

  • 陆根书 ,
  • 李丽洁
  • 西安交通大学 陕西西安 710049

网络出版日期: 2020-11-16



The Questionnaire Design and Basic Characteristics of Undergraduates’ Course Experience: A Survey of 2018 Graduates in Shaanxi Province

  • Lu Genshu ,
  • Li Lijie
  • Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Xi’an 710049, China

Online published: 2020-11-16


学生课程学习经历是衡量教学质量的重要指标。本研究在Craig McInnis 等人编制的课程学习经历调查问卷(简称CEQ)的基础上,结合我们自主设计的“大学数学课堂学习环境调查问卷”(简称UMCEQ),基于输入-过程-产出三个环节,设计了陕西高校毕业生课程学习经历调查问卷,并应用该问卷对陕西省高校2018届全体本科毕业生进行了调查。对调查数据的分析结果表明,该问卷的效度和信度较好,能够对陕西本科毕业生的课程学习经历进行科学、有效、可靠的测量,可以作为高校教学质量评价的一个有效工具。如果将毕业生感知的课程学习经历各维度得分转换为百分制成绩,则陕西高校本科毕业生对学习资源、课程组织、良好教学、独立自主性四个维度的感知处于及格水平,对学生支持、清晰的目标与标准、学习共同体、适当负担、适当评价、智慧激发和毕业生质量等七个维度的感知居于中等水平,与当前我国建设一流本科教育的愿景相比存在较大差距。不同性别、专业与学校层次的本科毕业生感知的课程学习经历存在显著差异。因此,要优化大学生的课程学习经历、提高本科教育教学质量,应根据学生的性别、就读专业与学校特征,采取有针对性的措施。


陆根书 , 李丽洁 . 大学生课程学习经历:测量工具设计与基本特征分析——基于陕西高校2018届本科毕业生调查数据的分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2020 , 38(11) : 78 -89 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.11.006


Undergraduates’ course experience is a key indicator of teaching quality. Based on Course Experience Questionnaire complied by McInnis and other researchers, we designed the Shaanxi Graduates’ Course Experience Questionnaire with the model of presage process and product (3P model) by combining self-developed “the University Mathematics Classroom Environment Questionnaire (UMCEQ)” and applied it to investigate all the graduates in Shaanxi Province of 2018. The analysis of the survey data showed that the questionnaire performed well in validity and reliability, and can be used to measure graduates’ course experience in Shaannxi scientifically, effectively and reliably. Hence, it is an effective measurement to evaluate the teaching quality. And if we marked graduates’ score different dimensions of course experiences in percentage grading system, then their perceptions reached the passing level in four dimensions (Learning Resources, Course Organization, Good Teaching,Independence) and reached medium level in seven other dimensions (Student Support, Clear Goals and Standards, Learning Community, Appropriate Workload, Appropriate Assessment, Intellectual Motivation and Graduate Qualities). Based on what we’ve found, we are still facing some challenges in pursuing the first-class undergraduate education. In addition, graduates’ course experiences are significantly different considering their backgrounds like gender, major, and institutional level. Therefore, targeted measures should be taken to optimize undergraduates’ course experience and improve education quality of regular colleges according to undergraduates’ gender, major and institutional level.


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