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    20 January 2019, Volume 37 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Posthuman Condition and Chinese Educational Practice: Philosophical Reflections on Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    WU Guanjun
    2019, 37 (1):  1-15+164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.001
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    Through a comprehensible analysis of the causes of anxieties on education in contemporary China, this paper locates its deepest cause at the development of artificial intelligence, which rapidly increases the risk of the "investment on education". Education faces two prospects in the coming posthuman condition:either the end of education, or the lifelong education. The latter does not merely refer to the educational practice outside school education, but also two radicals renewals of educational practice:first, the posthumanist framework of actor-network replacing the linear framework of progressivism and representationalism; second, the intra-actions between all actors including non-humans replacing the one-way disciplinary indoctrination from adults to children. The posthuman condition also provides us with the opportunity to rethink education:is education merely a humanist enterprise? This paper concludes with a re-interpretation of pre-Qin educational thought through a Deleuzean approach.
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    Curriculum Design for Entrepreneurship Education and its Efficiency Evaluation: A Case Study of the MOOC Course in Zhejiang University
    XU Xiaozhou, YE Yinhua
    2019, 37 (1):  16-22+164.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.002
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    Efficiency of entrepreneurial curriculum is the key to improving the quality of entrepreneurship education. Taking MOOC Course Introduction to Entrepreneurship in Zhejiang University as a sample, this research seeks to analyze the efficiency of MOOC course for entrepreneurship education. There are totally 1,111 student participants in the experiment and questionnaire, centering on the process evaluation and impact assessment of entrepreneurial curriculum. The findings suggest that students make positive remarks on the process evaluation of MOOC curriculum, which greatly changes students' entrepreneurial cognition, emotion and intention. However, there are some problems needed to be addressed. In the future, instructional design of entrepreneurship education curriculum shall be further optimized from the perspective of teaching content and teaching methods. Teacher-student interaction mechanism and student-student interaction mechanism should be improved. Besides, the crucial curriculum assessment would be more scientific and the teaching efficiency could be enhanced with a more consummated curriculum assessment mechanism in combination with reasonably allocated process evaluation and outcome assessment.
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    Generative Logic and Construction Paths of Entrepreneurship Curriculum Ecological System in Universities and Colleges
    ZANG Lingling, MEI Weihui
    2019, 37 (1):  23-29+165.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.003
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    Influenced by economic and social reform and entrepreneurship education, construction of entrepreneurship curriculum ecological system in universities and colleges takes quality improvement as a core mission to promote curricula transformation and upgrading. The endogenous system of entrepreneurship curriculum should shift from external expansion to connotation so that curricula quality can be improved from subjectivity structure and indemnificatory structure. The support system of entrepreneurship curriculum should transform from other organization to self-organization and give full play to the internal drive of each support system to form a mutual cycle of benefit and win-win results.
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    The Influence of Information Feature and Regulatory Orientation on Undergraduates' Entrepreneurial Risk Decisions
    ZHANG Min, WANG Minmin
    2019, 37 (1):  30-36+165.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.004
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    Undergraduates' entrepreneurial risk decisions can be influenced by individual psychological regulatory focus and external information feature. Prevention-oriented undergraduates have the tendency to mitigate risks, while promotion-oriented undergraduates tend to face risks. Under fuzzy representation, undergraduates have the preference for mitigating risks, while they tend to face the risks under precise representation. External information feature and individual physical regulatory orientation interactively affect risk decisions. Entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions should focus on individual psychological diversity and information feature diversity, improving effectiveness of entrepreneurship education.
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    Constructing University Entrepreneurial Support System: Experience from Columbia University
    Ting YANG, Xiangyi YIN
    2019, 37 (1):  37-45.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.005
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    How to implement entrepreneurial support strategy is a systematic project for a university. It requires the cooperation and support of different departments within the university as well as the complementary and combined efforts of the university and the external resources. Through cooperation, Columbia University adopts an all-encompassing entrepreneurial support strategy, focusing on the cultivation of entrepreneurial human capital and the incubation guarantee in the process of entrepreneurship. Besides, the university actively integrates into the New York City entrepreneurial ecosystem. To cultivate entrepreneurial human capital, Columbia seeks to raise the entrepreneurial awareness of the students and faculty and improve their entrepreneurial ability. And the incubation guarantee focuses on the support of various elements of the entrepreneurial process. All these form the university entrepreneurial support system.

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    Development of Entrepreneurship Education in South Korean Higher Education Institutions and Its Implications for China
    SHI Yongchuan, WANG Jiatong
    2019, 37 (1):  46-54+166.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.006
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    Entrepreneurship education in South Korean higher education institutions since the 1980s has marched into high-quality development, which is driven by government-led guidance, industry-university collaboration and self-reform promotion. In the past 40 years of cultivation, it has designed three entrepreneurship education models with its own feature in knowledge teaching, resource developing and achievement transforming. Its social practice education is based on Entrepreneurship Support Center; its specialized education is guided by entrepreneurship discipline development and ecological entrepreneurship education is dependent on industry-university collaboration. Higher education institutions in China can learn from the entrepreneurship education in South Korea by attaching importance to integration of production and education, with the optimization of entrepreneurship education development system, as well as establishing inclusive evaluation and transformation mechanism towards entrepreneurship education achievements.
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    On Disciplinary Key Competences: Towards Subject Education in Information Era
    ZHANG Hua
    2019, 37 (1):  55-65+166+167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.007
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    Disciplinary key competences are high-order abilities and humanistic abilities in disciplines, with disciplinary understanding or thinking as their core. They are the basic goals of subject education in information era. They essentially embody the fundamental change of disciplinary epistemology:from fact-basedness to understanding-orientation. The first meaning of subject education in information era is to choose few and important disciplinary core ideas, construct dynamic relationships among them, change curriculum structure from the type of "coverage of disciplinary facts" to the one of "understanding disciplinary ideas", and root all the disciplinary core ideas into real problematic situations so that students can continuously investigate the ideas and deepen their disciplinary understanding progressively across their ages or grades. The second meaning of subject education in information era is to help students learn disciplines through disciplinary practices, and experience the birth of disciplinary knowledge, so that they can understand the nature of disciplines and develop the practical abilities of disciplines. The important feature of the new subject education is the dual-directions of disciplinary world and life world, disciplinary practice and life practice. The urgent task for the reform of Chinese subject education is to give up "the view of indirect experience" and "the view of basic knowledge and skills", and introduce "the vision of direct experience" and "the vision of key competences".
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    Significance and Value of Rural Textbooks for Rural Vitalization Strategy
    SHI Ou, ZHOU Meiyun
    2019, 37 (1):  66-71+167.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.008
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    Rural textbooks, starting from the beginning of the 20th century, reflected the development of Chinese society, especially the rural society over the century, documented the special contribution to preserving local culture and inspiring patriotism. In the 21th century, rural textbooks are in trouble in reality. Rural textbooks, as a proper name and textbooks themselves, tend to decline, reflecting the gradually worsening rural problems. Therefore, the 19th CPC National Congress proposed the rural vitalization strategy, which is a huge systematic project and rural education can play important roles. Rural textbook is the core of rural education. Rural textbooks can preserve, inherit and identify the declining rural culture; inspire students' spirit of loving their hometown and motherland; strengthening rural youth's barren spiritual home. To vitalize rural areas, we need to restart and develop rural textbooks to improve their quality.
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    The Poetics and Politics of Expository Text: An Alternative Interpretation of the Empirical Research in Education
    KANG Yongjiu
    2019, 37 (1):  72-82+167+168.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.009
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    In schoolbooks, expository text is supposed to objectively describe how things work, in order to equip readers with scientific knowledge and methods to understand things scientifically. But in fact expository text contains something richer. Any exposition is based on the expositor's own perspective. What's more, the world we exposit is not a natural existence, exposition itself creates the world to a large extent, and thus all objective expositions are based on subjective construction, the world itself is essentially a symbolic one. No one can teach expository text well without understanding this point, otherwise students would be left to exposit the world objectively, ignoring themselves, or theory and thought, and believing that the world is a natural reality beyond human's will. This could eventually make people enmeshed in the web of their own overcautious spinning.
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    The Effects of Administrative Support on Faculty Research Productivity: An Analysis of Chinese Academy of Sciences
    HA Wei, YU Jiaxin
    2019, 37 (1):  83-94+168.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.010
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    In order to build the national innovation system, research institutions and universities need to improve their research productivity. Existing research focus on the characteristics of the researchers themselves, and few studies examine the effects of support staff. We use data from the statistical yearbook of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to examine the effects of support staff (administrative cadres and workers) on scientific research productivity through the method of dynamic panel system GMM. Our study finds that the effects of support staff on scientific research output (international and domestic publications) have an inverted u-shape. Compared with the research findings, the number of support staff employed by CAS is still insufficient. More attention should be given to the appropriate number of ratio of support staff to research staff in the future.
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    The Tension between Humanism and Instrumental Rationality: Value Orientation and Policy Practice of International Organization in Global Educational Governance
    SHEN Wei
    2019, 37 (1):  95-102+168+169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.011
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    International organizations play an increasingly important role in global educational governance. It is necessary to clarify the path, content and rationale some main international organizations take in educational governance to achieve Education 2030. International organizations seem to be multilateral collaboration reinforced by international dialogues, communication and cooperation. And there is always the tension between humanism and instrumental rationality in its operation. Thus, in global educational governance, international organizations should be based on systemic design and implementation, and motivate local government to promote human development.
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    A Study on Teacher Salary and Teacher Turnover Intention in Rural Primary and Secondary Schools
    DU Ping, XIE Yao
    2019, 37 (1):  103-115+169.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.012
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    In rural backwards areas teacher recruitment and retention remains a major problem in many countries. In order to improve the overall quality of rural teachers, the Chinese government has issued a number of important policy documents to attract, retain and encourage outstanding teachers in recent years. Among them, teacher's salary is an important policy tool, and its effect remains to be observed. In this paper, we used questionnaire survey data from five counties in Liaoning, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Guangxi Provinces in 2016, and using investment model and compensatory wage difference theory to explore the relationship between teachers' salary and their turnover intention in rural primary and secondary schools. The results show that about 20% of the rural teachers tended to leave. The average salary of rural teachers in five counties was lower than that of urban employees in the same period. Teachers' salary level is the primary factor that affects teachers' turnover intention, and existing rural teachers' subsidies (153 yuan monthly) are too low to retain teacher. Non-monetary factors, such as students' group characteristics and teacher professional development activities, also have significant impact on teacher turnover intention. Male and unmarried teachers are more likely to leave. Also, the related policies of retaining rural teachers are discussed.

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    People-centered Evaluation: Transformation of Educational Fairness in the New Era
    CHENG Tianjun
    2019, 37 (1):  116-123+169+170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.013
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    Educational fairness varies historically in its manifestation and governance in different times. In the new era, the main contradiction in education has become the one between the eager expectation of the masses to receive high quality education and the serious shortage and uneven development of education. This transformation requires a new idea of education fairness that is people-centered and beyond the traditional view of education equity based on economic development or political rights. New educational fairness advocates new education development concept which focuses on the sustainable development and educational quality. It adheres to the new view of educational justice, which recognizes human dignity; and a new view of educational fairness evaluation which aims to enhance people's sense of educational fairness.
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    Road to “Counterattacks” of Rural Students at Universities: An Empirical Study Based on Beijing College Students Panel Survey
    WU Qiuxiang, CUI Sheng
    2019, 37 (1):  124-136+170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.014
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    Going to college is an important way for rural students to change their destiny. However, as a vulnerable student group, how can rural students change their lives through higher education and narrow the gap with their urban peers? Based on the "Beijing College Students Panel Survey", this article attempts to give an answer by examining enrollment, growth at university, and employment development in a dynamic research perspective. The study finds that rural students have notable disadvantages in family background, which significantly affects their national college entrance examination scores and creates a gap when they enter the colleges. However, rural students have higher academic performance than urban students through their hard work. Therefore they obtain competitive employment results with urban students. This is achieved through rural students' hard-work, greater efforts and accumulated human capital, which make up for the disadvantages in family background. The study suggests that colleges and universities should help them through "counterattacks" of life by addressing the over-exiting mentality, focusing on the non-cognitive development, providing developmental financial funding, as well as employment guidance for rural students.
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    Structured Instruction in Higher Education
    MA Luting
    2019, 37 (1):  137-145+170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.015
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    Towards the development of diversified higher education, it is imperative to explore the education modes in support of quality improvement. The mode of structured education is the result of combining psychology, experience from home and abroad with future needs. It is based on the competence structure beyond knowledge structure, supported by knowledge, skills and thinking. With theory and practiced combined together, the education mode is to establish a four-level curriculum system, which involves developing thinking skills as well as teaching knowledge. Using fuzzy evaluation as a tool, this education mode will construct an competence-oriented instruction model.
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    Zhang Ruifan's Contribution to the Discipline Construction of Educational History
    HUANG Shuguang
    2019, 37 (1):  146-151+171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.016
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    Throughout his long professional career, Mr. Zhang Ruifan, a historian of education, developed his own unique learning and teaching style, and devoted to the basic research of educational history in a rigorous and pragmatic manner. He was a pioneer in educational history, leading the development of the discipline. In particular, he succeeded in creating the academic pattern of comparative research on educational history in China and abroad, making outstanding contribution to the construction of education discipline.
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    The Legislative Core of Lifelong Education in China: Protecting Citizens' Learning Right
    LAN Lan
    2019, 37 (1):  152-159+171.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.01.017
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    The right to receive education has been included in the constitution. With the development of education and the advent of lifelong education era, learning as an important human right came into being and it's required that citizens' freedom of learning should be protected throughout their life. The ultimate goal of learning society is to protect citizens' right to learn, bridge the gap between different social classes to meet people's learning needs, especially the vulnerable groups. Protecting learning rights is the core of lifelong education legislation, which should be rights-based, while adhering to the principle of equal opportunity, choice and compensation.
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