PISA 2018

PISA 2018中国四省市学生阅读素养研究新发现

  • 陈纯槿
  • 华东师范大学教育学部, 上海 200062

网络出版日期: 2020-05-15

New Findings in Reading Literacy Assessment among Students in the Four Provinces/Municipalities of China in PISA 2018

  • Chen Chunjin
  • Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Online published: 2020-05-15


青少年阅读素养的形成与发展受到先赋性因素与自致性因素的共同影响,但对于先赋性因素与自致性因素影响效应的异质性的研究近乎阙如。基于我国北京、上海、江苏和浙江四省市学生参加的国际学生评估项目(PISA 2018)测试数据,本研究运用夏普里值分解方法、分位数回归模型以及结构方程模型,考察比较先赋性因素与自致性因素对我国四省市学生阅读素养的影响,进而对这两类因素的影响效应进行异质性检验。研究发现:(1)家庭经济社会文化背景、性别等先赋性因素对我国四省市学生阅读素养的影响总体上低于阅读元认知策略、自我教育期望等自致性因素。运用有效的阅读元认知策略、抱持较高的自我教育期望以及强烈的阅读兴趣,是我国四省市学生阅读素养表现卓越的三个关键要素。(2)家庭经济社会文化背景对学生阅读素养的影响在不同教育阶段、不同性质学校及不同地区存在异质性,表现为家庭背景对初中阶段、全日制普通中学、城市的学生阅读素养成绩产生更大的边际影响。(3)阅读元认知策略、阅读兴趣等自致性因素对高中阶段、职业中学、农村的学生阅读素养表现更为重要。(4)家庭经济社会文化背景对不同分位数上的学生阅读素养的影响呈“两端低、中间高”的特征,特别是对于50分位数上的学生阅读素养的影响最大。(5)相较于阅读理解与记忆策略和阅读信息概述策略,阅读信息评鉴策略对低分位点上的学生阅读素养有更强烈的正向影响。(6)沉迷数字阅读抑或纸质阅读频率过高都不是最有效的阅读方式,纸质阅读与数字阅读频率相当的阅读方式更有利于提高学生阅读素养,而且后者显著降低了因家庭背景不同而导致的阅读素养成绩差异。上述发现表明提高我国青少年阅读素养的关键在于结合学生背景特征制定多样化的阅读能力培养方式和提升策略,重点培养青少年在阅读元认知策略上的运用能力,加强家校合作育人共同体建设,引导青少年树立积极的自我教育期望,激发学生自主参与阅读的兴趣,促进数字阅读与纸质阅读的深度融合。


陈纯槿 . PISA 2018中国四省市学生阅读素养研究新发现[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2020 , 38(5) : 22 -62 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.05.002


Adolescents’ reading literacy is affected by both ascribed and self-achieved characteristics,while the research on the heterogeneity effects of the ascribed and self-achieved factors is insufficient. Based on the data from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in the four provinces/municipalities of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in 2018, this paper used the methods of Shapley value decomposition, quantile regression model, and structural equation model, aimed to examine the impact of ascribed and self-achieved factors on students’ reading literacy. The study finds that: (1) the effect of ascribed factors on the students’ reading literacy is significantly lower than the self-achieved factors. Using effective reading meta-cognitive strategies, keeping positive self-expectations and strong enjoyment of reading are the key elements of higher reading performance of students in the four provinces/municipalities of China. (2) The impact of family background on students’ reading literacy is heterogeneous at different stages of education, different types of schools, and different regions. (3) Self-achieved factors such as meta-cognitive strategies and reading enjoyment are more significant for students’ reading performance in upper secondary level, vocational schools, and rural areas. (4) The effects of family background on students’ reading literacy in different quantiles is lower at both ends and higher at the middle, especially for students in the 50th quantile who have the greatest influence on reading literacy. (5) Compared to understanding and remembering strategies and summarizing strategies, assess credibility strategies had a higher positive effect on students’ reading literacy in low quantiles. (6) Obsessed with digital reading or paranoid about printed reading is not the most effective reading habit. Read books equally often in paper format and on digital devices were more conducive to improving students’ reading literacy, and significantly reduced the effects of family background. These findings indicate that the key to improving adolescents’ reading literacy lies in cultivating adolescents to grasp diversified meta-cognitive strategies, strengthen the construction of communities with home-school cooperation, and promote the deep integration of digital reading and printed reading.


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