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    20 March 2020, Volume 38 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    How Technology Unlock the Potential of Lifelong Learners?-Dialogue on the Future Education and Learning Upgrading between Zhu Yongxin and John Couch
    Zhu Yongxin, John Couch
    2020, 38 (3):  1-15.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.001
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    How to use technology to unlock future education and learning? How to use the network to upgrade the current education system for digital natives to move from the original Project-Based Program to the current Challenge-Based Program? This is the future education topic that the academic circles of Chinese and American are concerned about. By comparing the historical traces and the actual dilemmas of education reform between China and America, it is found that the main reasons for the different forms of education reform between the two countries are culture and policy systems, but even so, the social and educational concerns of the two countries are changing from “teaching” to “learning”, education reform is becoming more and more dependent on people. Future education will develop towards educational ecosystem, integrated educational resources inside and outside the school, and constructing multi-learning centers. Constantly improving modern learning content and finding the best learning effect points is of great significance to promoting the development of future education and learning in China.
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    Reconstruction of the Jurisprudence of Student Discipline
    Guan Hua
    2020, 38 (3):  16-24.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.002
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    The legislation of students discipline is coming, however its jurisprudence needs to be reassessed. Theoretical paradigm should be based on Chinese education legislation, justice and administration. As the mainstream paradigm of state power expands, it faces difficulties and the paradigm of society power can offer further explanation more. The power of discipline is not from the policy of state developing education in Article 19 of the Chinese Constitution but from the right to education in Article 46 and the right of special protection in Article 49.
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    An Analysis of Teachers' Disciplinary Behavior and Its Regulation
    Hu Jinsong, Zhang Xiaowei
    2020, 38 (3):  25-31.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.003
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    Educational punishment is a negative intervention measure implemented by schools or teachers to help students recognize their mistakes and correct their behavior. Even though the current education law is not explicitly stated, teachers' right to education and teaching can provide a legal basis for teachers to carry out punishment. Regulations can regulate school disciplinary behavior, but not teachers' disciplinary behavior. It may be a possible regulatory choice to learn from overseas experience and use administrative guidance or administrative orders to guide schools to make disciplinary rules for teachers, or directly authorize schools to make disciplinary rules for teachers. It conforms to the educational behavior attribute of teachers' punishment and respects teachers' professional rights.
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    Legal Nature of Educational Discipline in Universities
    Xu Jian
    2020, 38 (3):  32-41.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.004
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    The discipline is a blamable punishment for a person within a special status relationship. It can be divided into social punishment, administrative punishment, and disciplinary measures. In civil law countries, public universities are positioned as public installations or public corporations. Therefore, educational discipline is characterized as a disciplinary measure. In China, education law legislation positions universities as social subjects. So, in judicial practice, educational discipline is characterized as an administrative penalty authorized by law for universities. However, it cannot be explained why education punishment other than expulsion from school is not within the scope of administrative litigation. Educational discipline in universities should be classified as a (similar to) corporate punishment. The state can regulate the education discipline of colleges and universities through interventional legislation of severe discipline and prohibition of improper discipline.
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    Anticipating Other Worlds, Animating Our Selves: An Invitation to Comparative Education
    Iveta Silova
    2020, 38 (3):  42-56.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.005
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    This article aims to reimagine education – and our selves – within the context of multiple, more-than-human worlds where everything and everyone (both human and non-human) are deeply interrelated. The aim is achieved by purposefully pursuing two speculative thought experiments – an epistemological and an ontological “regressions” – to connect and bring into conversation seemingly unrelated knowledge systems across space and time – European “paganism” and 13th century Japanese Buddhism, as well as excerpts from indigenous, ecofeminist, and decolonial scholarship. These speculative thought experiments are conducted through a series of “and if” questions around education and schooling, occasionally interrupted by shadows of butterflies fluttering at the edge of extinction. The article proposes to radically reimagine education in two ways. First, it invites readers to reconfigure education as a “connective tissue” between different worlds, bringing together rather than differentiating, ranking, and hierarchizing them. Second, it proposes to reframe education as an opportunity to learn how to anticipate and animate our ongoing entanglement with more-than-human worlds. This entails reframing learning as encountering and encountering as learning through comparison “otherwise”. Using the concept of “metamorphosis” as an antidote to Western metaphysics, the article re-situates education within a wider set of possibilities in relation to the taken-for-granted ways of knowing and being, as well as the notions of space and time.
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    On Building the Classroom Culture
    Zhu Xudong
    2020, 38 (3):  57-70.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.006
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    The article makes the proposition of urgency and necessity of building the classroom culture in support of the education reform. It first constructs the connotation of the classroom culture, then discusses the values of building the classroom culture, and finally puts forwards the approaches to building culture of the classroom.
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    A Study of the Warning Mechanism and the Ideal Matching Pattern between Sleep Time and Academic Achievement of High-school Students
    Liu Jian, Zhao Liman, Du Xiaofeng, Xu Guanxing
    2020, 38 (3):  71-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.007
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    Based on the survey of education quality in high schools in S province in China, a quantitative method is applied in this research to explore the ideal matching pattern between sleep time and high academic performance of high-school students. A multi-level warning mechanism is established for schools that sacrifice students' sleep time in pursuit of high academic achievement. The results show that “students with the highest scores when they slept for eight hours or more” was the ideal matching pattern for high-schools to ensure the healthy development of students and maintain a sound educational environment; more than 60% of schools in S province have unbalanced relationship between academic performance and sleep time. It's suggested that the administrative bodies, schools and teachers and parents should hold positive values and understand the relationship between students' sleep time and academic performance. Multi-level warning mechanisms should be in place to supervise and warn schools that blindly pursue high scores at the cost of students' sleep time.
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    Trend in Science of Learning in Latest Two Decades: Based on a Textual Analysis of Report Series of How People Learn
    Xu Guangtao, Xu Zuodong, Li Yingming, Huang Jianlan, Li Yao
    2020, 38 (3):  80-92.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.008
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    The report series of How People Learn incorporate insights gained from research conducted in the past decades and inspire researchers of science of learning all over the world. To examine the veins in recent two decades, analyze the change of its focus, and understand the trend of science of learning, this paper conducts a textual analysis of the two editions of How People Learn. The analysis produced data of more than a thousand word frequency. The result is presented in tables and “Word-Cloud” picture. Based on the analysis, we conclude that the newer report answering How People Learn in a wider dimension than the older, expanding the category of learners, transcending single learning space, reflecting technological development, highlighting the inter-disciplinary feature, and further exploring the nature of learning.
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    How to Improve Students' Academic Performance: A Perspective of Learning and Teaching Strategies
    Tang Yipeng, Wang Chuang, Hu Yongmei
    2020, 38 (3):  93-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.009
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    From the perspective of learning and teaching strategies, and based on a large-scale evaluation data of a province in eastern China, this paper explores what kind of teaching and learning strategies can more effectively improve the academic performance of primary and secondary school students. The results of the multi-level linear regression models show that cognitive strategies (CS), metacognitive strategies (MS) and inquiry strategies (IS) can significantly improve students' performance, among which CS have the greatest effect; individualized teaching strategies (ITS), participatory teaching strategies (PTS) and guided-inquiry teaching strategies (GTS) can significantly improve students' performance, and GTS have the greatest effect. The quasi-experimental design of CEM shows that teaching strategies can significantly promote the improvement of various learning strategies, especially for primary students' CS and MS and junior students' MS.
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    Reviewing and Reappraising: Piaget's Genetic Constructivism and Learning Theory from his Perspective
    Bai Qian, Feng Youmei, Shen Shusheng, Li Yi
    2020, 38 (3):  106-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.010
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    In genetic theory, Piaget's genetic constructivism of knowledge concept can be explained from two perspectives: From the perspective of the occurrence and construction of knowledge, knowledge and thinking are concomitant and develop together, with internal consistency. Knowledge is subordinate to thinking, and thinking is based on knowledge. In fact, they are two aspects of the state and process of the occurrence of knowledge. From the perspective of the occurrence and construction of structure, the occurrence of knowledge is the occurrence of knowledge structure which is caused by the occurrence of thinking. While knowledge structure is subordinate to thinking structure, the level of thinking determines the status and level of knowledge structure, and the realization of thinking is based on the knowledge structure. It's found that constructivism learning theory only inherited Piaget's “construction”, but missed the essence of “genetic”, thus ignoring the process of knowledge occurrence for learning theory, and eventually missing the in-depth understanding of the generation and development of knowledge. Re-examining the learning theory in the light of Piaget's genetic constructivism helps to gain new enlightenment on the concept of knowledge, learning and teaching.
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    Targeted Poverty Alleviation through Education: A Study of Myopia Among Rural Students in China and Prevention and Control Policy Recommendations
    Zhao Jin, Wang Huan, Guan Hongyu, Shi Yaojiang, Robin Li, Scott Rozelle
    2020, 38 (3):  117-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.03.011
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    Providing vision care to students in rural areas may serve the purpose of poverty alleviation by improving education and health. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of myopia studies among rural students in China and offer policy recommendations for the national myopia prevention and control plan under “Targeted poverty alleviation through education”. The results show that in rural China, 25% of primary school students and 50% of lower secondary school students are myopic. Moreover, more than 70% of rural myopic students suffer from uncorrected vision, which negatively affects student academic performance and mental health. Correcting myopia also has a significant positive impact on student academic achievement. Studies show that vision screening is an effective way to identify myopia among rural students. Providing subsidies for the families of myopic students to obtain eyeglasses, and providing incentives to teachers, can significantly improve the uptake and usage rates of eyeglasses. A county hospital-based vision center may be an effective platform for reducing children's visual impairment in rural China.
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