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    20 April 2020, Volume 38 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    An Empirical Study on Graduates’ Employment: Based on 2019 National Survey
    Yue Changjun, Xia Jie, Qiu Wenqi
    2020, 38 (4):  1-17.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.001
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    Based on the sample data from 2019 National Survey of 32 universities in 17 provinces and cities, this paper conducts an empirical analysis on the employment of college graduates. It is found that: (1) The overall placement rate of college graduates in 2019 is 80.1%. Compared with 2017, the proportion of graduates in employment declines, while proportions of waiting for employment and going to college increase, making employment more difficult. (2) From the perspective of employment distribution, graduates still prefer to work in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities in eastern China. The proportion working in large and medium-sized cities exceeds 80%. Education and private enterprises absorb the most graduates. (3) Human capital is still an important factor affecting college graduates' job-hunting outcomes and starting salary. Meanwhile, family background, school background and labor market differences between regions and industries also have a significant impact on graduates' job hunting, starting salary and job satisfaction.
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    From Ethnic Education to Cross-border Open Education: Transformation of Cross-border Ethnic Education under the Belt and Road Initiative
    Chen Shijian, Wang Yuan
    2020, 38 (4):  18-29.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.002
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    Under the Belt and Road Initiative, the cross-border ethnic education is endowed with new connotation. It is necessary to construct innovative values for cross-border ethnic education, which is not only to build a regional educational development community to promote the development of cross-border ethnic education or strengthen the multilateral cooperation to drive the development of education, but also to strengthen the common understanding of peace and cooperation to safeguard social prosperity and stability in border areas, maintain social prosperity and stability in border areas or promote interconnection with the people of neighboring countries. With the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, the cross-border ethnic education has changed and presents new characteristics. Firstly, the content system has evolved to diversity. Secondly, the mode of development has become active and advanced. Thirdly, the function of cross-border ethnic education orients to service domestic and aboard. Therefore, in order to further promote the sustainable development of cross border ethnic education in the new era, it is necessary to reconstruct the structural system and enhance the quality of cross border ethnic education and build the education centers along the Belt and Road. Also, various social forces should be united to promote the coordinated development of cross-border ethnic education and society; information technology should be integrated into educational area to support the information exchange and of cross-border ethnic education.
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    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between International Students from Countries along The Belt and Road and China’s Foreign Direct Investment
    Cai Wenno, Yan Jiali
    2020, 38 (4):  30-39.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.003
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    Based on the 2006—2017 study period, the PVAR model used the study to empirically analyze the number of international students from 44 sample countries along the Belt and Road route and the ongoing impact of China's direct investment in China. On the whole, there is a significant interdependence between the two. The results show that the growth of OFDI scale has a significantly positive impact on the inflow of international students in the countries along the route in the short term, which is a strong driving force for the further development of the relationship between the two countries and has a certain guiding effect. The overall quality is not high and its economic contribution rate is low. While OFDI expansion has a certain pull for its own further development, the motivation is not enough,Influenced by the internationalization level of higher education in China, and the status of the international value chain and other factors, the contribution of bilateral talent stock to attracting international students to come to China is limited. Therefore, the study holds that the government should reasonably evaluate the investment environment of the countries along the route and intensively operate the OFDI development model for the optimization of the location resource structure and improve the global value chain. At the same time, it’s important to set up an international talent exchange system and improve the quality assurance system of study international education for, the development of China's core competitiveness of human resources.
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    The Macro Logic of University Personnel System Reform and the Micro-Action of Teachers’ Academic Work: The Game between Audit Culture and Academic Culture
    Lin Xiaoying, Xue Ying
    2020, 38 (4):  40-61.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.004
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    Since 2014, the comprehensive education reform plan of Chinese universities takes the reform of teachers’ personnel system as its breakthrough, hoping to achieve the goal of building a world-class university. The logic of the reform is to start with the hypothesis of economic man, attract talents with high salary and stimulate output, and conduct market competition through performance appraisal and elimination system, so as to stimulate the academic vitality and output efficiency of teachers. This is the ideal picture of academic production projected by the reform of personnel system, and also the typical performance of audit culture entering into higher education. However, through the analysis of teachers’ behavior strategies in the promotion of professional titles, it is found that the incentive of taking benefits as exchange conditions and rewards and punishments as incentives will not only erode teachers’ pure love for learning, but also damage the good academic environment and academic culture, resulting in incalculable and permanent internal injuries. The dislocation between the macro logic of the school and the micro action of the teachers is the collision and competition between the audit culture from the management perspective and the academic culture from the individual perspective. The macro logic of personnel reform policy requires a lot of transparent information, but it destroys the most valuable trust in academic culture. Facing the compulsory accountability of audit culture in higher education, we need to redefine the key concepts of “university quality” and “academic competitiveness” from the perspective of academic culture, so that they can reflect the significance of academic community.
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    Non-academic Impact of Scientific Research and its Assessment: What, Why and How?
    Wang Nan, Luo Junwen
    2020, 38 (4):  62-71.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.005
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    Non-academic impact of scientific research is assessed by their contribution outside academia to the whole society, economy, culture, public policy, health care, environment and life quality of citizens etc. In recent years, some international cases have demonstrated the transformation of evaluation paradigm of scientific research, with a new dimension of impact assessment which focuses on comprehensive impact involving both academic and non-academic. With the evolution of science and society, impact assessment of scientific research is increasingly valued which follows the logic of knowledge production, facilitates public accountability, and helps strengthen social responsibility of researchers. So far, the three main methods of impact assessment are metrics (e.g. econometrics, altermetrics), filed investigations (e.g. survey, interview) and case studies which complement to one anther. We recommend involving non-academic impact assessment in China's reforming evaluation system of scientific research so that more diverse contribution of research to the whole economy and society can be made, together with increased awareness of social responsibility of researchers and improved research environment.
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    Development of Assessment Tool of Learning Progressions: Taking Primary School Students’ Statistical Thinking Test for Example
    Li Huaxia, Song Naiqing, Yang Tao, Xin Tao
    2020, 38 (4):  72-82.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.006
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    Learning progressions can describe the trajectory of students’ thinking development and reveal students’ learning patterns, but the development of assessment tool restricts its research and application. This article takes primary school students’ statistical thinking test for example to develop the assessment tool of learning progressions.The methodology involves learning progressions research framework, building the theory hypothesis of primary school students’ learning progressions of statistical thinking, collection of problem sets, item quality analysis, verification by students’ performance. The results indicate that the leaning progressions theory hypothesis of primary school students’ statistical thinking is basically in accordance with the students’ performance, and this paradigm can provide more reference for teaching and students’ thinking. Also, it can help discover new learning patterns from a new perspective.
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    An Empirical Research Based on Word Association Tests: The Development of Learning Concepts among Chinese Students from the Perspective of “Virtue and Mind Model”
    Gao Ruixiang, Zeng Qiyuan, Fan Zhiling, Wu Jiazheng, Li Yina, Fan Yinqing, Mo Lei
    2020, 38 (4):  83-95.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.007
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    Students’ learning concepts, i.e., epistemological beliefs about learning from emic perspective, have resulted from their intuition about learning phenomena and the experience. In the late 20th century, Chinese American Professor Jin Li conducted systematic research on structural differences between Western and East Asian learning concept models, using adult college students as subjects and Word Association Tests. She concluded that Western way of learning emphasizes on “Mind Orientation” while Chinese or Asian learning model focuses on “Virtue Orientation”. We examined the development of learning concepts among Chinese students ranging from first graders of primary school to college juniors, with some amendments to Li’s methods. The result shows that Chinese learning concepts evolve with age from “Virtue Only Model” to “Virtue and Mind Model”. This is because virtue-oriented learning tradition is deeply rooted in today’s Chinese students, but global cultural integration and modern education system have also brought about increasing element of mind model. For the foreseeable future, the gap between Virtue and Mind models is sure to be narrowed and even eliminated. And the ideal education vision of learning model should pay balanced attention to both virtue and mind.
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    The State, Guild and Labour in the Process of Skill Formation: A Sociological Approach to the Evolution of Appenticeship in England
    Wang Xing
    2020, 38 (4):  96-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.008
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    The apprenticeship system of England was working from 12th century to 20th century. The process of its evolution can be divided into three stages, namely handicraft period, state intervention period, and industry revolution period. During the handicraf period, the apprenticeship system was embeded into the social relationship between master class and apprentice class, thus building the social base for its skill formation. The power of free market changed this kind of social base, and the mode of merchant dominated production meant the change of production relationship. This also led to the stratification of master class. During the industry revolution, the regulation power of apprenticeship moved from guild to skilled trade union. The apprenticeship was reduced to the tool of labour conflict. In conclusion, the failure of apprenticeship resulted from the change of social class structure in England rather than technical innovation.
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    The Dilemma and Orientation of Rural Vocational Education Development under the Rural Revitalization Strategy
    Qi Zhanyong, Wang Zhiyuan
    2020, 38 (4):  107-117.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.009
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    Rural revitalization strategy is an important policy in China in the new era. To support rural revitalization, rural career education plays a crucial role in promoting people’s self-realization, preventing the intergenerational transmission of poverty, developing rural industry and facilitating agricultural and rural modernization. However, rural vocational education is challenged by some practical dilemmas: the acceleration of agricultural modernization versus the malfunction of rural vocational education, the transitional employment of rural population versus the deficient rural vocational education, the traditional “jumping the agricultural gate” versus deviation of rural vocational education, the aging rural population versus lagged rural vocational education, and so on. Facing the mission of revitalizing rural areas, the functional orientation of rural vocational education should meet the needs of agricultural and rural modernization in the new era. Moreover, the survival foundation should involve conserving the gene of local culture, while the cultivation should precisely target new professional farmers, and the supply and demand adaptation should constantly tap the dividend of aging population.
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    Analytical Framework and Action Paradigm of Education’s Response to Public Crisis: Based on the Outbreak of COVID-19
    Lin Kesong, Zhu Dequan
    2020, 38 (4):  118-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.04.010
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    The ability of coping with public crises is an important consideration for measuring the modernization level of education governance. Systematically, there are three links of action paradigm in education’s response to public crisis: execution and introspection and a six-dimensional action scale: professional degree, recognition degree, synergy degree, innovation degree, awareness degree and promotion degree. In response to the outbreak of COVID-19 crisis, education encounters challenges in design, execution and introspection, such as the consensus crisis like “keeping on studying while schools are closed”, the absence of cognition and ability of online teaching and the lack of imagination of “epidemic education”. In the post epidemic era,to improve the ability of coping with public crises, it's necessary to build a normalized public crisis response mechanism, establish a timely public crisis information communication mechanism and a diversified public crisis governance participation mechanism. Also it's important to implement a precise improving mechanism of online-education quality, develop a multidimensional public crisis reflection mechanism and implement a capacity building mechanism of progressive public crisis.
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