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    20 October 2021, Volume 39 Issue 10 Previous Issue   
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    A History that Should not be Forgotten: Reflection of Public School Reform
    Kaisheng Lao
    2021, 39 (10):  1-11.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.001
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    Since 1980s, the common problems faced by the public schools around the world have enhanced a wave of re-building public schools worldwide, among which, marketization and privatization are the main ideas. At the same time, a process of reforming public school system has also started in China. How to understand the national and civil nature of public schools, how to fully state the characteristics of public schools are the fundamental problems of the reform. Simplifying the administrative procedures and delegating powers to lower levels, as well as building an education system adapting to socialist marketing system, would be the two important issues of reform, behind which, there is a possibility of exploring a modern school system beside the government. During the reform, because of the conflict of interests, past values, and cognition of social status, some schools went wrong direction, for examples, chaos of the teaching order, and the education inequities. The end of public school reform shows that education reform should understand the goodness of education, deal with the relationships of education and market, and stick to the public responsibility of public schools.

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    Developmental Trajectory and Reform Innovation of Pedagogy in PRC: For the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of East China Normal University
    Zhongjing Huang, Liang Cheng
    2021, 39 (10):  12-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.002
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    The development of pedagogy at East China Normal University has presented us with a magnificent historical picture, which enables us to clearly grasp the developmental trajectory and innovation progress in People’s Republic of China. In the construction of educational knowledge, it reflects the shift from the sinicization of pedagogy to Chinese pedagogy. In the aspect of educational practice, it has gone through a process from experience generalization to theory production. In the service of national policy making, it has undergone a shift from evidence-informed government to evidence-driven policy making. In the term of leading the academic frontier, it has a shift from gearing to international standard to tell the story of Chinese education.

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    Teacher-student Cooperation: The Founding Spirit of Great China University and Contemporary Implications
    Aofei Lou
    2021, 39 (10):  27-40.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.003
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    The spirit of “teacher-student cooperation” has been closely linked to the university’s specific practices since its founding, and has been enriched and given new meaning as the times have changed. Based on the spirit of cooperation between teachers and students, Great China University used the mentorship system as an institutional practice that helped the university survive various tests. The “teacher-student cooperation” combines the essence of the traditional academy with the modern university system, which can provide direct ideological resources for the modernization of the university governance system, and is an inspiration for the establishment of a harmonious teacher-student relationship and the reform of the school system at present.

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    Conservative “Sinology”: A Research on the Teaching and Research of the Department of Chinese Literature of Guanghua University
    Shu Han
    2021, 39 (10):  41-50.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.004
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    Guanghua University was born in the May 30th Movement in 1925. It was combined with the Great University of China as East China Normal University in 1951. Before the Anti-Japanese War, with the efforts of president Zhang Shouyong and Qian Jibo, Dean of the College of Arts, the Department of Chinese literature of Guanghua University made remarkable achievements in talent training and became an important town for the teaching and research of Sinology. Of course, limited by subjective and objective conditions, the Department of Chinese literature of Guanghua university had some problems, such as inability to set up research institutes, insufficient degree of discipline specialization, limited academic communication circle between teachers and students, which affected the further development of the discipline. Reviewing the teaching and research of the Department of Chinese literature of Guanghua University, such as the misplaced development of disciplines, emphasis on Sinology education, broken boundaries inside and outside the classroom, has guiding significance for the discipline and academy construction of Universities.

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    Normal and Academic: An Exploration in the Early Stage of East China Normal University
    Hualong Chen, Feifei Yin
    2021, 39 (10):  51-64.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.005
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    The relationship between normality and scholarship is an important issue in the history of higher education about the running of normal universities and teacher education. The combination of normal and academic nature is rooted in the tradition of running schools from Kwang Hua University, The Great China University to East China Normal University (ECNU). It is one of the fruitful and important explorations in the early stage of ECNU. In order to meet the needs of the development of national education, ECNU has completed its normal orientation as an independent normal university through the merger and establishment of private universities and the adjustment of colleges and departments. At the same time, it has completed the shaping of normal nature through measures such as leadership arrangement, ideological transformation and reformation of the training mode. The leader’s idea of a university, the guidance of Soviet experts and the task of teacher training in normal universities prompts ECNU to set up the research department, establish a series of journals and publishing houses in time. It provides platform guarantee and ensures that the academic nature can be established. After the great discussion on the direction of running normal universities, the equal emphasis on normal and academic has been established gradually. Under this concept, ECNU improves teachers’ education level and moves towards the road of subject integration by revising training objectives, exploring and extending the school system, expanding teacher training forms, adding special groups and new majors, and establishing a series of scientific research institutions. The historical exploration of normality and scholarship in the early stage of the school lays the foundation for ECNU’s idea of “unification of normal and academic” in the 1980s. It also has important enlightenment for normal universities on how to deal with the challenge of running teacher education in high-level comprehensive universities.

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    Phenomenology as Philosophy of Education: On the Liberation of Self by Phenomenology
    Wei Gao
    2021, 39 (10):  65-76.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.006
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    Phenomenology is a kind of modern philosophy that tries to return to classical rationality and reshape the meaning of human existence. Phenomenology has the characteristics of revolutionary, critical and liberating. It liberates the world and self, reviews people’s understanding of the relationship between themselves and the world, and redefines freedom and responsibility. The problem consciousness of phenomenology is the cover and appearance of self, and its historical mission is to liberate self. Phenomenology not only constructs “a certain” philosophy of education through “Revelation”, but also regards education as political and ethical activities, emancipates the mind, publicizes the freedom of ideas, regards the educators and the educated in the educational activities as the undertakers of truth and freedom, and profoundly changes our understanding of education. Phenomenology itself has a profound nature of education. Phenomenology is the philosophy of education.

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    Relatives are not Avoided When Talents are Demanded: Does Insider Characteristics Reduce the Quality and Influence of Academic Papers? Examples from Mainland China
    Yishan Li, Jinsong Liu
    2021, 39 (10):  77-102.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.007
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    Along with the increased level of competition for academic publication, there is a growing debate about the preference for insider manuscripts in academic journals, however, there has been no empirical research to discuss the effect of insider manuscripts on the quality and influence of academic papers in educational research. This study is based on data of 923, 901 papers published in educational academic research journals in mainland China from 2001 to 2019 and textual evidence from 80 interviewees, based on the framework of “cost-benefit” mechanism, rational decision-making perspective and the concept of transaction cost, a research hypothesis and two research assumptions on the effect of insider characteristic on the quality and influence of academic papers are proposed and verified by the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of mixed research pattern. The study found that (1) the influence and quality of insider manuscripts are better than that of outsiders in most “Period * Catalog * Download/Cite” sections. (2) From far to near, the insider effect has a different trend in different plates, the effect in CSSCI changed from negative to positive, in CSSCI-E and PKU-CCJ changed from positive to negative, fluctuates in general journals. (3) There is a mediating/indirect effect of the influence of insider characteristic on the total utility of quality, the mediating/indirect effect varies by section, and there is a masking effect, attention should be paid to the mediating/indirect effect of influence on value discovery. (4) The insider characteristic in the middle and low range has more negative effect than that of the middle and high range, the insider characteristic in the middle and high range shows more positive effect than that in the middle and low range. (5) In terms of quality and influence, the fake insider characteristic of outsider characteristic show a downward trend compared with that of insider characteristic, but better than real outsider characteristic, it is not simply a negative definition of monopoly. (6) The opinions of academic journals, reviewers and paper authors on insider manuscripts and their corresponding actions are obviously different with the individual's internal characteristic and external environment. Synthesizing the above analysis, this study argues that it is not possible to simply identify that insider manuscripts with insider characteristic significantly reduce the quality and influence of academic papers, which needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. At the same time, when the characteristic of insider help academic journals to reduce transaction costs with paper authors, the contribution proportion of insider increases in the middle and low sections and decreases in the middle and high sections as the cost, and such cost varies with different sections. Based on the above research results, this study puts forward suggestions on strengthening internal processes, improving decision-making performance and improving quality and influence from the perspective of procedural and substantive fairness for academic journals, and puts forward suggestions on enhancing research level and building professional reputation for paper authors.

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    Research on the Value of Science Philanthropy in the Development of U.S. Research Universities
    Jiubin Yang
    2021, 39 (10):  103-114.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.008
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    Science Philanthropy, which began in the mid-19th century, plays an indispensable role in US research universities. Before World War II, science philanthropy played a key role in the rising of American research universities, the cultivation of scientific talents and the development of disciplines, which made up for the lack of government funding. After World War II, in view of the contribution of university scientific research to the war, there was a strong sense of federal funding to university scientific research, thus federal funding was emerged in research universities more and more. The role of the federal government was highlighted, which obscured the shine of science philanthropy. However, science philanthropy still plays an important role in the development of research universities in the United States. It is a supplement of research funds, an enabler of breaking research development and a supporter of cutting-edge knowledge. And it promotes the development of American research universities together with the federal government.

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    Education Law is an Independent Department Law
    Binshuo Lei
    2021, 39 (10):  115-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.10.009
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    The independence of education law is not confirmed by the characteristics of the legal branch; on the contrary, the independence of the education law confirms that the education law can be regarded as an independent department law. The independence of education law is determined by the typological characteristics of education law, which is the narrow sense of educational legal relationship, which belongs to the core category of education law. In the stage of the continuous development of education law, it is necessary to focus on the legal relationship of narrow sense education, highlight the research on the nodal issues, and focus on the joint and detail issues of the education law with the legal relationship of narrow sense education and its embodied educational value. Then, we should construct the system of education law, form the order of education law, stabilize the scope of education law, and ensure the independence of education law.

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