The research deals with whether lifting a restriction on classroom space and empowering students can ensure students' active and autonomous learning. It's conducted through video-clued subjects' interview, fieldwork and action research. The findings indicated that while teachers' power is surplus, students' images of "school desk dwelling", "sunflower" and "hidden resistance" will come out, which makes it imperative to dispel teachers' power. However, when teachers empower their students and change the classroom structure, the students present their images of passive learning, images like "changers of study rules", "mindless parrots of instruction" and "not-good-at-cooperating disbanded soldiers", which means that space structure and power are not the only factors restricting students' selfhood. Finally, when teachers further change classroom space structure, downshift power and apply educational guide, the students' new image of "idea-willingly-sharer" is unfolded. It's suggested that the mission of contemporary classroom teaching reform is not just deconstructing class space structure and empowering students but also placing higher requirements on teachers' value guidance. Only in this way can students' spiritual space be enriched and enhanced.
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