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    20 September 2018, Volume 36 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Review of Educational Institution Change in China (1978-2018): A Text Analysis of Educational Policies and Laws
    FAN Guorui
    2018, 36 (5):  1-19+165.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.001
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    To celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, this paper presents a text analysis to examine the educational institution change and innovation in the setting of the economic, political and social reform in China in the past 40 years. It reviews, summarizes and reflects on the complicated change and innovation process of China's educational institution. The study finds that in the past 40 years of reform and opening-up, the educational institution reform has undergone different stages of development, including the restoration and reconstruction of the educational institution, the comprehensive educational system reform, the experiment of market-based institutional change to promote the educational development, the shift of the educational policy focus from efficiency to equality, and promoting the comprehensive reform in the field of education to accelerate the modernization of the system and capacity of the education governance. This paper is a holistic examination of the change process of China's educational institution, as well as its achievements and pitfalls. This examination helps to offer some implications from a historical perspective for the optimization of the education institution with Chinese characteristics and the new development of China's education in the future.
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    An Empirical Study on Graduates' Employment: Based on 2017 National Survey
    YUE Changjun, BAI Yiping
    2018, 36 (5):  20-32+165+166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.002
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    Based on 2017 placement data from a national survey of 33 higher education institutions in 21 provinces of China, this paper studies the employment of graduates and its influencing factors. The empirical research results show that, first, the overall employment of college graduates in 2017 is relatively stable, with relatively high job-major correlation and job satisfaction. Second, the overall placement rate of college graduates is 84.6%. Compared with the data in 2015, the proportion of graduates who have signed employment agreements is higher, and the proportion of graduates taking advanced studies either domestically or abroad has been significantly increased. Third, when it comes to the locations of employment, graduates still prefer the eastern or other large cities, and enterprises are the most important units employing graduates. Finally, human capital attributes (such as high academic performance, experience of working as a student cadre, a higher degree and career-related certificates) get better return on investment in the labor market. Besides, family background is an important influencing factor, while labor market conditions in different places and industries are also significant determinants of graduates' job-hunting outcomes, starting salary levels and job satisfaction.
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    College Student Internship Participation Patterns and Its Influence on Graduate Employment
    DING Xiaohao, MA Shimei, ZHU Feifei
    2018, 36 (5):  33-41+166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.003
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    In the context of the popularization of higher education, the objective of internship for undergraduate students is no longer limited to applying theory and knowledge learned from the classroom, it also serves as a necessary part to get familiar with the environment for future employment. In this study, we divide internship opportunities into two categories. First, uniform internship means that the internship is arranged uniformly by the university; and second, individual internship means that the internship opportunities are obtained by the individual student. Considering the fact that student participation in both types of internship is common, this study attempts to investigate the status of college student participation in both types of internship, as well as its influence on their employment. The outcome of this research helps to understand the relationship between different types of internship and employment.
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    How Noncognitive Development Affects Chinese Undergraduates' First Job Salary?
    ZHU Hong, ZHANG Yuqing
    2018, 36 (5):  42-50+166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.004
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    In recent years, noncognitive development has played a more important role in research studies on economics of education. In China there is more and more empirical research regarding how noncognitive development affects individual's salaries. Based on a Chinese National Undergraduate Survey conducted by Graduate School of Education, Peking University, this study examines relations between noncognitive development and salaries of college students' first job. The authors find that both cognitive and noncognitive development play significant roles in college students' first job salaries, but the effects of noncognitive development were more remarkable.
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    How College Education Promotes Intergenerational Mobility: An Empirical Study on the Comparison of Graduates' City of Birth, College and Job
    MA Liping, LIU Yanlin
    2018, 36 (5):  51-59+167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.005
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    This paper analyzes how college education promotes intergenerational mobility from the perspective of city level. Using the 2017 national college graduates' employment survey data, it analyzes the direction, rate, level, and influencing factors of college students' intergenerational mobility at city levels of their birth, college and job. The study finds that college education significantly enables students to enter higher-level cities for work than their cities of birth, especially the key universities education and postgraduate education; the lower the level of their birth cities, the higher the proportion and opportunities to enter higher-level cities. Further research reveals that there are mainly two ways in which college education promotes intergenerational mobility:first, college institutions are predominantly located at higher-level cities in China; second, college education increases human capital, which helps college graduates find jobs at higher-level cities.
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    A Trend Study on College Graduates Grass-root Employment: 2003-2017
    JIANG Cheng, ZHANG Sisi
    2018, 36 (5):  60-70+167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.006
    Abstract ( 351 )   HTML ( 39 )   PDF (1359KB) ( 978 )   Save
    Based on the statistical data of eight sample surveys of college graduates conducted by the Institute of Economics of Education of Peking University in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017, this study aims to describe the situation and trends of college graduates grass-root employment. It has summarizes seven characteristics and trends of primary employment of college graduates in China, and provides some corresponding policy implications.
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    Extended Compulsory Education and Reforms in Basic Education: Evidence from PISA 2015 Survey
    CHEN Chunjin, GU Xiaoqing
    2018, 36 (5):  71-82+167+168.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.007
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    Drawing on the test data from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2015, this paper attempts to examine the impact of extended compulsory education on the development of basic education from an international perspective. Duration of compulsory education is one of the key indicators to measure the development level of compulsory education. Compared with the age of enrollment, the stipulations of the years of compulsory education are quite different. Based on the analysis of survey data, it is found that extending compulsory education to 12 years had the greatest positive effect on students' science, mathematics and reading literacy scores, while admission age at 6 had significant and positive effect on students' literacy. Among the countries and economies whose cumulative expenditure per student is under USD 50,000, higher spending on education is significantly associated with higher student achievement.
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    Three-step Strategy of Integrating Pre-school Year Education into Compulsory Education: A Perspective of Educational Funding
    CUI Haili, HUANG Zhongjing, LI Yichao
    2018, 36 (5):  83-93+168.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.008
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    Based on the assumption of integrating pre-school year education into compulsory education,the paper proposes a three-step strategy to implement this policy. First, the rural areas in the central and western China will take the lead in implementing pre-school compulsory education in 2020. Second, in 2025, midwest regions and rural areas in eastern China will include pre-school year education into compulsory education. And third, pre-school compulsory education will be achieved all over China in 2030. Meanwhile, drawing on the measured results of urban and rural school-age population of preschool education in different provinces in different years,we measure the required educational fund in achieving pre-school year compulsory education at different phrases. The results show that educational fund needed in China will be 276.6 billion yuan, 390.5 billion yuan and 440.2 billion yuan respectively in the three years respectively. Given the implementation of this policy, the educational fund we need will be increased by 10 billion yuan,27 billion yuan and 88 billion yuan respectively.
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    The Modelling of Children as the Original Sin of Pedagogy
    XIANG Xianming
    2018, 36 (5):  94-103+168+169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.009
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    There is a tradition in pedagogy since Herbart that education is understood as a process of shaping children and students. This kind of educational view is built on the theory of the original sin of Christianity, and has a complex relationship between inheritance and participation in the history of the isolation and transformation of children. Behaviorism has provided a strong support for the modelling concept of education in the 20th century, and the two are consistent in denying and reconstructing the subjectivity of children. With the advent of modern information technology and post-figurative culture, and the gradual elimination of the "knowledge gap" between children and adults, the schools, which are established on the modelling concept of education, are finding it hard to deal with the situation. To get out of this dilemma, we must first rethink the Herbart tradition of pedagogy, recognize the subject status of children in theory, and restore education from "shaping" to "nurturing" and "service", from "burning oneself" to "igniting others", from "designing the future for the children" to "helping children to create the future". The so-called modelling of children is the original sin of pedagogy rather than principal crime, implying that this is not a condemnation, but a deep vision of and a theoretical reflection on the problem.
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    Culturally Responsive Curriculum and Pedagogy for Rural Migrant Students: A Perspective of Multicultural Education
    WANG Tao
    2018, 36 (5):  104-113+169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.010
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    Rapid urbanization in China has led to the "greatest migration in human history". And it's imperative for the governments, educational institutions, and educators to consider how to support the integration of rural migrants by adjusting and revising both curriculum and teaching to respond to the sociocultural background of rural migrant students and achieve equal education opportunities and quality. This study tries to shed new light on the cultural appropriateness of current curriculum by examining the following questions. What is the cultural difference between rurality and urbanity? What kinds of cultural factors influence the urbanization of human and society? What kinds of cultural differences do rural migrant students experience? How should we respond to cultural background and differences in curriculum and pedagogy? Based on literature review and teaching examples, this study examines the rural-urban cultural differences, and introduces the theories and strategies of culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy.
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    An Empirical Study on the Physical Exercise Behavior of Graduate Students
    XIA Xiangwei, HUANG Jinling, LIU Dan
    2018, 36 (5):  114-128+169+170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.011
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    This paper addresses the new problems and challenges of the physical exercise and graduate students' health. It deals with an investigation and evaluation among 8,208 graduate students from 171 universities, including the universities on the list of "Double First-Class" project. By using the quantitative and qualitative methods, the authors analyze the physical exercise behavior of the graduate students in the following aspects:behavioral intentions (attitude and will), features (stage partition, mode, motivation, knowledge, activation level and obstacle factor) and exterior resources (software and hardware). The results show that for the graduate students, the situation of the physical exercise is not optimistic. The positive attitude and will do not enhance physical exercise behavior. The activation level of physical exercise is low, which cannot contribute to the health of graduate students. Also, the universities have not attached much importance to the physical exercise of graduate students. In conclusion, suggestions are made to improve the physical exercise behavior and students' health, and universities should pay more attention to the problems of the physical exercise and health.
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    Valuing Teachers' Working Conditions: Adjusting Personnel Cost by Compensating Wage Differentials of Teaching Staf
    MA Hongmei, LEI Wanpeng, QIAN Jia
    2018, 36 (5):  129-137+170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.012
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    The paper offers a theoretical framework for approximating geographic cost of teacher index (GCTI) by taking into account of (un) desirabilities of teachers' working conditions. Hedonic price theory serves as the theoretical underpinning for interpreting of earning function in poor and remote neighborhoods. It argues that compensating wage differentials can be estimated and adjusted by numbers of teachers recruited within each geographic region, then aggregated at higher administrative levels. Also, GCTI provides both conceptual framework and empirical strategy for financing education service of comparable quality across different geographic spaces. In addition, the GCTI-weighted formula makes it technically feasible to evaluate current policies targeting at providing equal accesses to quality education for residents dwelling in hard-to-teach areas.
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    Value-added Evaluation of Preservice Primary School Teachers' Training
    ZHANG Zhiquan, YIN Jie
    2018, 36 (5):  138-147+170+171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.013
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    China's implementation of the "excellent teacher" project aims to cultivate high-quality teachers. The implementation of the project needs effective and scientific monitoring and evaluating mechanism. The traditional evaluation which focused on the selection of excellent teachers is difficult to monitor the developing process and the overall change of the students. However, value-added evaluation, as the measurement and evaluation of the evaluating object's change or enhancement over a period of time can be used to monitor and evaluate student teacher's development. This research tries to find out the problems in the student teacher's developing process. It concludes with some suggestions on promoting the quality of teacher training.
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    Legal Interpretation of Japan's History Textbook Issues: An Example of Ienaga Textbook Review Case
    ZHAN Zhongle, HUANG Yuxiao
    2018, 36 (5):  148-160+171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.05.014
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    As the longest public law lawsuit in the world, Ienaga textbook case solved the complex history textbook issues in legal ways, and it is typical of "legal settlement of political issues". The case involves a series of cross-cutting issues of constitution, administrative law and educational law, providing good material for the study of comparative law. During the trial of the court, the plaintiff and the defendant had a heated debate over the legal issues, such as the ownership of educational rights, the relationship between the system of textbook authorization and the right to education, academic freedom and freedom of expression, the judicial review method of discretion in the field of education, the application of the principle of due process in the administrative procedure, rule for avoiding constitutional questions, special benefits of suit. Still, there are a series of problems that need to be clarified in the research of public law and educational law in China. The jurisprudence embodied in Ienaga textbook case can provide some reference for us.
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