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    20 March 2019, Volume 37 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Limitation of Interest: Discussion Based on John Dewey's Perplexity
    Liu Yunshan
    2019, 37 (2):  1-17.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.001
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    The issue of interest is the major concern that Dewey and pragmatism strived to maintain in between of the stereotyped dogmatism and the romance of the new education, which combined objective and subjective, practice and thinking, potential and reality to cultivate children's character. However, the practice of progressivism education fell into the "internal negativism" of social improvement. How can the abstract dualistic principles be transformed into simple and feasible education? This is not only Dewey's perplexity but also the problem with education reform ever since. In this study, the author placed Dewey's text in the academic context, the ideological source of progressive education and the development of practice. Also, in the context of social reforms, the author analyzed the intricate relationship between educational theory and educational practice, social improvement, discussed ideological criticism, scientific experiments, social reformations, and explored the possibility and limitation of its implementation in education.
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    On John Dewey and China's Educational Reform
    Zhang Hua
    2019, 37 (2):  18-28.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.002
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    John Dewey's historic visit to China during the period of May Fourth Movement in 1919 greatly promoted the democratization of Chinese society and education. He himself participated in the reform of new school system and new curriculum, and the New Education Movement. When China encountered the key moment of two historic themes Enlightenment and Salvation, Dewey's choices were:laying Enlightenment as the eternal aim, striving for Salvation, thinking like the Chinese people, and seeking eastern democracy of education. Confronting the fierce conflicts between conservatism and radicalism, Dewey chose "the third philosophy", which phenomenally promoted the development of Chinese liberalism. Dewey's thought of democracy and educational philosophy has inherent connection to the 100 years' historic development of Chinese educational reform. Dewey is still "alive" in today's China. The significance of creative interpretation of Dewey is to realize the ideals of eastern Enlightenment and eastern democracy of education in China of the information age.
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    Faces of Democracy: Chinese Translation of Dewey's Democracy and Education
    Feng Jiayu
    2019, 37 (2):  29-36.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.003
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    In the past hundred years,Chinese scholars have translated the booktitle of Dewey's Democracy and Education into almost ten different versions, which resulted in many faces of Dewey's democractic education thought. From the popular Chinese version "ping min zhu yi yu jiao yu"in the 1910s-1920s to "min ben zhu yi yu jiao yu" in the 1930s and "min zhu zhu yi yu jiao yu" in the 1940s till now,the Chinese translation of Dewey's Democracy and Education has been changing under the influence of social transformation in different times,in response to social development. Generally speaking, the translating and dissemination process of Democracy and Education in the past century is not only creating a more and more lifelike repetition of Dewey's text thought,but re-creating a stronger interpretation with the changing social contexts of time and space. In the new era, Dewey's Democracy and Education still needs to be translated into a transformative interpretation to adapt to the new change of the times and reveal its contemporary implications.
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    A Foreign Lever: Dewey in China's Education Reform in the 1920s
    Zhong Jianwei, Tu Yue
    2019, 37 (2):  37-44.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.004
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    One hundred years ago, Hu Shi and others wanted to initiate China's new education reform with the help of Dewey. Dewey's visit to China brought forth the discourse of pragmatistic pedagogy penetrated into the context of China's education reform. The interest in Dewey's educational thought promoted the folk educational reform activities in China, which resulted in some significant events of educational reform and experiment. Dewey heat lasted in China for five or six years. After that, Dewey heat quickly subsided. On the occasion of Dewey's centennial visit to China, it can be seen that the rise and fall of Dewey heat has always been accompanied by the misunderstanding and misuse of Dewey's thought.
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    John Dewey and Confucius in Dialogue: 1919-2019
    Leonard Waks
    2019, 37 (2):  45-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.005
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    In 1919, when Dewey arrived in China, the time was not ripe for a dialogue on equal terms between his ideas and those from Confucian tradition. Dewey's reputation was on the rise; Confucianism was in sharp decline. Dewey was welcomed with open arms by China's leading intellectuals, while a popular slogan of the day proclaimed " Down with Confucius!" Today, by contrast, China is a great world power, and the Confucian tradition is once again ascending. It is now time to place Dewey and Confucius in dialogue, and to investigate how each can contribute to educational revitalization. In this paper I argue that the Confucian ideal of moral self-cultivation can supplement Dewey's educational program, while Dewey's active learning strategies can fill a gap in Confucian learning in science and technology, fields that occupied Dewey in his lectures in China.
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    How China Shaped Dewey's Ideas of Cultural Diversity and Democracy
    James Zhixiang Yang
    2019, 37 (2):  53-58.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.006
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    From 1919 to 1921, at the invitation of a group of Chinese scholars, John Dewey intensively traveled and lectured in China. During his two-year trip, Dewey contributed over 200 lectures on the diversity of topics in China. Since he left for the U.S, his speeches were translated and published by his Chinese devotees as the book titled Five Major Lectures from John Dewey. During the Republican period in Chinese history, in particular throughout the 1920s and the 1930s, Dewey's educational philosophy had a tremendous influence on Chinese education. It is important to note that educational encounter between China and John Dewey is an evolving process of two-way cultural communication. When Chinese educational reformers embraced Dewey's legacy wholeheartedly, in return Dewey's perception of cultural diversity and democracy had been shaped by his understanding of the May Fourth Movement.
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    John Dewey's Experience in China (1919-1921): How China Changed Dewey
    Shane Ralston
    2019, 37 (2):  59-62.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.007
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    In the early 1920s, to call John Dewey an internationalist would be to state the obvious. He had travelled to Japan, Russia, Mexico, Turkey and China. Of all these places, he stayed in China the longest-two years and two months (May 1919 to July 1921)-and wrote the most about his experiences there. Unfortunately, too much of the literature addresses how Dewey influenced China. What the author focuses on in this article is how China influenced Dewey instead. Specifically, he explains how Dewey conceived experience-offering an account of his so-called "metaphysics of experience"-in order to then appreciate how Dewey appreciated his own China experience.
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    Criticism on Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
    Feng Youmei, Li Yi
    2019, 37 (2):  63-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.008
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    Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives has been criticized frequently, but most of the criticism focuses on the perspective of pedagogy, rather than a holistic vision or insight. This paper attempts to offer comprehensive criticism from four aspects:taxonomy, pedagogy, psychology and epistemology. From taxonomy angle, the generation mechanism of "category" is not given, so it can only be called the "classification framework", not "taxonomy". From the aspect of education, the person who should have been developed as a whole is cut into a number of independent parts (fields), causing misunderstanding in theory and misleading in teaching practice. From psychological angle, its superficial depiction fails to touch the very nature of learners' development. From the aspect of epistemology, the epistemological basis of cognitive psychology, which serves as the direct theoretical basis of Bloom's taxonomy, is very confusing, lack of self-consciousness to explore the essence of cognition philosophically. This does not inherit the core thought of the high-level genetic epistemology, which is the root of all the above problems.
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    The Modernity of University Discipline and Its Transcendence
    Cui Yanqiang, Quan Peipei
    2019, 37 (2):  73-80.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.009
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    Discipline, the basic component of human knowledge system, is the result of the continuous development of scientific knowledge and the deepening division of disciplines. With the advent of modernity, research universities, modern university systems, and discipline systems have been established. As a product of modernity, discipline has a variety of functions. Meanwhile, the development of disciplines is confronted with such realistic dilemmas as the stratification of organizational structure of disciplines, cataloguing of the discipline professional management, utilitarianism of production of disciplines knowledge, standardization of personnel training, the symbolization of disciplines and professional diplomas, and the quantification of discipline evaluation. Therefore, to achieve high-level governance and sustainable development of the discipline, it is urgent to adjust the organization system, break down the barriers, improve the management system, and optimize the evaluation system.
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    Functional Classification of Expenditure: New Development in Research Tools for Educational Finance
    Tian Zhilei, Huang Chunhan, Zhao Junting
    2019, 37 (2):  81-93.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.010
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    Since 2014, based on the tools created by the China Institute for Educational Finance Research, some counties have launched pilot reforms on the classifications of expenditures by function. In this paper, the author presents three aspects of work:a) compare the setting of the subjects in the United States and China, and put forward the balance of fineness, accuracy, and cost as the basic principles for future adjustment of subjects; b) taking the design of small-scale rural school funding mechanism as an example, explore the value of functional classification for the formulation of educational policies. At present, a school with 101-150 people is the most difficult to operate, and the public funding mechanism for small-scale schools needs to be adjusted accordingly; c) take education production research as an example to explore the value of classifications of expenditures by function for academic research. There is a positive statistical relationship between school-based curriculum expenditures, support service expenditures, and school academic performance. The effectiveness of unified teaching, school management, and education technology expenditures needs to be examined. The classifications of expenditures by function will provide a new paradigm for the related research on education production.
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    The Effect of Education and Training on Migrant Workers' Citizenization in a Non-Monetization Benefit Perspective: Evidence from Suzhou City
    Cui Yuping, Wu Ying
    2019, 37 (2):  94-107.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.011
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    In the process of new urbanization, education and training have brought migrant workers not only monetary benefits such as an increase in income, but also non-monetized benefits such as the promotion of the level of citizenization. Based on the self-designed questionnaire and data collected among migrant workers working in Suzhou City, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of migrant workers' citizenization, and verifies the positive effect of education and training on the creation of non-monetized benefit by improving the level of migrant workers' citizenization. The study draws the following four conclusions. First, migrant workers' citizenization can be measured from four dimensions of citizenization willingness, economic life condition, social relations, and political participation. Second, migrant workers' citizenization is in the moderate upward level, but there are great differences between the four dimensions. Third, school education has a positive effect on the citizenization of migrant workers, which excludes the dimension of political participation. And only the migrant workers who have received high school education or above will improve their citizenization level with the increase of education. Fourth, training has also a significant positive effect on the citizenization of migrant workers. And the number of training has significant positive effects on the citizenization. Training cycle and effect have significant positive effects on the citizenization, which excludes the dimension of political participation, and the positive effect of training effect is the strongest.
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    The Mechanism of Training Transfer Promotion in School-based Training: A Moderated Mediation Model
    Song Huan, Wang Heng
    2019, 37 (2):  108-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.012
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    Transfer of training is an important indicator of the effect of school-based training. Through the SEM analysis of a training transfer model using a sample of 817 teachers who have participated in school-based training, we found several results. The influence of training transfer design on training transfer result is not direct but through the chain mediating role of "learning outcome→transfer motivation". Teachers' self-efficacy positively moderated the effect of learning outcome on transfer motivation while teachers' stress from heavy workload negatively moderated it. In conclusion, the authors suggest it's necessary to put emphasis on transfer motivation so as to facilitate transformative learning, and the increase of teachers' self-efficacy and the decrease of teachers stress from heavy workload is an entry point to enhance teachers' transfer motivation. Moreover, "transfer motivation" needs to be included as a dimension of the assessment of school-based training.
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    Targeted Poverty Alleviation System of Compulsory Education in Contiguous Destitute Areas: Based on Talcott Parsons's Social Theory
    Li Fang
    2019, 37 (2):  116-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.013
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    Parsons's social theory and AGIL model provide an important framework for analyzing the targeted poverty alleviation system of compulsory education in contiguous destitute areas. In fact, a sound targeted poverty alleviation system of compulsory education in contiguous destitute areas is not in place in China, and the "AGIL model" does not function as expected. Namely, the system design fails to adapt to the external environment of contiguous destitute areas(A).The targeted goal is not clear enough, owing to the misunderstanding of education and lack of self-awareness among the public (G).The targeted poverty alleviation system of compulsory education is not integrated(I). Lack of incentive mechanism to promote projects (L). Therefore, it's necessary to create an "AGIL" model for the system. This involves adapting to the external environment, establishing a demand-oriented system framework of targeted poverty alleviation, setting clear development goals and policies, and effectively integrating resources to promote the implementation in a coherent and orderly supportive system.
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    Rural Construction and Rural Education: An Integrated Model for Targeted Poverty Alleviation of Vocational Education and Rural Revitalization Strategy
    Zhu Chengchen, Yan Guangfen, Zhu Dequan
    2019, 37 (2):  127-135.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.014
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    In China, the revitalization of rural vocational education should be the core of the rural revitalization and construction. From the perspective Targeted Poverty Alleviation (TPA) of vocational education, this study deals with the vision and reality in Chinese rural vocational education and five proposed strategies. Based on the idea of the integration of general education, vocational education and adult education, and the combination of agriculture, technology and education, the study proposes a comprehensive secondary school model. This model would help prepare rural students with solid knowledge and skills when they graduate, to ensure other students are competent in farming and other jobs. Furthermore, the model also reflects the idea of "generalized vocational education" and "vocationalized general education", the idea of comprehensive based education and lifelong vocational education.
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    The Main Characteristics of American Research University Governance Process and Its Cultural Basis
    Liu Aisheng
    2019, 37 (2):  136-143.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.015
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    In order to understand the characteristics of American research universities governance process, we not only need to concern the distribution of power, but also focus on the governance level. In general, the governance process of American research university possess the characteristics of polity, ambiguity and the rule of law, which is closely related to American social culture of individualism (community tradition), weak uncertainty avoidance and "the human nature is evil" respectively. In order to achieve effective university governance, besides perfecting governance structure, the university should consider the behavior features of university decision makers under specific culture context.
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    Dissemination and Reflection of Wolfgang Brezinka's Meta-Pedagogy in China
    Hou Huaiyin, Xu Lili
    2019, 37 (2):  144-150.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.016
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    Wolfgang Brezinka's meta-pedagogy emerged in Germany in the 1970s. Its introduction into China resulted from the promotion of pedagogical consciousness in pedagogy and the enhancement of subject consciousness. Since its introduction into China in 1993, the dissemination of contents, influences, subjects and features showed different characteristics in different stages. This dissemination requires a full understanding of the original text, and for the construction of China pedagogy, it also requires a rational critical reflection and creative exploration.
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    Between Economics and Education: Orientation and Trend of Vocational Education——Dialogue on the Development of Vocational Education between Lu Suju and Terada Moriki
    Lu Suju, Terada Moriki
    2019, 37 (2):  151-156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2019.02.017
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    How to effectively coordinate the economic and educational functions, reasonably determine the basic positioning and future direction of vocational education arouses great interest both in China and Japan academia. Through the comparison of vocational education development and realistic dilemmas between China and Japan, this paper presents the following findings. While there are phase variations in vocational education development in the two countries, both pay attention to the common direction——advanced vocational education and vocational career education. From the four-dimensional analysis framework of vocational education system, the government-led diversified cooperation relationship construction and the key competence oriented target and course structure are rooted in Confucianism culture education as the main evaluation criteria of east Asian countries in vocational education. It presents common characteristics whose vocational education is based on qualifications framework in European and American countries, which provides reference for China to solve practical problems.
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