

  • 郝祥军 ,
  • 贺雪
  • 华东师范大学教育信息技术系,上海 200062

录用日期: 2022-05-30

  网络出版日期: 2022-08-24



The Game and Integration between AI and Human in Knowledge Production and its Enlightenment to Education

  • Xiangjun Hao ,
  • Xue He
  • Department of Educational Information Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Accepted date: 2022-05-30

  Online published: 2022-08-24




郝祥军 , 贺雪 . AI与人类智能在知识生产中的博弈与融合及其对教育的启示[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(9) : 78 -89 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.09.008


Since making stone tools, humans have been committed to using tools to liberate themselves. As an artificial technology tool, artificial intelligence has entered many fields of society and participated in human knowledge production activities. It is gradually sharing the physical and even mental labor of human and showing strong characteristics of autonomy. Therefore, humans and artificial intelligence are bound to engage in a “game” to maintain their own subjectivity. This paper analyzes the current situation of artificial intelligence participating in knowledge production activities from three aspects: the change of the subject of knowledge production, the change of the methods of knowledge production and the change of the form of knowledge presentation, and analyzes the characteristics and differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence based on this. It is believed that the game between artificial intelligence and human intelligence will move towards the “handshake and reconciliation” between human and machine under the trend of high division of labor, turning “zero-sum” into “win-win”, and reaching a new stage of development through external man-machine cooperation and internal man-machine intelligence integration. Finally, artificial intelligence reconstructs the knowledge production process, which changes the society’s demand for talents, and also causes the thinking on education. The study summarizes three points of inspiration to discuss the focus of future education.


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