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    20 July 2018, Volume 36 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Dual Priority: China's Model for Modernizing Education -For the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up
    YUAN Zhenguo
    2018, 36 (4):  1-17+162.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.001
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    China has achieved sustained economic growth, thanks to its great policy decision to reform and open up forty years ago. Meanwhile, persistent efforts have been made in China to pursue education mod-ernization. All this has contributed to the unprecedented education development, consolidating a population of nearly 1. 4 billion into a powerful human resource-centered nation and creating favorable interaction with social and economic development. In this study, we sought to answer how these achievements were gained and how the interaction came about. Also, we revealed that the greatest secret to China's education development was its dual priority model (DPM), whereby the government prioritized education development, which in turn fo-cused predominantly on promoting national development. Furthermore, we examined the background, charac-teristics, reasons, and mechanisms of the DPM.
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    Learner-Centered Education for Sustainable Development: The Academic and Policy Implication of Research on China College Student Learning
    SHI Jinghuan, WANG Wen
    2018, 36 (4):  18-27+162.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.002
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    Quality improvement through learner-centered education is the core of the sustainable develop-ment in higher education. This study is based on a review of some related theories and researches on college student learning and the experience of China College Student Survey (CCSS) over the past decade in educa-tional research and practice. Additionally, a holistic analytical framework of student learning with Chinese characteristics is developed and the policy and academic implications of the study have been discussed in the paper.
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    The Influencing Factors on Global Competency of Youth: Evidence from a Freshman Survey in a Research University
    ZHANG Lei, WEN Wen
    2018, 36 (4):  44-52+162+163.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.004
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    In the era of globalization, it's important for China to cultivate more international talents, es-pecially the international competency of Chinese young people. This research aims to explore the factors af-fecting the teenager's international competency. With over 3,000 freshman from a certain research university as a full sample in a questionnaire survey, OLS linear regression and mediating effect test are used to analyze the influence of family background, employment expectation and experience of senior high school as explana-tory variables on teenagers' international competency. Moreover, this paper attempts to explore whether high-ly competitive middle schools play a mediating role between family background and international competency. According to the results, family background, employment expectation and experience of senior high school significantly affect teenagers' international competency.
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    Reliability of Self-reported Data in College Student Engagement Surveys: Social Desirability Bias in Self-reported Survey
    GUO Fei, ZHAO Lin, LIAN Zhixin
    2018, 36 (4):  53-61+163.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.005
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    Inspired by learner-centered and evidence-based evaluation in higher education quality assur-ance, investigations on college student experience and engagement become increasingly popular in China. However, with self-reported survey as a major instrument, the quality of data collected in such investigations is vulnerable to bias caused by socially desirable responses. Using data from the China College Student Survey (CCSS) in 2014-2016, the authors found that indicators constructed from student self-reported data on learn-ing activities and perceptions are subject to a social desirability response bias of 5-10%, while the bias in ob-jective information reported in the survey (such as GPA) is negligible. What's more, the higher the students' social desirability level, the larger the bias. It's also found that the size of social desirability bias shows its correlation with the content of the question items and indicators. These findings have methodological signifi-cance for quantitative investigations in social sciences. Further, implications for survey instrument develop-ment are discussed.
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    Education, Background and Policy: The Allocation Mechanism of Minority Students' Access to Higher Education
    HUANG Yuheng, SHI Jinghuan
    2018, 36 (4):  62-70+163+164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.006
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    Surveys on minority students' access to higher education tend to involve little pre-college ex-perience and policy data. Based on existing theory and data from the China College Student Survey (CCSS, 2011-2016), this study developed a new framework to analyze minority students' access to higher education. Related factors are grouped into three dimensions:family background, pre-college educational experience and educational policy. Using the higher education stratification mobility rate, logistic regression model and the Sheaf Coefficients, the authors found that, with equal opportunity policy in place, pre-college educational ex-periences are the main factors influencing minority students' access to higher education, especially in elite u-niversities enrollment. Moreover, the lower average level of education an ethnic group received, the less bal-anced level of their access to higher education caused by their parents' occupation differentiation. This means that the influence of family background on access to elite university opportunity is still significant. National education policy can effectively balance the access to elite universities in inhabited and non-inhabited areas of minority.
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    Effect of Practice Learning on Vocational Skills Development in Applied Colleges: An Empirical Analysis Based on CCSS 2016 Survey
    DU Yanqiu, SHI Jinghuan
    2018, 36 (4):  71-78+164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.007
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    In the context of industrial upgrading and institutional transformation, applied colleges attach great importance to practice learning to develop students' vocational skills. Drawing on China College Student Survey (CCSS), this study conducted an empirical analysis of the effect of practice learning on vocational skills development. The findings reveal a significant correlation between practice learning and the dimensions of students' vocational skills. The effect of different links of practice learning on different dimensions of voca-tional skills presents a network structure. Besides, the regression analysis shows that practice learning plays a vital role in general skills and that students' interaction with materials influence their professional quality, ca-reer identity, professional knowledge and skills most.
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    Reconstruction of Educational Justice of Conscience: The Chinese Discourse of Modern Educational Justice
    GAO Wei
    2018, 36 (4):  79-87+164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.008
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    Educational justice is not only a system construction, but also a reconstruction of life value. Conscience is a core category in Chinese traditional culture, which means both universe noumenon and virtue foundation. As a pursuit of universal justice and public reason, the reconstruction of Chinese educational jus-tice is very important to solve modern educational problems. Reconstruction of justice of conscience is a ra-tional awareness of re-thinking China and a direction of transcending modernity. Essentially, the reconstruc-tion of Chinese educational justice theory is a reconstruction of a given perspective of ethics.
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    Love of Wisdom: A Solution to the Educational Philosophy of Socrates' Love
    LIU Tiefang
    2018, 36 (4):  88-94+165.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.009
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    Love of wisdom can be described as the soul of Socrates' educational practice. The art of ed-ucation is about how to inspire individual's soul and change their addiction to fortune or fame to love of wis-dom. Closeness to beauty through friendly interaction can lead to love of wisdom. In guiding individual's love, education needs to be based on one's aspirations, goes beyond physical body and towards love of soul. Friendship, as a form of life, motivates individual's rising love. And it is the companionship of friendship that activates young people's potential love for knowledge and wisdom. The onward individual's soul is a process where the individual self lives their days to the fullest. "Know yourself", as Socrates held, involves the meaning of "be the master of your own" and grow to a sound and complete "self".
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    Empirical Research on Students' Justice Experience in Compulsory Education: A Report Based on the Database of Internal Fairness of School
    LI Xueliang, YANG Xiaowei
    2018, 36 (4):  95-106+165.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.010
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    Students' justice experience is an important factor to evaluate the fairness of school education process. This paper explores the current situation and influencing factors of students' justice experience in compulsory education, utilizing the major projects of Internal Fairness of School from the Faculty of Education of East China Normal University. Conclusions are drawn as follows. First, the overall condition of students' justice experience is at the intermediate level, while there is a big difference of students' justice experience between areas, schools, classes and individuals in the process of education. Second, background factors have a certain influence on students' justice experience, but the process factors are the core factors that influence the students' fair experience, of which equal treatment is the key factor. Finally, some suggestions are made to the government, schools and teachers in this paper.
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    What Happens in Scientific Inquiry in Middle School Classroom: An Empirical Study Based on Multiple Cases
    PEI Xinning, LIU Xinyang
    2018, 36 (4):  107-121+165+166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.011
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    The emerging forms of science education in the world have challenged the ideas and practice of scientific inquiry. However, scientific inquiry, aiming at developing students' scientific understanding by their engaging in science practice, is still the essential approach to science education for the 21st century. From the socio-cultural perspective of learning, and using a cross-culturally contextual thinking, the authors conduct two interrelated sub-studies to track the instructional process of nine middle school science teachers in city W. The study describes the overall features of their inquiry-based science teaching, and demonstrates the underlying process structure and detailed characteristics. Moreover, the study reveals that science classroom in middle schools has the general structure of scientific inquiry process, and the teacher-led collective dialogic inquiry-session has shown positive effect, but at the expense of students' active experience and autonomy gen-erally. For teachers, partial understanding of scientific inquiry, lack of pedagogical strategies and tools to support students' inquiries, as well as external influences from organized evaluating-class and trainings, could possibly impede them to conduct an authentic inquiry-based science teaching.
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    An Analysis of the Development of Students' Ethics of Responsibility in China
    SU Na, SHAN Yuping
    2018, 36 (4):  122-130+166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.012
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    Ethics of responsibility that would emphasize responsibility for the consequences of one's be-havior is absent in current school education. Therefore, it is necessary for schools to strengthen ethics of re-sponsibility education. Based on principles of responsibility, we designed questionnaires to investigate the cur-rent situation of ethics of responsibility education in middle school and high schools from Eastern, Central Chi-na and Western China. Our analysis of the data led us to the four conclusions. First, the overall level of students' responsibility is high. Students' responsibility awareness and behavior are improving grade by grade. However, the level of responsibility, teaching method of responsibility education, and specific approa-ches show significant differences between middle school students, high school students and teachers. Second, internal consistency reliability of the seven dimensions in ethic responsibility is between 0. 8-0. 9. Students tend to undertake responsibilities according to their personal interests. Third, the students' understanding level of future responsibility varies with the academic pressure in different learning phases. Finally, Grade 2 in middle school is the sensitive period for ethics of responsibility education. We therefore suggest that there should be more educational activities, which need to be specific, practical and externally disciplined.
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    An Experimental Study on Performance Pay of Rural Teachers in Northwest China
    CHANG Fang, DANG Yiwei, SHI Yaojiang, LIU Chengfang
    2018, 36 (4):  131-141+167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.013
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    Quality compulsory education plays a crucial role in the development of rural areas in China. The key to quality education is to motivate teachers and guarantee their welfare and interests. The study is based on a survey of 216 schools in rural areas, involving 350 math teachers and 10,768 students, to examine the effect of performance incentive on education quality. In a randomized intervention trial, 237 mathematics teachers and 7,357 students in the sixth grade participated in the first investigation, and 113 mathematics teachers and 3,411 students of the fifth grade participated in the second investigation. The findings show that percentile incentives based on increased students' performance help to encourage teachers to improve their teaching performance. Their students' academic performance was increased by 0. 10 to 0. 15 standard devia-tion, and below-average students show remarkable improvement. The results suggest the percentile incentives based on students' academic performance effectively promote performance of all students. Finally, we put for-ward strategies to improve teacher performance by percentile incentives, which is expected to encourage teach-ers to address the learning needs of all students.
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    Phenomenon of Disciplinization Impulsion in Higher Education
    YAO Yiran
    2018, 36 (4):  142-149+167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.014
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    Disciplinization impulsion refers to the courses or programs, driven by impulsion and appeal, seeking to be recognized as independent disciplines. The impulsion may result from the instinct of organiza-tional expansion and professionals' sense of belonging in the field. On the other hand, it is incurred by the administrative characteristics of China's higher education system. Under the relatively rigid system, disciplin-ization impulsion even leads to the competition among colleges and universities for a higher level of higher ed-ucation. In this context, it is necessary to continue the reform and open policy and stick to the guiding spirit of promoting sustainable development of higher education. In addition, more effective measures should be in place to reduce disciplinization impulsion and promote the healthy development of some weak and marginal disciplines and programs.
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    The Definition of Campus Sexual Harassment and its Legislative Implication
    REN Haitao, SUN Guanhao
    2018, 36 (4):  150-157+168.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.015
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    The increasing sexual harassment on campus has become a widespread legislative and judicial concern. However, there is still no agreed definition of the term sexual harassment in China's academic com-munity and very little has been studied on sexual harassment on campus, which is unfavorable for the intro-duction of related prevention measures. This article argues that a clear definition of sexual harassment on cam-pus is a necessary prerequisite for effective governance. Besides, it should be distinguished from similar con-cepts likes sexual harassment in the workplace, sex violence on campus, and school sex trading. And the con-notation of sexual harassment on campus should be understood in the narrow sense that the knowledge of cam-pus relationship is the most important. Therefore, it should be required that the harassing person's objective behavior exert a substantial impact on sex and a negative impact on the victim. Finally, it is necessary to fur-ther limit the subjective psychology to achieve an accurate definition of sexual harassment on campus. The le-gal definition of this concept can provide theoretical support for relevant legislation and lay a necessary theoret-ical foundation for effective governance of sexual harassment on campus.
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    Tuition Fee Reforms and International Mobility
    2018, 36 (4):  158-161.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.04.016
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