

  • 李淼云 ,
  • 宋乃庆 ,
  • 盛雅琦
  • 1. 西南大学数学与统计学院, 重庆 400715;
    2. 西南大学基础教育研究中心, 重庆 400715;
    3. 中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心西南大学分中心, 重庆 400715

网络出版日期: 2019-07-22



Class-based Teaching:A Multilevel Analysis of the Effects of Interpersonal Perception on Student Learning Interest

  • Li Miaoyun ,
  • Song Naiqing ,
  • Sheng Yaqi
  • 1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China;
    2. Research Center for Basic Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China;
    3. Southwest University Branch Center, National Collaborative Innovation Center ofBasic Education Assessment, Chongqing 400715, China

Online published: 2019-07-22




李淼云 , 宋乃庆 , 盛雅琦 . “因班施教”:课堂人际知觉对学生学习兴趣影响的多水平分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2019 , 37(4) : 94 -103 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.04.009


As an important factor influencing student learning interest, classroom interpersonal perception is helpful to explore the development of student learning interest from the perspective of class teaching. With a sample of 1,048 students in Grade 4-6 from Chongqing districts, a multilevel structural equation model was employed to examine the impact of classroom interpersonal perception on student learning interest both from the student level and class level simultaneously. The perception involves four dimensions:teacher engagement, student-teacher relationship, peer collaboration and peer engagement. Results indicated that students' perception of teacher engagement and student-teacher relationship showed significant positive effects on the individual students, whereas students' perception in student engagement and peer collaboration showed significant positive effects both on individual students and the whole class. Therefore, class-based teaching should be strengthened to develop student learning interest by improving the effects of student factors at the class-level, which helps to transform the views in student interest development.


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