The ability of coping with public crises is an important consideration for measuring the modernization level of education governance. Systematically, there are three links of action paradigm in education’s response to public crisis: execution and introspection and a six-dimensional action scale: professional degree, recognition degree, synergy degree, innovation degree, awareness degree and promotion degree. In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 crisis, education encounters challenges in design, execution and introspection, such as the consensus crisis like “keeping on studying while schools are closed”, the absence of cognition and ability of online teaching and the lack of imagination of “epidemic education”. In the post epidemic era,to improve the ability of coping with public crises, it's necessary to build a normalized public crisis response mechanism, establish a timely public crisis information communication mechanism and a diversified public crisis governance participation mechanism. Also it's important to implement a precise improving mechanism of online-education quality, develop a multidimensional public crisis reflection mechanism and implement a capacity building mechanism of progressive public crisis.
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