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    20 November 2018, Volume 36 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Modern Dimension of Technology and Educational Values
    GU Jianjun
    2018, 36 (6):  1-18+154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.001
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    The rapid development of modern technology not only fully demonstrates its magical power to the world, but opens its encyclopedic in the inner world. The emerging perspectives of technology, such as "technology as artificial things", "technology as a process", "technology as knowledge", " technology as will", "technology as ideology", have constantly adapted and updated people's understanding of the dimension of technology. From the modern dimension of technology, we can grasp it from the aspects of material, human nature, activity,knowledge and so on. In China, the technical education at all levels should reexamine the modern dimension of technology and reconstruct the system of educational values, so as to improve students' technical literacy comprehensively, meet the national strategical needs and realize the educational reform that matches the new round of technological revolution.
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    The Tacit Dimension of Technology Knowledge and its Pragmatic Knowing
    XU Jinlei
    2018, 36 (6):  19-28+154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.002
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    This paper explores the knowledge essence of technology from the perspective of thick epistemology and analyzes the importance of revealing the technology knowledge characteristics from the tacit dimension. Perspective of tacit epistemology, together with the characteristics of technology knowledge itself, can provide strategies and methods for the tacit knowing of technology and its pragmatic knowing through the analysis of the technology tacit knowledge's cognitive characteristics of embodiment, knowledge by acquaintance and dynamic awareness. Situation and practice are the right settings for the tacit knowing of technology. Sensory and experience are the awareness path for the tacit knowing of technology. Examples and integrity are the pattern recognition for the tacit knowing of technology. Demonstration and exercise are the prior strategy for the tacit knowing of technology.
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    Investigation and Research on Students' Technological Literacy in Compulsory Education in Eight Provinces and Cities in China
    ZHANG Yanyan, GU Jianjun, XU Weijiong, LU Yefeng
    2018, 36 (6):  29-41+154+155.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.003
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    In modern society, many countries have established their K-12 technology education system to cultivate students' technological literacy. A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the status quo of students' technological literacy in primary and secondary schools from eight provinces in China. SPSS 21.0 software was used for data statistics and analysis. The survey shows that the Chinese students' technological literacy in compulsory education is not satisfactory. For example, students' understanding of technology has a certain degree of concreteness; students have few opportunities to enter technical places and their technical ability is generally weak. This means students' technological literacy falls behind the technology-oriented social development and educational development. Based on the international experience of technology education in primary and secondary schools, this paper suggests that the concept of "building a strong technological country from a baby" be established; technical course be offered to promote technological literacy; and the integration of technical courses with other subjects be strengthened.
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    The Design of a Technological Literacy Assessment Framework: Based on Ideas of International Frameworks for Chinese Basic Education
    ZHUANG Tengteng, XIE Chen
    2018, 36 (6):  42-53+155.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.004
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    Assessment of technological literacy remains an urgent issue to be addressed in technology education. Typical instruments such as PISA science literacy framework, NAEP science and technology literacy framework, TIMSS framework are widely used internationally. Through an analysis of the frameworks, this paper summarizes the ideas pertaining to technology-related literacy framework design, common connotations and their applications. It then sketches a preliminary technological literacy framework applicable to Chinese secondary and primary education. The pilot study, based on a large sample, reveals that the major dimensions of the instrument developed possess acceptable to good reliability and validity.
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    Childhood Never Disappearing: Towards a Modern Education that Supports Autonomy
    Dietrich BENNER, GU Juan, PENG Zhengmei
    2018, 36 (6):  54-60+155+156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.005
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    In premodern societies, childhood was dominated by the certainty of adulthood. According to Rousseau, it was only in modern societies that we lost this certainty and "we don't know what nature allows us to become". Future has now become something with fundamental uncertainty and openness, not only for children themselves but also for adults. Therefore, modern democracy allows adults to negotiate future; education must be correspondingly supportive to children, recognize their uncertain plasticity and promote their autonomy. The existence of childhood is a necessary and empirical hypothesis. Announcing the disappearance of childhood or adulthood has no empirical proof and is therefore meaningless. The essential problem is how to give children educational and social support in order to develop their autonomy.
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    On the Difference of the Phenomenological Paradigm and Positivism Paradigm of Educational Research
    JIANG Yong, LIU Jiawei, DAI Naien
    2018, 36 (6):  61-68+156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.006
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    Pedagogy, with its distinctive cultural characteristics and attributes of discipline, is not only a social science, but also a spiritual science. This paper explores the differences between the phenomenological educational research and the educational research of positivism from the theoretical perspective of seeing and thinking. "Seeing" the "probability" theory and "ductility" theory help distinguish the essential difference between "essence intuition" and objective gaze. After comparing the technical orientation and spiritual growth orientation of thinking, the authors elaborate the thinking path of education research under the guidance of phenomenological theory. And from the triple structure of ego-cogito-cogitatum, the authors argue that phenomenological paradigm focuses on the subject's thinking of existence and thinking of freedom, which will strengthen its own non-reflective self-consciousness and eventually pull off from the objectification vision of the wrong path.
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    A Study of Herbart's Theory of Charakterbildung: Interaction between Pedagogy and Ethic
    PENG Tao, LIN Ling
    2018, 36 (6):  69-76+156+157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.007
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    Herbart regarded morality as the "whole purpose" of human, and moral education is realized through character formation. Herbart overcame Kant's dualism of character, regarded human character as an educable character, and established educational action and moral judgment on an aesthetic causality. Through these two efforts, Herbart developed the moral judgment concepts of the ethic. On the other hand, he constructed a systematic educational theory to explain how the practical concepts influence education and pointed out the ways to achieve morality through education. In this way, Herbart formed a mutual and interacting relationship between educational action and practical ideas at the perceptual-aesthetic level in his theory about the formation of adolescents' character.
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    Marx Reconstructed the Theoretical Framework of Educational Justice Theory
    SHU Zhiding
    2018, 36 (6):  77-84+157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.008
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    Faced with different educational justice theories, it's essential that we study Marx's theory of educational justice in order to choose and use it to guide the education practice. Although Marx did not write articles and works on educational justice, he devoted himself to studying the law of social development and created the theory of all-round development of human being. This is the pre-conditional thought of educational justice theory. A clear boundary between Marx's theory of educational justice and other educational justice theories is presented in this paper. It involves the premise of educational justice, the evaluation of educational justice and path to the realization of educational justice.
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    New Education Think-tank with Chinese Characteristics: Its Role and Construction Path
    SHEN Guochang, CHENG Gongqun
    2018, 36 (6):  85-92+157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.009
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    As an important component of new think-tank with Chinese characteristics, education think-tank plays an important role in the national education decision-making and promoting education reform and development. The new education think-tank is not only a think-tank for educational decision-making and educational reform, but also a commentator for educational policy and a guide for educational practice. Furthermore, it serves as an evaluator of educational development, a high-end talent pool, a contact for educational exchange, and a source of positive public opinion. Also, plays the role of counseling advice, theoretical innovation, leading practice, personnel training, data storage, media guidance and so on. Therefore, it's essential to clarify the construction path and operating mechanism of the new education think-tank.
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    Research on the Nature of Science of Chinese Aesthetic Education
    ZHENG Yun, XU Linxiang
    2018, 36 (6):  93-99+158.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.010
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    It's based on the following understanding that the science of Chinese aesthetic education is established as an independent discipline. Firstly, as the object for research of science of Chinese aesthetic education, the Chinese aesthetic education, whether at the static or dynamic level, has potential, both academically and educationally, to be a subject. Secondly, the science of Chinese aesthetic education has the element of "dis-embedding" of modern discipline system, and its knowledge system presents unique academic logic of modernity. The science of Chinese aesthetic education is not only a subject, but also an effective way to cultivate students' Chinese core literacy.
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    The Correlation of Expenditure on School Level and Students' Academic Performance: Based on the Empirical Study in Western Poor Rural China
    LI Lili, GUAN Hongyu, Scott ROZELLE
    2018, 36 (6):  100-106+158.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.011
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    As a means to alleviate poverty, the Chinese government has been investing in education by increasing financial resources for schools. However, scholarship on the relationship between school resources and student academic performance has not reached a consensus. This study examines the relationship between school-level expenditures, a key aspect of school resources, and student academic performance Using data collected in 94 rural primary school in designated poverty areas of western rural China, the empirical study found that school expenditures on students and teachers account for only 12% of total expenditures, while expenditures on school administration is as high as 72%. Expenditures on students and teachers ("software") is positively correlated with student academic performance. However, expenditures on school administration ("hardware") were negatively correlated with academic performance. These findings have strong implications for the structure of school spending and rural education.
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    The Emergence and Development of Research on Teacher Practical Knowledge
    WEI Ge, CHEN Xiangming
    2018, 36 (6):  107-117+158+159.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.012
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    What kinds of knowledge discourses and social contexts make research possible on teacher practical knowledge as an independent field? This article, from the perspective of sociology of knowledge in the methodology of history of ideas, scrutinizes the research on teacher practical knowledge in the past half century. The fundamental appeal of this research field is to pursue the legitimation of teaching as a profession. Social-political discourses and academic-technic discourses affected the emergence and development of various approaches to researching teacher practical knowledge. Educationists' transitional understandings of teaching and education enriched the inner dimensions of teacher practical knowledge. The research focus of teacher practical knowledge changed from observable professional practices to professional knowledge structures, and then to teacher ethic and morality as essentials for teacher profession. Through depicting the complex genealogy of research on teacher practical knowledge, this article is significant for understanding the historical mapping of teacher professionalization.
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    The Origin of Independent Colleges as a Unique Organizational Form of Higher Education
    WANG Fuwei, YAN Fengqiao
    2018, 36 (6):  118-134+159.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.013
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    The article, employing population ecology rationale and institutional logic, examined the origin of independent colleges as a unique organizational form of higher education in China. The rise of independent colleges was due to the interplay among the following factors. Firstly, the imbalance between supply and demand and the shortage of funds in Chinese higher education were the typical resource constraints. Secondly, the diffusion of market mechanism in the economic sphere provided the cognitive inspiration of the ideas and methods. Thirdly, the public-benefit nature of education prevented completely educational marketization. Finally, the specific building blocks were from the decentralization reform of public higher education and the efforts of breaking through the marginalized status from private higher education. Then, that it's diffusing across the country and getting the approval of central government is mainly caused by the policy of the expansion of higher education admission and the investment shift of the business.
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    Compulsory Education Legislation in Germany: Legislator, Content and Characteristics-A Case Study of State Laws
    HU Jinsong
    2018, 36 (6):  135-143+159+160.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.014
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    The legislative power of compulsory education in Germany belongs to the state. The legislative body includes the state parliament and the state government. The effective legal sources of compulsory education in Germany include not only the school law or the compulsory education law enacted by the legislature, but also the compulsory education regulations issued by the state governments under the authorization of the school law. The compulsory education law mainly regulates the object of compulsory education, the age and duration of compulsory education, the type and form of compulsory education, and the legal responsibility of compulsory education. Germany's compulsory education law focuses on the adjustment of behavior, the setting of obligations, and the standard procedures.
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    The Frontier Research on Mathematical Register in Mathematics Learning: An Interview with Louise Wilkinson
    ZHAO Lingyun, LI Muhui, Louise WILKINSON
    2018, 36 (6):  144-149+160.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2018.06.015
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    In this interview, Professor Louise Wilkinson, an internationally renowned expert in mathematical linguistics, analyzed the frontiers of mathematical register in mathematics learning. Mathematics has its unique professional language system. It is a very important ability for students to give correct and reasonable expression in the context of mathematics. It includes not only the oral language, but also the written language. Mathematics learning is a system based on multivariate representation, so teachers should provide with students with sufficient opportunities to use their own mathematical register in teaching, and these expressions offer teachers some insights into the students' understanding of mathematics.
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