录用日期: 2021-11-10
网络出版日期: 2022-01-20
Starting Line Competition: An Analysis of the First Time for Primary and Secondary School Students to Participate in Extracurricular Tutoring—— An Empirical Study Supporting the Implementation of the “Double Reduction” Policy
Accepted date: 2021-11-10
Online published: 2022-01-20
“双减”政策的有效落实需要精准识别学生选择参与课外补习的深层原因,研究我国中小学生首次参与课外补习时间能够为疏解家长和学生的课外补习需求提供实证依据。本文基于2017中国教育财政家庭调查(CIEFR-HS 2017)数据,采用生存分析的方法,对我国中小学生首次参与课外补习时间进行了刻画,探讨了家庭社会经济背景对学生首次参与课外补习时间的影响。研究发现:(1)我国中小学生大多数参加过课外补习,且许多学生在较低年级就参加了课外补习。(2)我国中小学生首次参与学科类课外补习时间明显早于兴趣类课外补习,随着年级的升高这一差异更为凸显。(3)城乡地区和不同阶层家庭的学生首次参与课外补习时间存在显著差异,但这种差异随着学段的上升而逐渐缩小。(4)家庭社会经济背景对学生首次参与课外补习时间有显著正影响,家庭社会经济背景越好的学生首次参与学科类和兴趣类课外补习时间均越早,但这种差异随着学生学段的上升而减小。“双减”政策背景下,建议政府进一步提高学校教育质量和校内课后服务品质,更好满足家长和学生对个性化教育的需求;重点照顾弱势阶层家庭,为学习成绩较差的弱势阶层学生提供校内学业辅导帮助;引导家长理性选择课外补习,客观辩证地审视课外补习对学生发展的影响。
薛海平 , 师欢欢 . 起跑线竞争:我国中小学生首次参与课外补习时间分析——支持“双减”政策落实的一项实证研究[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(2) : 71 -89 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.02.006
The effective implementation of the “Double Reducation” policy needs to accurately identify the deep-seated reasons why students choose to participate in extracurricular tutoring. Studying the time when primary and secondary school students participate in extracurricular tutoring for the first time can provide an empirical basis for relieving the extracurricular tutoring needs of parents and students. Based on the data of the 2017 China Institute for Educational Finance Research-Household Survey (CIEFR-HS 2017), this paper uses the method of survival analysis to describe primary and secondary school students’ first-time participation in extracurricular tutoring, and discusses the impact of family socio-economic background on the survival time of students’ first-time participation in extracurricular tutoring. This paper finds that, first, most of the primary and secondary school students in China have participated in extracurricular tutoring, and many of them have participated in extracurricular tutoring relatively early. Second, the time of primary and secondary school students who participate in extracurricular tutoring of subjects for the first time is significantly earlier than that of interest classes, and the difference is more prominent with the increase of grade. Third, there is a significant difference in the first time students from urban and rural and different social classes participate in extracurricular tutoring, but the difference gradually reduces with the increase of school period. Fourth, family socio-economic status has a significant positive impact on the time of students’ first participation in extracurricular tutoring. Students with better family socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to participate in extracurricular tutoring earlier, but this difference decreases with the increase of students’ learning period. In the context of “Double Reduction” policy, it is suggested that the government should continue to improve the quality of elementary education to meet the needs of parents and students for individualized education. Besides, it's important to provide academic counseling for disadvantaged students with poor academic performance, and provide subsidies for the students of vulnerable groups with poor academic performance. Also, it’s important to guide parents to choose extracurricular tutoring rationally, as well as objectively and dialectically examine the impact of extracurricular tutoring on the development of students.
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