A Study on the Willingness of Regional Education Administrators to Integrate Online Teaching into Normal Teaching and its Influencing Factors: Investigation and Research Report V on Online Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools in Jiangsu Province
Online published: 2022-03-29
柏宏权 , 王姣阳 , 沈书生 . 区域教育管理者对在线教学融入常态教学的意愿及其影响因素研究——江苏省中小学在线教学调查研究报告之五[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(4) : 77 -89 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.04.006
Online teaching has played an important role during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how to integrate online teaching into normal teaching after the epidemic has become a hot issue in the field of education. Education administrators play a key role in leading the implementation of online teaching, so it is of great significance to pay attention to their willingness to support the integration of online teaching into normal teaching and its influencing factors. This study, based on the large-scale online teaching survey authorized by Jiangsu Education Department, uses the technology acceptance model and the expectation confirmation model to constructed a willingness model that affects the regional education managers to support the integration of online teaching in normal teaching. Through the investigation of education administrators in various urban areas of Jiangsu Province, it was found that the education administrators generally supported the integration of online teaching in normal teaching. In terms of specialty differences, the education administrators of art and sports majors have the lowest integration intention. In terms of regional differences, the education administrators with low integration intention concentrated in the municipal districts (not the main urban areas) and the areas with low frequency of online teaching in pre-epidemic areas. In terms of influencing factors, satisfaction, performance expectation and effort expectation all have a significant positive impact on the willingness of regional education administrators to support the integration of online teaching into normal teaching, and satisfaction has the greatest impact.
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