Poor families are unable to get rid of poverty and return to poverty due to the lack of cultural and human capital. Promoting the development of rural education and increasing the cultural and human capital of poor families is an effective way to get rid of poverty and block the intergenerational transmission, which has fundamental and long-term effects. The empirical analysis on the economic and educational development of peasant households in the core areas of the north-west poverty-stricken areas reveals that the income/consumption structure is single, that the economic burden of investment in education is heavy, and that the increasing educational level of peasant households members will obviously promote the benefit of peasant households economic development. Poor families have weak potential for sustained development of human resources, and the problem of population aging is severe. There are obvious differences between the development of poor families and that of non-poor families. There is a high demand for specific education to get rid of poverty, and the distribution is more concentrated. We need to combine the way of economical poverty alleviation and educational poverty alleviation, accelerate the inclusive reform of rural education, carry out the program of “Education Moving Down”, push education into the peasant households and provide targeted service.
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