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    01 February 2023, Volume 41 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    An Empirical Study on the Evaluation Model of Teacher’s Interdisciplinary Instruction Competency
    Dequan Zhu, Hongli Peng
    2023, 41 (2):  1-13.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.001
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    Interdisciplinary instruction competency is the fundamental driving force for teachers to carry out interdisciplinary teaching practice activities. Interdisciplinary instruction competency evaluation is an important tool and necessary means to guide and promote teachers to develop interdisciplinary instruction competency. By clarifying the connotation and characteristics of teachers’ interdisciplinary instruction competency, this paper constructs the interdisciplinary instruction competency evaluation index system of primary and secondary school teachers, and uses Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process to form a three-dimensional evaluation model of teacher interdisciplinary instruction competency with weight coefficient value, which integrates interdisciplinary teaching knowledge, interdisciplinary teaching ability and interdisciplinary teaching affection. Through empirical test, combined with the current level of interdisciplinary instruction competency of primary and secondary school teachers in China, this paper puts forward the development path of teachers’ endogenous interdisciplinary instruction competency, that is, to understand the interdisciplinary teaching concept and enhance the interdisciplinary teaching sentiment and liberal consciousness, to deepen interdisciplinary teaching practice and temper interdisciplinary teaching ability and cross-border thinking, and to strengthen the communication between subject teachers and develop interdisciplinary teaching community and organizational culture.

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    Gold Bachelor, Silver Master, and Bronze Doctor: A Reflection of Ability or Academic Discrimination? — An Empirical Study on Ten Cohorts of Doctoral Graduates from a “Double First-Class” Construction University
    Liping Ma, Xiaomei Ye
    2023, 41 (2):  14-24.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.002
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    Based on the administrative data of ten cohorts of doctoral graduates of a “double first-class” construction university in China, this paper examines whether there exists the discrimination of educational background for “Gold Bachelor, Silver Master and Bronze Doctor” when looking for an academic career and draws the following conclusions. First, overall “Gold Bachelor”, “Silver Master” and “Bronze Doctor” are not effective labels that reflect doctoral graduates’ research ability: there is no significant difference in various research ablity indicators among these three types of doctoral graduates majoring in humanities and social sciences, while only the impact factors of English papers of “Gold Bachelor” and “Silver Master” are significantly higher than “Bronze Doctor” with science and engineering majors. Second, doctoral graduates of “Gold Bachelor”, “Silver Master” and “Bronze Doctor” have significantly different opportunities in acquiring academic careers, which to a certain extent, reflects the discrimination of educational background. The probability of pursuing postdoctor positions for a “Bronze Doctor” majoring in science and engineering is significantly higher, while the probability of obtaining faculty positions in a more selective university for a “Gold Bachelor” majoring in humanities and social sciences is significantly higher.

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    Who Benefits More from Online Learning: An Empirical Study on Postgraduates’ Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior
    Chiyao Sun, Ji’an Liu, Yanru Xu
    2023, 41 (2):  25-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.003
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    Online knowledge sharing is the key link of individual development in the digital age. Postgraduates are the core members of the future knowledge society. Exploring the factors affecting their online knowledge sharing behavior is of positive significance to promote postgraduates to enjoy digital dividends fairly and contribute to the construction of Digital China. However, the existing literature lacks attention to this topic. This study examines factors resulting in postgraduates differentiated online knowledge sharing behavior from two dimensions – social structure and individual ability. The results of the questionnaire survey of 501 postgraduates show that: first, structural factors (gender, school type, location, father’s occupation, and father’s education) have a significant impact on postgraduates’ online knowledge sharing behavior. These also have a greater impact on the quality of online knowledge sharing than in a quantity sense. Second, individual ability factors (information literacy) also have a significant impact on postgraduates’ online knowledge sharing behavior. It has a greater impact on the quantity of online knowledge sharing than in a quality sense. Third, there is Matthew effect in the Internet context, and certain effects of structural factors on online knowledge sharing behavior are indirectly generated through individual ability factors. Participants with privileged status regarding structural factors show a higher level of information literacy, which encourages them to be more active in online knowledge sharing behavior and facilitates their high-quality production.

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    Global Competence of Students in PISA High-Performing Regions: The Impact of Individual and School Factors
    Baocun Liu, Qinhui Huang
    2023, 41 (2):  38-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.004
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    Based on data from four high-performing regions in PISA2018, this study explores student and school factors that affect students’ global competence with the help of hierarchical linear models. The study found that: family socioeconomic status, multilingual capability and reading interest have different degrees of predictive effect on students’ global competence; school mean ESCS has a positive predictive effect on students’ global competence in four places, while multicultural learning opportunities and globalization curriculum have no significant effect on students’ global competence. Teachers’ multicultural beliefs only had a predictive effect on Singaporean students’ global competence; school mean ESCS and teachers’ multicultural beliefs could moderate the relationship between students’ reading interest, family socioeconomic status and global competence, respectively. To promote students’ global competence, schools should provide students of different backgrounds with fair opportunities for learning about global competence, improve students’ foreign language skills, and create a campus culture that values ??reading. At the same time, schools should support peer communication and learning activities, coordinate the breadth and depth of multicultural activities and globalization curriculum, and provide teachers with opportunities for professional development of global competence teaching, so as to give full play to the role of individuals and schools in the development of students’ global competence.

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    PISA Derivatives: A Utilitarian Challenge to Global Education Governance
    Ji Liu, Jin Zhang
    2023, 41 (2):  53-62.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.005
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    PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) derivatives share many commonalities with financial derivatives, and have emerged as a key development in international student assessments that is rapidly reshaping the policy landscape in global education governance. Their influence includes market-economy ideology replacing that of educational value, sharp increases in global demand for testing, and deterioration of local education autonomy and diversity. Through ideology transfusion, distortion of supply and demand, and decay of educational value, PISA derivatives are deepening policy short-sightedness, decontextualization, and structural dependency in global education governance. In light of these challenges, global education governance frameworks in the new era must emphasize humanistic values, strengthen inclusiveness, enhance equality, and activate new governance potentials through strategic reform in the international educational assessment architecture.

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    Exploring the Chinese Pathway of Value-Added Assessment: Critical Analysis of the U.S. Practice
    Yumei Han, Wenfan Yan, Dan Jiang
    2023, 41 (2):  63-80.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.006
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    Comparative study and critical analysis approach were applied to analyze the essential features, technical issues, applicable limits, integration trends and preparative conditions of teacher value-added assessment, as well as to detect its pathway in terms of value proposition, technical breakthrough, application focus, developmental framework and practical transformation. Teacher value-added assessment measures teachers’ contribution to students’ learning based on their achievement growth, with the usage of value-added modelling. The approach quantifies the causal effect of teachers’ teaching upon student learning growth, and therefore provides quantitative evidence to diagnose levels of teachers’ effectiveness. Such features imply evidence-based orientation and technical specialties of value-added assessment, however, considering the limitations, over estimation of its value and over generalization in application should be avoided. Debates and unsolved technical challenges still exist around the issues of value-added modelling in terms of reliability, validity and statistical bias, Chinese efforts should be made to challenge the cutting-edge technological innovation and overcome the unsolved difficulties. Drawn from the evaluation reform history and empirical evidence of the U.S., it is proven that teacher value-added assessment should avoid risk of serving high-stakes decisions and highlight its diagnostic function. Integration of value-added assessment with diverse measurements becomes international trend in common, local efforts should be made to construct an integrated assessment system based on value pluralism and negotiation between multiple stakeholders. To promote practical implication of value-added assessment, preparative conditions should be met in development of national system of standardized assessment of student achievement and growth, development of national databases, organization of a professional team of expertise, as well as establishment of reporting and reflection mechanism for value-added assessment results and impacts, in order to add the maximized value to the new evaluation system.

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    Research on the Influencing Factors of College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention: A Cross-country Comparative Study from the Perspective of Institutional Theory
    Weihui Mei, Weiyi Zhang
    2023, 41 (2):  81-92.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.007
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    Entrepreneurial intention is not only an important predictor of college students’ entrepreneurial behavior, but also a hot issue in higher education and entrepreneurial education research at home and abroad. Previous studies mainly explore the influencing factors of entrepreneurial intention from individual factors in a specific country. Cross-country research on the impact of institutional environment for entrepreneurship on college students’ entrepreneurial intention is still in its infancy. Based on institutional theory, this study uses the data of ‘Global Entrepreneurship Monitor’ and ‘Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey’ to investigate the impact of regulatory, normative and cognitive institutions on the entrepreneurial intention of college students in various countries at the time of graduation and five years later. The study finds that both the cognitive and the normative institution have a significant positive correlation with the entrepreneurial intention of college students, especially the impact of entrepreneurship education at the higher education stage; the role of the regulatory institution on the entrepreneurial intention of college students is more complex. It is suggested to vigorously promote the high-quality development of entrepreneurship education at different stages, create entrepreneurship-friendly cultural environment inside and outside the schools, and reconsider the effectiveness of some accustomed but unverified entrepreneurship policies for college students’ entrepreneurship.

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    Research on the Influence Mechanism of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Behavior: A Large Sample Empirical Investigation Mediated by Entrepreneurial Ability and Entrepreneurial Willingness
    Depeng Ning, Tongtong He, Junxue Deng, Xue Zeng
    2023, 41 (2):  93-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.008
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    Based on the sample data of 30,887 students from 102 colleges and universities in 26 provinces across the country, combined with the structural equation model, the mechanism model of the influence of innovation and entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behavior with entrepreneurial ability and entrepreneurial willingness as mediating variables was verified. The research results show that entrepreneurship education can not only directly and significantly affect entrepreneurial behavior, but also positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial behavior through the first mediating effect of entrepreneurial ability, and can also positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial behavior through the first mediating effect of entrepreneurial willingness. The contribution of ability and entrepreneurial willingness to entrepreneurial behavior is stronger than entrepreneurial education. At the same time, consciously mining the elements of ideological and political education contained in the content of innovation and entrepreneurship education can stimulate and cultivate college students' excellent qualities such as team awareness, legal awareness, honesty awareness and social responsibility. Based on the conclusions of empirical research, it is proposed to update the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship education, strengthen the dual-subject awareness of entrepreneurship education in schools; fit the reality of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities, attach importance to the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education, and strengthen the cultivation of entrepreneurial ability.Also, it's important to pay attention to the integration of ideological and political and ideological and political courses, excavates the ideological elements of innovative entrepreneurship education, and enhances the collaborative education force.

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    From a Financial Center to a Science and Technology Innovation Center: Transformation and Development of City Empowered by Higher Education Clusters—Based on the Case Study of New York City
    Zelin Zhuo, Xiaowei Zhang
    2023, 41 (2):  106-116.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.009
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    After the 9?11 terrorist attack and the 2008 financial turmoil, the economic development of New York, the financial capital, has been severely affected, and the pace of marching into the city of science and technology has begun. The transformation of New York City’s technological innovation has been affected by various factors, such as its own creative capital development orientation and financial crisis. Higher education clusters are the core components of New York’s technological innovation system. They provide strong support and guarantee for the formation and development of New York’s global science and technology innovation center by cultivating innovative talents in science and technology, improving the transformation mechanism of scientific research achievements, focusing on leading industries, implementing internal and external development strategies, then promoting the successful transformation of New York from a financial center to a technology innovation center. New York’s successful experience of transforming to an international science and technology innovation center by relying on higher education clusters can be an important reference example for Chinese higher education cluster to better assist the construction and development of its urban science and technology innovation centers.

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    Knowledge and Power in Education: Approaching the Ideological World of Thomas S. Popkewitz
    Guorui Fan
    2023, 41 (2):  117-130.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2023.02.010
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    Professor Thomas S. Popkewitz of the University of Wisconsin Madison in the United States, in his half-a-century educational research career, has widely absorbed the academic ideas of the French Almanac School, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, and has embedded major educational issues such as educational reform, curriculum and teaching, teacher development and teacher education, and educational evaluation into the vision of social history and cultural structure. And, according to the concepts of institution, rationality, society, institution, knowledge, power, governance and “alchemy”, he explained and revealed the structural relationship of knowledge and power implicited in the multidimensional interaction of time and space.

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