Evidence-Base: A New Tendency in the Empirical Educational Research of the EU

  • YU Ke ,
  • CHEN Dan ,
  • ZHAO Shuai
  • 1. National Base for International Education Research, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;
    2. Center for Research on Education and School Development, TU Dortmund, Dortmund 44227, Germany;
    3. Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, Shanghai 201620, China

Online published: 2017-05-16


European Union as well as its member countries, has already shifted the research focus to the relationship between policymaking and the educational/pedagogical practice. This Shift is impelled by evidence. Admittedly, it breeds evidence-based education under such a condition and is boosted by International Large Scale Assessment in Education. Then further the particular Education Monitoring System, which consists of three aspects, incorporating external evaluation of schools, internal evaluation of schools as well as student achievement evaluation in each member countries of EU is formulated. However, research project named "Leadership, Improvement for Student Achievement", 2007 initiated by European Union, could provide vividly an example. The greatest benefit from such a project only belongs to win-win in interactions among such three elements.In other words, the goal for win-win is going to be achieved only by the interactions of education research, education policy alongside teaching practice through the Evidence-base. Evidence-base marks undoubtedly a new tendency in the empirical education research of the European Union. Three inspirations are obtained from this tendency. First of all, the evidence sharing, which aim is formulating an evidence sharing mechanism for education research and education practice alongside education administration. Second, institution co-constructing, which is mainly for generating new knowledge, method and ideal of the Evidence-base, and further promoting productivity of education evidence and enforceability of education policy alongside the creativity of teaching practice.Third, win-win in values, whose focus is predominantly on the from the Evidence-base conceived vitality. Whilst such vitality not only demonstrated the win-win in the European valueson the part of EU education, but also in regenerating of the education values from the EU aspect.

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YU Ke , CHEN Dan , ZHAO Shuai . Evidence-Base: A New Tendency in the Empirical Educational Research of the EU[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences), 2017 , 35(3) : 142 -149+173+174 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.03.015


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