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    01 June 2024, Volume 42 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The International Orientation of China's Education and Human Resources and the Realistic Path to Building Powerful Nation of Education
    Wei Hu, Ying Du
    2024, 42 (6):  1-8.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.001
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    The supply capacity of high-quality human resources is the key to supporting the construction of Powerful Nation of Education. China has obvious weaknesses in terms of the average number of years of schooling of the population, the number of students in higher education in one million people, the proportion of graduate students and the cultivation model. Facing the new task of supporting the construction of Chinese path to modernization, the construction of Powerful Nation of Education urgently needs to adapt to the characteristics and trends of population and economic development, and it's important to expand high-quality higher education and vocational education resources through multiple paths.Taking the reform and evaluation system as a breakthrough, we can establish a full chain training mechanism for cultivating top-notch innovative talents. Based on the cultivation of science and engineering talents, we will build a new mechanism of organized industry-university-research alliance that integrates science and education, industry education, and school enterprise collaboration, leading a new paradigm of self cultivation of urgently-needed talents in China. Besides, we will increase investment in human capital and enhance the average funding allocation level for education students at all levels that is compatible with the construction of an educational powerhouse; and effectively utilize world-class educational resources and innovative elements to enhance the level of educational cooperation and international influence.

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    The Historical Background, Challenges and Choices for Building a Strong Education Power in a Century of Change
    Nanping Yu, Hao Huang
    2024, 42 (6):  9-19.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.002
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    The present time is in a situation of great change unprecedented in a century. From a macro perspective, the world is entering a period of political and economic reshaping. Education is crucial to raising the level of productivity and pushing human civilization out of the productivity stagnation period. The current process of reverse globalization has triggered the outbreak of deep-rooted global conflicts. At the same time, disruptive technologies and industrial changes are deconstructing and reshaping the global industrial chain and value chain while accelerating the reshaping of the new global political and economic landscape. Under the background of entangled and superimposed influences of political intervention and technological power, China will mainly face the influences and challenges of “graded decoupling” of education from the U.S. and the West, subversive technological barriers, and reshaping of the AI ecosystem in the process of constructing a strong educational power. Only with the inherent requirements of Chinese-style modernization and the goal of building a community of human destiny can China build and realize a strong education power in the revolution of education paradigm and education “self-creation”.

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    Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment: Exploration and Innovation in China’s Context
    Xiulan Yu
    2024, 42 (6):  20-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.003
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    With regard to the study of cultural capital and educational attainment in China’s context, scholars have not only verified Bourdieu’s theory, but also expanded it due to the inadequacy of the theory being too “French” and “static”. Scholars have explored concepts such as “underclass cultural capital”, and added new indicators to the specific measurement of the concept of cultural capital. They have verified the effect of cultural capital, especially explored the context factors that regulate the influence of cultural capital on education attainment, such as social context, exam-oriented education system, cultural traditions, and changes of times. As for the mechanism of cultural capital affecting education attainment, they have found the mechanism of cultural identification in addition to the exclusion of highbrow culture. The problems in the existing research are mainly reflected in the confusion in the measurement of the concept of cultural capital, the rigid application of cultural capital theory and the lack of innovative research based on the local situation in China. In the future, we need to further define the boundary of the concept of cultural capital and find out the characteristics and mechanisms of cultural capital in China’s context and in the changing times.

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    Based on “Education” or “Labor”: Reflection on Two General Concepts of Labor Education
    Yingqiang Zhang, Yucong Tang
    2024, 42 (6):  38-50.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.004
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    For a long time, the educational community in China has studied labor and labor education mainly based on education, thus forming two general concepts on labor and labor education. Both of these general concepts on labor and labor education have methodological flaws: firstly, it reverses the relationship between labor and education. Secondly, it overlooks the comprehensive regulation of labor and labor education on Socialist Education. Thirdly, there is a one-sided understanding of the “comprehensive development education theory”. Fourthly, it overlooks the organic connection between labor and excellent Chinese cultural traditions. “Labor” is a category that embodies the distinct Marxist ideology and the spirit of excellent traditional Chinese culture. We must be guided by Marxist labor concept, to achieve a fundamental transformation in the research methodology of labor education, and should not only study labor and labor education based on education, but also based on labor to study education and labor education.

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    Social Desirability Response in School Values Surveys: Causes, Manifestations, and Control
    Xiaomin Sheng, Zhongying Shi
    2024, 42 (6):  51-60.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.005
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    The social desirability response in school values surveys is a fundamental issue that has long troubled both the surveys themselves and values education in schools. The generation of this social desirability response is primarily due to students’ understanding and cognition of social values and cultural norms, which lead them to present themselves in a way that conforms to societal expectations on the surface, but their actual behavior is inconsistent with their internal identity. In terms of its manifestation, the social desirability response is positively correlated with values that conform to societal norms, but further research is needed to confirm whether students’ responses are based on genuine values preferences or simply compliance with norms. Furthermore, when it comes to controversial and conflicting ethical and moral issues, students tend to make responses that align with norms in order to maintain their self-esteem and reputation, which seriously affects the validity and reliability of research. In order to effectively control social desirability response in school values surveys, we can draw on modern scale development and statistical measurement techniques, and develop measurement tools that reflect the unique cultural characteristics of China.

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    Spatial Agglomeration of Megalopolis and Spillover Effect of Regional Higher Education in China
    Junfeng Ma, Yuhui Li
    2024, 42 (6):  61-74.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.006
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    The coordinated development of megalopolis will reshape the allocation pattern of higher education resources, drive regional development from agglomeration to equilibrium, and realize the transformation of high-quality development of China’s economy. Based on the panel data of 193 cities in the urban agglomeration from 2006 to 2020, from the perspective of spatial agglomeration, this paper used the spatial Dubin model with economic distance and population density weight matrix to characterize and measure the spatial spillover effect of higher education agglomeration on regional scientific and technological innovation level and economic development. The research found that, megalopolis with similar economy and population in urban agglomeration have the same demand for higher education development, it will make those cities form spatial agglomeration, and the resulting spatial spillover effect will drive the improvement of the level of regional scientific and technological innovation and the degree of economic transformation and upgrading, so as to achieve balanced regional development. In the future, we should break the original pattern of regional development based on administrative allocation of resources, and explore the institutional innovation and path selection of regional higher education development in the process of spatial pattern evolution of urban agglomeration.

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    Does the “Double Reduction” Policy Affect Parents’ Willingness to Have More Children: A Survey Based on 29 Provinces Across China
    Xiangmei Chen, Bentao Ning
    2024, 42 (6):  75-85.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.007
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    Family fertility willingness is related to the long-term balanced development of the population. Our country faces a risk of low fertility, and the phenomenon of low fertility has become the norm. Most studies focus on the impact of fertility policies on the population and ignore the influence of education policies. Based on a survey of 10,341 primary and secondary school parents in 29 provinces (cities, districts) across the country, the research used the propensity score matching method empirically to test the impact of the “Double Reduction” policy influence on parents’ willingness to have more children and its influencing mechanism. The results found that increasing parents’ recognition of the “Double Reduction” policy in primary and secondary schools can significantly increase parents willingness to have more children. Parents who endorse the “Double Reduction” policy have a higher effect on their willingness to have more children, with an average of 14.6% higher. This result shows that the positive externalities of the “Double Reduction” policy have spilled over to the field of population, and the policy has a positive impact on family reproduction plans. Family education expenditure and educational anxiety mediate the role between parents’ recognition of the policy and parents’ willingness to have more children. Therefore, parents in primary and secondary schools should further improve their awareness of the policy, continue to increase the implementation of the policy, strengthen policy supporting governance, implement multi-level policies in the fields of education and population and fertility, and comprehensively and effectively improve the national rejuvenation fertility desire.

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    The Change, Evolution and Future Development of the Training Policy for Primary and Secondary School Principals: Based on the Analysis of 78 Policy Texts Since the Founding of The People's Republic of China
    Tingjin Zhi, Wenping Liu
    2024, 42 (6):  86-101.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.008
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    Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the national government has issued 78 education policies related to the training of principals. From the perspective of policy tools and using the bibliometrics analysis, this paper found that the transformation process of China’s principals training policy over the seventy years can be divided into five stages: the "torturous exploration" stage from 1949 to 1976; the "establishment of rules and regulations" stage from 1977 to 1989; "ensuring being qualified" stage from 1990 to 1999; the "fair development" stage from 2000-2012; and "leading education to excellence stage" since 2013. The logic of the evolution of the principals’ training policy can be described as follows: in terms of policy supply, from administrative authority guidance to professional capacity building; in terms of policy value orientation, from reforming education to cultivating excellent principals to improve education; in terms of policy goal orientation, from post needs to national standards and norms guidance; in terms of policy implementation, from focusing on the summary of training models to pursuing the generation of educational ideas. The development of the future principal training presents the four trend characteristics: innovating the training mode system; promoting digital training through technology-enabled means; updating professional standards and optimizing curriculum programs; constructing the training assessment and evaluation for cultivating educationist-oriented principals.

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    Improvement and Innovation of Macro Governance of Non-government Education in the New Context
    Shengzu Dong, Huiying Wang
    2024, 42 (6):  102-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.009
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    In the past decades, the macro governance of the non-government education in China has focused on promoting the reform of classified management of non-profit and for-profit non-government schools, breaking policy bottlenecks, and supporting and regulating the healthy development of the non-government education. Since 2018, many regularization documents on non-government education at the national level have been introduced, and the non-government education development environment has changed structurally. The non-government education governance has entered a standardized development period with a focus on public welfare education. In the new context, guidance and regulation of the development of the non-government education should be subject to the strategic needs of promoting the modernization of Chinese-style education and building a powerful country of education. So we should adopt overall framework for classification management, adhere to the general idea of “source governance, comprehensive governance, diversified governance, and governance by law”, clarify the governance logic, improve the governance system, and innovate the governance methods so as to make non-government education regularized in development and achieve high-quality development in regularization.

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    The Innovation of Revolutionary Curriculum Discourse: On the Curriculum Reform by the Communist Party of China in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region
    Zhengwei Liu, Xinyi Shui
    2024, 42 (6):  112-124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.010
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    The Communist Party of China led the curriculum reform in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and creatively constructed the revolutionary curriculum discourse with the characteristic of the Red Culture. The formation of revolutionary curriculum discourse went through four historical stages: the national defense curriculum of the national war of resistance, the formal curriculum for improving quality, the localized curriculum integrated with practice, and the new formal curriculum which turned to cultural knowledge. The genealogy of knowledge and connotation of revolutionary curriculum discourse were mainly reflected in Politics, Chinese and History, showing the orientation of implementing materialism, promoting the popularization of language and regarding the people as the creator of social history. The cultural practice and value of revolutionary curriculum discourse were embodied in giving full play to the value of nurturing people and promoting people's subjective self-consciousness; promoting national liberation and independence, and forming national identity; creating a nation-state community and providing spiritual impetus for it; carrying the red culture and forming the fine tradition of revolution, which explored a localized path of curriculum in China.

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    Knowledge, Imagination and Learning in Depth: A Discussion with Professor Gillian Judson on Kieran Egan’s Research
    Xin Li, Yuanxiang Guo, Cui Rong, Gillian Judson
    2024, 42 (6):  125-136.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.011
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    Since the 1980s and 1990s, Professor Kieran Egan of Simon Fraser University in Canada has led a team to conduct research on Imaginative Education and Learning in Depth Program, systematically exploring the nature of curriculum knowledge, learning, understanding and imagination, as well as the nature and type of knowledge understanding and the relationship between knowledge and imagination. He has developed cognitive tools for cultivating imagination and teaching strategies for cultivating students’ imagination in disciplinary teaching. In the research of Learning in Depth, knowledge standards and basic teaching principles of Learning in Depth have been established. Since 2006, we have established a research team of Instruction in Depth to address the problems in the implementation of curriculum in primary and secondary schools in China. Focusing on the transformation of teaching values, concept of curriculum knowledge, concept of teaching process and concept of learning activities, we have adopted the 3K research approach to explore the concepts and strategies of teaching and learning oriented to key competency and conduct international cooperative research. This paper makes a dialogue and interview with Professor Gillian Judson of Simon Fraser University, focusing on Professor Kieran Egan’s innovative contributions to research on knowledge, imagination and Learning in Depth, in order to provide references for deepening curriculum and instruction reform in China and meeting the challenges of the development of key competence.

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