Reviewing and Reappraising: Piaget's Genetic Constructivism and Learning Theory from his Perspective
Bai Qian, Feng Youmei, Shen Shusheng, Li Yi
2020, 38 (3):
doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.010
In genetic theory, Piaget's genetic constructivism of knowledge concept can be explained from two perspectives: From the perspective of the occurrence and construction of knowledge, knowledge and thinking are concomitant and develop together, with internal consistency. Knowledge is subordinate to thinking, and thinking is based on knowledge. In fact, they are two aspects of the state and process of the occurrence of knowledge. From the perspective of the occurrence and construction of structure, the occurrence of knowledge is the occurrence of knowledge structure which is caused by the occurrence of thinking. While knowledge structure is subordinate to thinking structure, the level of thinking determines the status and level of knowledge structure, and the realization of thinking is based on the knowledge structure. It's found that constructivism learning theory only inherited Piaget's “construction”, but missed the essence of “genetic”, thus ignoring the process of knowledge occurrence for learning theory, and eventually missing the in-depth understanding of the generation and development of knowledge. Re-examining the learning theory in the light of Piaget's genetic constructivism helps to gain new enlightenment on the concept of knowledge, learning and teaching.
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