

  • 祁占勇 ,
  • 杜越
  • 陕西师范大学教育学部,西安 710062

网络出版日期: 2022-01-20

What is a Good Evaluation of the Effect of Education Policy

  • Zhanyong Qi ,
  • Yue Du
  • School of Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062

Online published: 2022-01-20




祁占勇 , 杜越 . 什么是好的教育政策执行效果的评估[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(2) : 29 -42 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.02.003


The evaluation of the implementation effect of education policy is the basic guarantee for the orderly operation of education policy activities and even the education system. A good evaluation of the implementation effect of education policy is not only the fundamental way to achieve the goals of the education policy, but also an important measure to strengthen the operation and implementation of the education policy. Besides, it is the basis for “reengineering education policy” or “producing new education policy”. The evaluation of the implementation effect of education policy is an activity, where the subject of evaluation, based on certain value standards, uses specific ways and methods to describe the facts and value judgments of the impact of educational policy implementation activities on the social system elements in the policy target area, and feedback in the policy cycle. It involves complicated stakeholders, ambiguous and extensive goals, unstable and uncertain processes, limitations of methods, and feedback of results. The current evaluation of the implementation effect of China’s education policy has problems such as the lack of theoretical research, and the evaluation horizon is stuck in the empirical paradigm. Also, the evaluation method and technology are single; the professionalism of the evaluation activities need to be improved; and the feedback and utilization of the evaluation results are inefficient. Based on this, a good evaluation of the implementation effect of education policy needs to be reconstructed from the following aspects. The evaluation standard adheres to the unity of facts and values; the indicator system takes into account the multiple elements and linkage coordination; the evaluation methods and technologies are practical, and the results of the evaluation emphasize both analysis and feedback application. In this way, the phenomenon of policy vacancy, policy suspension, and policy failure in the implementation of education policy should be minimized or disappear.


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