programme Crianca Feliz),并承诺为该项目提供大量资金的保证,成立专门的政府部门来资助和推广这个项目。巴西政府在早期儿童发展项目上,有着长达15年的项目经验及与之相关的公共政策经验,特别是其入户模式的项目经验以及全国各州政府部门的跨部门协作方式和经验值得关注。具体来说,可以概括为以下三点:第一,国家和地方政府的联盟。这种联盟是基于地方的具体特点和需要,由国家长期提供技术和财政资助,然后通过行动的协调来取得项目预期的结果。同时,与多边机构加强合作,促进成功经验在特定领域内的交流和传播,从而强化干预方案。第二,社区参与的关键性。社区参与能够促进家庭的参与,促进人们对儿童早期发展的认识,并且建立一个共同努力的网络。第三,家庭的核心性。家庭是儿童早期发展项目实施成功的核心要素,充分重视以家庭为核心的项目实施导向。


奥斯马尔·特拉, 汤蕾, 李英, 郑文廷, 史耀疆 . 儿童早期发展入户项目和公共政策:巴西经验[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2019 , 37(3) : 134 -148 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.03.012


The beginning of living systems sets the stage for every aspect of an organism's internal and external functioning throughout the lifespan and is the period when the brain has the greatest plasticity. Early childhood investments have the highest individual and social returns compared to later investments. Countries around the world have recognized the importance of establishing public policies for early childhood development (ECD). Among the middle-income countries, Brazil is one of the pioneers in such policies. Brazilian government launched a pioneering ECD program, PIM program, followed by a national ECD program, the Happy Child Program, and has set up a dedicated government department to fund and promote the program. This paper summarizes the lessons learned from Brazilian government's 15 years of experience in ECD projects, particularly its experiences in the home-visiting and the cross-sectoral collaboration. Specifically, there are three pillars for the program. First, the alliance of national and local governments. Such alliances are based on specific local characteristics and needs, with the long-term technical and financial support from the state, and through coordination of actions. The cross-sectoral collaboration strengthens the program by promoting the exchange and dissemination of successful experiences in specific areas. Second, community participation is critical. Community involvement promotes family involvement, awareness of the importance of ECD, and a network of joint efforts. Third, the family is the core element of the successful implementation of ECD projects.


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