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    01 December 2024, Volume 42 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Emergence of the Teacher Concept: An Experiment in Longitudinal and Transdisciplinary Exploration of Educational Fundamentals
    Biao Dong
    2024, 42 (12):  1-62.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.001
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    The concept of the teacher constitutes a crucial element within the foundational knowledge framework of education. The investigation into, and the manner of investigating, the teacher concept itself remains an unresolved challenge. Acknowledgment and recognition of this challenge serve as symbols of conceptual cognition and understanding, reflecting a pulse of the developmental state of professional knowledge, and constituting a metric for assessing professional achievements and practical effects. To reveal the layered emergence of the teacher concept, departing from the uncertain state of foundational knowledge and guided by Marx’s proposition of true projection, combined with the hypothesis of symbolic revolution, this study commences with the recursive trilogy of education by Clement of Alexandria. Through preliminary analysis of Greek teacher myths, pedagogical figures (paidagogos), school teachers (didáskalos), liberal educators, and poet-educators, it elaborates upon the educational conceptions and teacher identity concepts of figures such as Clement of Alexandria, Moses Maimonides, and Hasdai Crescas, thus examining educators within the realms of the Torah and the Christ faith. This presentation unveils the teacher concept, the concept-metaphor, its primordial emergence, historical pulsations, cultural attributes, civilizational values, abstract forms, and inherent contradictions. Examining materials discovered through extensive temporal and spatial explorations of foundational knowledge experiments, centred on the genesis and différance of the teacher concept, it deduces and disseminates certain regular recognitions and normative understandings. Peer review is solicited, employing similar research methodologies for correction and validation.

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    On the Conceptual Evolution and Reconstruction of Textbook Toward the Digital and Intelligent Era
    Yunxing Li
    2024, 42 (12):  63-72.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.002
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    As one of the basic concepts in pedagogy, “textbook” is always concerned with the selection, arrangement and representation of knowledge, and is regarded as the object or content of education and teaching. The conceptual innovation of textbook has followed two paths: medium carrier and functional utility, and the concepts of e-textbook, digital textbook and intelligent textbook have emerged successively, but these concepts all suffer from the problems of “name not reality” and affordance. From the agent theory of textbook and the practical development of new-generation textbook technology, the concept of textbook is reconstructed as “Digital and Intelligent Education agent”, which refers to the integrating digital modeling of knowledge domains, intelligent diagnosis and analysis of students and their learning, as well as intelligent teaching systems. The introduction of the new concept not only implies a new understanding and theory of education, but also means the renewal of research problems and the transformation of research methods, which is rich in educational theoretical implications.

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    What Are Discipline Practices: Based on the Perspective of Ontology
    Daoyu Yang
    2024, 42 (12):  73-81.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.003
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    Discipline practices are the result of the specialization of the activities of understanding and reforming the world. As a new paradigm of talent cultivation in the era of core competencies, original connotations of disciplinary practices have three dimensions: behavior, cognition and reflection. In the behavioral dimension, discipline practice points to the empirical investigation, which begins with the presentation of real questions based on the real world, with objective facts as the object of experience, with hands-on operations as the basic method, with the direct aim of obtaining first-hand empirical data, and with the basic tenet of service theory construction and engineering design. In the thinking dimension, discipline practice from sciences points to the construction of theoretical thinking aimed at revealing and representing the world as it really is, and its engineering level points to the construction of engineering thinking aimed at designing of transforming the world. In the reflective dimension, discipline practice points to the practice consciousness of the practitioner, who takes his own practice behavior and thought as the object to reflect on himself, improve himself, and motivate himself. It is the organic unity of self-clarity of determining self-practice state, self-criticism of improving self-practice quality, and self-encouragement of motivating self-practice forward.

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    Two Opposing Views on the Essence of Education: An Analysis of Ivan Illich’s Criticism of John Dewey
    Shiwan Tu
    2024, 42 (12):  82-98.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.004
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    Ivan Illich criticized the mainstream of educational thought represented by John Dewey since the Enlightenment. Illich’s critique of Dewey took place in the “Long 1960s,” an era characterized by “counter-culture.” Ivan Illich’s ideas are closely related to “counter-culture”. Ivan Illich criticized John Dewey for ignoring, tolerating or fostering three hidden curricula of modern schooling: “control and compulsion” “escalation and progress” and “desire and expectation” Illich argued that these hidden curricula revealed the true nature of modern schooling. From this criticism, we could see their different views of the nature of education. Ivan Illich found that modern schooling is actually a myth-making ritual, It deviated from the essence of human education. It is the result of the institutionalization of values, and it also promotes the institutionalization of other values in the society, thus making the whole society become a “schooled society”. The institutionalization of values is at odds with the idea of freedom. John Dewey believed that the essence of human education should contain three dimensions: schooling centered on self-realization, schooling as political and ethical culture, and schooling as leisure. Different views on the essence of education are the products of different social ideals. Dewey’s social ideal is the ideal in society, and Illich’s social ideal is the ideal beyond society. Therefore, Dewey regards socialization as the essence of human education, while Illich regards enlightening the transcendence of human as the essence of education.

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    Digital Textbooks or Paper Textbooks, Which is More Conducive to Students’ Learning?
    Hao Lei, Chunming Yang
    2024, 42 (12):  99-115.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.005
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    With the development of information technology, digital textbooks have become an important form of teaching materials. However, there is still a debate about which is more beneficial to students’ learning when using digital textbooks or paper textbooks. To this end, this study conducted a meta-analysis of 36 experimental and quasi-experimental studies. The results show that compared with the use of paper textbooks, digital textbooks are more conducive to students’ academic achievement (g=0.218). In addition, in the context of collectivism culture, digital textbooks have a greater impact on the improvement of students’ academic achievement; There is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the intervention duration and the impact of digital textbooks on students’ academic achievement. When the intervention duration is between 12 and 24 weeks, the effect is the largest. Compared with other subjects, digital textbooks have the most obvious positive effect on students’ social studies. Grade type can also regulate the impact of digital textbooks on students’ academic achievement, that is, the more timely test results have a more significant impact. The prediction effect of digital textbooks on students’ academic achievement is not affected by gender, grade, publication year and experiment type.The digital age needs to strengthen technological innovation to provide a better foundation for the teaching and use of digital textbooks, and improve teachers’ digital literacy and better support the learning promotion function of digital textbooks. Also, it's necessary to, based on the periodicity rule of digital textbook promoting learning, create activities to promote students’ learning, improve students’ digital literacy, and give full play to the function of digital textbooks to improve the learning outcomes.

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    The Deepening and Path Inquiry of the Science Education Theory
    Huisheng Tian, Lianzhao Wang
    2024, 42 (12):  116-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.006
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    Based on the new historical coordinates, the theoretical field of science education in the new era has changed significantly. Deepening science education theory has the important value of promoting the knowledge production of science education, strengthening the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, and strengthening the discipline belief of science education. The historical logic of this action reflects the political attribute of the socialist direction of scientific education theory; the theoretical logic deepens the strategic attribute of the study of the “three systems” of science education; and the practical logic reflects the livelihood attribute of science education by strengthening relationship building. However, at the same time, due to the contradiction between the rich background and the limited theoretical reserve, the contradiction between the accelerated integration of fields and the lag of theoretical guidance, and the deepening of science education theory need to deepen the production of theoretical knowledge of science education discipline, deepen the integrated inquiry of science education; and deepen the Chinese construction of science education.

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    Law Restriction on Expulsion of Universities Due to Public Security Administration Punishment
    Jianguo Yin, Handong Wu
    2024, 42 (12):  127-138.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.12.007
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    Expulsion for non-academic reasons such as public security management penalties, although there are certain factors of university autonomy, can not be completely withdrawn into the scope of university autonomy, otherwise it will damage the rule of law foundation of university governance. Expulsion from school belongs to the “disciplinary punishment” in the administrative sanction system, and the parallel application of public security management punishment does not violate the principle of “no more punishment for one thing”, but it should be restricted by three aspects of law. First, taking Article 52 of the Regulations on the Management of Students in Ordinary Colleges and Universities as the basis of formal punishment, it still needs to conform to the principle of “excessive punishment is equal” and proportionality, so that its legal application has substantive justice. Second, the expulsion of students due to the punishment of public security administration outside the school is a special case, and the violation of public security administration needs to reach the degree of “serious circumstances”. Third, the determination of “serious circumstances” in colleges and universities is subject to the overall constraint of the punishment decision of public security administration. At the same time, the explanation of “serious circumstances” in universities is limited to the subjective level, and the effect of the whole situation identification is limited.

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