

  • 荀渊
  • 华东师范大学高等教育研究所 上海 200062

网络出版日期: 2021-07-02

The Historical Narrative of Founding of the University of Berlin and Humboldt’s Educational Concept

  • Yuan Xun
  • Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 China

Online published: 2021-07-02




荀渊 . 关于柏林大学创建与洪堡教育观念的历史叙事[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2021 , 39(7) : 62 -71 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.07.006


Based on an outline of basic facts about foundation of the Humboldt University of Berlin drawing from multiple historical narrative texts, this article critically analyzes some historical narratives such as suspecting of status and role of Humboldt on establishing the Berlin University, construction and deconstruction of “Humboldt myth”, and points out that the establishment of the Berlin University is the result of collective consensus reached and put into collective action by the educated intellectuals of Germany represented by Humboldt on the establishment of a new university that embodies the German spirit, morality and cultural mission. The various historical narratives about Humboldt’s founding of the University of Berlin and his educational concepts, although all of them are one-sided in constructing the whole from parts, reflect the construction, reflection, and criticism of modern university values in the two dimensions of cognition and politics by German intellectuals in different eras.


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