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    20 January 2021, Volume 39 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Which is More Important for Students’ Academic Performance: Response to the Debate about the Role of Schooling and Parenting from the Coleman Report
    Yongmei Hu, Jing Yuan
    2021, 39 (1):  1-25.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.001
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    Despite the Coleman Report half a century ago, there is no consensus on which is more important, parenting or schooling, for students’ academic performance. Based on the large-scale assessment data from primary and secondary schools in 16 cities of 5 provinces in eastern and central China, this study used generalized educational production function and established the hierarchical linear model (HLM) to analyze the impact of parenting and schooling on students’ standardized test scores. In addition, we employed Shapley and Owen decomposition method to identify the input factors that have a greater impact on school output and drew the following conclusions. Firstly, in addition to the student-teacher ratio, school input factors such as school conditions and teacher quality have significantly positive effects on students’ academic performance. Secondly, parental participation and parental educational expectations have significantly positive effects on students’ academic performance. Thirdly, parenting factors are more important for primary school students while schooling factors are more important for secondary ones. Finally, compared with school conditions, teacher quality contributes more to the variance of average academic performance in primary and secondary schools. Moreover, compared with primary schools, teacher quality has greater contribution to the variance of average academic performance in secondary schools. Based on the empirical research conclusions, we put forward five suggestions to improve the productivity of primary and secondary education in China. Firstly, the government should adjust the allocation of resources for compulsory education and give priority to funding for secondary school education. Secondly, the government should raise teachers’ salary and improve the work environment to attract high-quality labor into compulsory education. Thirdly, the government and schools should enhance teachers’ teaching through teacher training and cooperation. Fourthly, the government should make rules and regulations about family education to enhance parents’ responsibility in their children’s education. Finally, schools and communities should organize some lectures on family education to promote effective cooperating between schooling and parenting.

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    On Legal Status of Educational Administrative Agencies
    Hua Guan
    2021, 39 (1):  26-39.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.002
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    Educational administrative agencies are the most important subjects of educational administrative legal relations whose legal status has been studied little. They include executive branches, departments of education and others. Based on 12 laws, 19 administrative rules and 48 regulations, educational administrative agencies have powers of rule-making, permission, penalty, sanction, supply, guidance, supervision, etc. The relationship between educational administrative agencies and non-government schools is external, such as permission, penalty and supervision. However, the relationship between educational administrative agencies and government schools is mainly internal, such as sanction, budget and personnel. Besides, there is not much relation between educational administrative agencies and teachers, students.

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    The Legal Status of Primary and Secondary Schools
    Haitao Ren, Xinglong Yang
    2021, 39 (1):  40-48.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.003
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    The definition of the legal status of the school is the basic premise for studying the internal construction and external relations of the school. From the current judicial practice, the legal status of colleges and universities is getting clearer, but the legal status of primary and secondary schools is still to be explored, which is worth paying attention to. The legal status of primary and secondary schools in China can be divided into civil legal status and administrative legal status. According to the current legal norms of China, its definition needs to be dealt with in a diversified way according to different types of primary and secondary schools. In terms of civil legal status, public primary and secondary schools in China do not have the status of independent legal person, while private primary and secondary schools have the status of legal person. As far as administrative legal status is concerned, primary and secondary schools may be administrative counterparts or internal subsidiary in their relations with administrative organs, and may have the legal status of administrative subjects when evaluating teachers' positions and discharging students from non-compulsory education.

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    Legal Status of Teachers
    Yafeng Yu, Qiran Wang
    2021, 39 (1):  49-58.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.004
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    Defining the legal status of teachers is essential for the construction of a high-quality teaching force. Nowadays, the teacher law does not reflect the special characteristics of different teacher groups, which results in disputes in teacher management. The establishment of teachers’ legal status should be based on the publicity of teachers’ occupation, and the legal status of teachers in different schools at different levels should be defined clearly. The legal relationship between teachers and schools also need to be defined, and teachers’ professional status stems from the need of modern national education system and social development. The provision of teachers’ rights and obligations should be based on teachers’ publicity, and differences of teachers’ publicity at different levels and different schools need to be reflected. The legal status of different groups of teachers and the corresponding legal relationship between teachers and related subjects need to be established according to their different intensity of publicity. Thus, the teacher law should ensure the coordination of publicity and autonomy, clarify the rights and obligations of teachers, and the legal status of teachers.

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    From Right to Status: Legal Retrospection and Rights Protection of Students’ Legal Status
    Peng Chen, Junyan Wang
    2021, 39 (1):  59-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.005
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    The legal status of students is a basic theoretical issue in the study of educational law and a major practical issue in the process of educational law in China. Students’ rights and obligations are the embodiment of students’ legal status. Based on the current education law on student rights and obligations, the legal status of students can be summarized as a special civil subject in civil law and a special administrative counterpart in administrative law. At present, the students’ right to education is deficient in litigation, procedures and justice. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the relief of the right to education into administrative and judicial review, to provide comprehensive relief to the rights of students, to take into account both substantive rights and procedural rights, and to guarantee the realization of the right to education of students according to law.

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    On the Guardian of the Minor Student from the Perspective of Education Law
    Jianlong Yao, Yue Liu
    2021, 39 (1):  69-77.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.006
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    The guardian of the minor student is a direct stakeholder and plays an indispensable role in the legal relationship of education, but the basic law on education has not paid enough attention to such an issue and the status it deserves. The education by the guardian of the minor student has dual attributes of rights and obligations, so the side of rights should not be neglected when the other side of obligations is emphasized. Compared with the educating power of the state (which is mainly realized through school education), the guardian’s educating right is undoubtedly subordinate, but the latter cannot be ignored. In recent years, both the awareness-raising and the “struggle” of guardians’ educating right have exerted a negative impact on school education. Educational laws and regulations should draw a clear line between guardian’s educating right, state’s educating right and school’s educating right in the future.

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    Justification of Critical Thinking: A Response to Whether Critical Thinking Only Applies to Free Society?
    Cheng-Hsi Chen
    2021, 39 (1):  78-93.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.007
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    Critical thinking can be regarded as the mainstream educational aim of the 20th century in Britain and America, and it reflects the rational tradition of western epistemology and the Kant enlightenment tradition of respecting persons in moral theory. From a pragmatic point of view, most scholars believe that critical thinking is a basic ability necessary to cope with the rapid changes of modern society. J. Dewey and R. S. Peters examined the exploratory significance of the concept of educational aim itself from a philosophical standpoint. McPeck argues that education implies critical thinking from the analysis of conditions of knowledge. Siegel argues critical thinking as an educational ideal from four dimensions: respect for students as persons, self-sufficiency and preparation for adulthood, initiation into the rational traditions, critical thinking and democratic life. Siegel's argument is based on the rational and liberal atmosphere, which has also caused some political philosophers to reflect on whether a democratic society can accept the non-critical thinking education of minorities. Steutel and Spieck summarize critical thinking involving three themes: political policy and legislation, conceptions of the good and the liberal-political framework, concepts of the good and their intrinsic value. They investigate three arguments which intend to justify critical thinking as an aim of education. In their arguments, the support argument explains the first and second themes, and the welfare argument covers more than the support argument to the second theme. However, these two arguments and the necessity argument still cannot fully prove the third theme concerning critical thinking as intrinsic value of good. In addition to promoting critical thinking in liberal society, the author attempts to argue that if minority groups do not violate significant common social values and do not restrict their children's participation in mainstream society, critical thinking is still a desirable educational value. However, mainstream culture should respect minority groups which do not identify the critical thinking as educational value. Regardless of whether we have justified it sufficiently or not, philosophical justification remains to be conducive to the manifestation of educational concepts, helps to embody the spirit of critical thinking, recognizes its possible limitations, and also has positive significance in educational practice.

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    Labor Education and Innovation: Significance from the Perspective of Tools and Equipment
    Xiaodong Lu
    2021, 39 (1):  94-106.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.008
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    Labor is a combination of human hands and brains. We believe that labor created the world and men himself. One of its ontological roles is to maintain and promote the development of the hand and the brain. The manufacture and use of tools and equipment occur almost simultaneously with labor, and equipment is an important factor in labor. Martin Heidegger launched the significance of labor/concernful dealing, equipment, the world and the relationship between each other. Individuals can understand equipment only by concernful dealing with it and put it to use in the readiness-to-hand (Zuhandenkeit). During labor then we can know the equipment from-which, towards-which and unusablility. Unusability is the motivation for repairing, transforming and innovating equipment, and for sustained innovation. Only through labor can people understand the referential totalities and the real world. The purpose of labor education is therefore very closely linked to the grasping of the equipment and the world. Labor education is a kind of labor that exerts educational functions essentially. It has six characteristics. Labor education outside the school field is diverse in its origin and purpose. The purpose of labor education in the school field can be biased towards moral education, but as labor itself has the function of uncovering and making truth open, so cognitive labor, exploratory/creative labor are also important aspects of labor education and closely related to the cultivation of innovative talents. Readiness-to-hand can quickly bring individuals to the forefront, and the concept of readiness-to-hand presents the limitation of step-by-step instruction as a principle of teaching. The world lights up only in certain definite ways with the readiness-to-hand, and indeed it has been lit up only with the readiness-to-hand of that concern. The equipment as the readiness-to-hand is modern and the modern world will be lit up. Therefore, in the labor education curriculum, it is necessary to allow students to use different, rich and advanced tools and equipment. The reason why labor education is new in the new era will be highlighted in the advanced tools and equipment of labor education.

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    What is Equity from Students’ Perspective: Evidence from the Experiment Research
    Zhongjing Huang, Jie Wu, Xingyuan Gao
    2021, 39 (1):  107-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.009
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    The purpose of this study is to explore the developmental levels of students’ equity preferences and influence factors by using stakeholder and spectator game in experimental economic. The result shows that student’s equity preferences change with age, peer relationship, cognition and social experience, from egalitarianism to meritocratism and efficiency. Students can accept more and more inequity allocation based on luck, merit and efficiency difference. Family background and schooling are important factors to impact students' equity preferences. The implication of this study is that educators should consider the different educational equity strategies for different students of ages in schools and families.

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    The Quality of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in China: A Ten-year Exploration Based on China College Student Survey
    Yuheng Huang, Xiting Zhou, Jinghuan Shi
    2021, 39 (1):  116-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.01.010
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    Teaching and learning is the most important educational activity for universities to promote the development of students and respond to the needs of society. Based on the framework of learning-oriented assessment, combined with the years of theoretical and data exploration of CCSS, this study constructs eight indicators to assess the quality of undergraduate teaching and learning in universities of China. They are high-order cognitive ability, problem-solving ability, reading and writing ability, active learning, student interaction, instruction, teacher-student interaction and online teaching. This quality evaluation index system is used to analyze the quality level and trend of undergraduate teaching and learning in China in the past ten years.

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