录用日期: 2022-01-12
网络出版日期: 2022-05-31
Research on the Influence Mechanism of the Turnover Intention of Rural Preschool Teachers under the Background of Rural Revitalization: Analysis of a Moderated Mediation Model
Accepted date: 2022-01-12
Online published: 2022-05-31
王涛 , 李梦琢 , 刘善槐 , 张雪 . 乡村振兴背景下农村幼儿教师离职倾向的影响机制研究——基于有调节的中介效应分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(6) : 82 -96 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.06.006
Stabilizing the teachers team is the key to the development of rural preschool education in the context of rural revitalization strategy. By using the work stress scale, work apathy scale and the turnover intention scale, this study investigated 3 790 rural preschool teachers in 22 counties(cities) of 10 provinces and analyzed the influence mechanism of work stress and work apathy on turnover intention. The results show that work stress can significantly predict teachers’ turnover intention. Work apathy plays an intermediary role between work stress and turnover intention, and the indirect effect is larger than the direct effect. The authorized staff status can regulate the mediating effect of work stress on turnover intention and work apathy. A combination of measures should be taken to alleviate the turnover intention of preschool teachers in rural areas, including keeping the workload at a reasonable level, improving the comprehensive treatment of preschool teachers in rural areas, creating a friendly organizational climate and increasing the supply of preschool teachers who have authorized staff status in rural areas.
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