Non-academic Impact of Scientific Research and its Assessment: What, Why and How?
Wang Nan, Luo Junwen
2020, 38 (4):
doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.005
Non-academic impact of scientific research is assessed by their contribution outside academia to the whole society, economy, culture, public policy, health care, environment and life quality of citizens etc. In recent years, some international cases have demonstrated the transformation of evaluation paradigm of scientific research, with a new dimension of impact assessment which focuses on comprehensive impact involving both academic and non-academic. With the evolution of science and society, impact assessment of scientific research is increasingly valued which follows the logic of knowledge production, facilitates public accountability, and helps strengthen social responsibility of researchers. So far, the three main methods of impact assessment are metrics (e.g. econometrics, altermetrics), filed investigations (e.g. survey, interview) and case studies which complement to one anther. We recommend involving non-academic impact assessment in China's reforming evaluation system of scientific research so that more diverse contribution of research to the whole economy and society can be made, together with increased awareness of social responsibility of researchers and improved research environment.
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