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    01 November 2024, Volume 42 Issue 11 Previous Issue   
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    Innovative Methods as an Intrinsic Requirement for Constructing an Autonomous Knowledge System in Education
    Zhenguo Yuan, Chen Xie, Sudong Pan, Shaohui Chi, Na Yu, Siyu Chen
    2024, 42 (11):  1-11.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.001
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    The growth and accumulation of autonomous knowledge are the foundation for constructing an autonomous knowledge system. The history of scientific development demonstrates that the revelation of the laws of motion in various forms, whether physical, chemical, biological, or social, is inseparable from innovations in research methods. Empirical research plays a key role in this process, and to a certain extent, method innovation equates to the innovation of empirical research methods. Compared to natural sciences and other social sciences, the growth of knowledge in education sciences is relatively slow and the accumulation of knowledge is inadequate. A core reason for this is the insufficiency of empirical research and methodological innovation. Currently, we have entered the digital age and a new stage of high-quality educational development, facing a series of significant theoretical and practical educational issues. Addressing the challenge of inadequate autonomous knowledge through methodological innovation is an intrinsic requirement for constructing an autonomous knowledge system in education.

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    Exploring the Phenomenon of the Chinese Learner and Efforts in Constructing Original China Educational Knowledge: A Fifteen-year Case Study of the China College Student Survey (CCSS) Project
    Jinghuan Shi, Huafeng Zhang, Fei Guo
    2024, 42 (11):  12-29.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.002
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    Research on the Chinese learner, which gradually developed in the international community after the 1980s, focuses on analyzing the unique characteristics and features of Chinese students' learning within a global comparative framework. It represents the continuation and deepening of the international academic concerns on China. In recent years, represented by the China College Student Survey (CCSS) project, Chinese scholars began to participate in and promote research in this field, attempting to construct local student learning theories based on empirical analysis, which becomes a local force in constructing original knowledge specific to Chinese student learning and even Chinese education. The CCSS project, with its 15 years of implementation and research, exemplifies a process that begins with actively and selectively introducing overseas knowledge and gradually promoting localization at the level of philosophy, concepts and tools, followed by the discovery and contextual analysis of local phenomenon through in-depth mining of local empirical data, which leads to the development of local models and theories. The case of CCSS provides the following insights. To construct the independent knowledge system of Chinese education, it requires a thorough understanding, evaluation, and selective adaptation of global knowledge, an in-depth analysis of empirical research addressing local issues, an effective dialogues with the global academia to highlight the universal significance of local knowledge, and the generation-to-generation transmission of innovation awareness, ideas and methods through the academic training of young scholars.

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    The Construction of Autonomous Knowledge in Chinese Teacher Education: Connotation, Progress and Mechanisms
    Huan Song, Miao Xu, Yutong Wu
    2024, 42 (11):  30-53.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.003
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    Effective education begins with empowered teachers. A critical task for Chinese scholars today is to establish a teacher education system with distinct Chinese characteristics, grounded in autonomous knowledge. This study emphasizes the scientific and disciplinary foundations of teacher education by defining the meaning of knowledge, which is shaped by the dual requirements of internal analysis and external synthesis. The concept of autonomous knowledge is explored through three dimensions: originality, adaptability, and criticality. The production of autonomous knowledge refers to the process of deriving conclusions and generating insights within individual academic research. Meanwhile, the growth of autonomous knowledge involves the longitudinal evolution of knowledge, encompassing the interaction, communication, iteration, and recursion among various academic studies. To more clearly, specifically, and deeply present the progress of research on autonomous knowledge in Chinese teacher education, six research topics are identified in this study: 1) Purpose and value; 2) Recruitment, selection, and entry; 3) Competence of pre-service teachers and teacher educators; 4) Learning and development; 5) Environment and its role; and 6) System. This study employs systematic literature review, content analysis, and case analysis, focusing primarily on academic research conducted since the establishment of the Standards of Teacher Education Curriculum in 2011, with particular emphasis on core journal articles and empirical studies. In the section on the production and growth of autonomous knowledge in Chinese teacher education, the influences of the three driving sources—policy, practice, and theory—on this process are analyzed separately. Classic cases are used to comprehensively illustrate the driving sources, internal processes, and dynamic mechanisms involved in the generation of autonomous knowledge in Chinese teacher education. While significant progress has been made in constructing autonomous knowledge, current achievements are characterized by strong internal but weak external synthesis, a predominant use of deductive methods but limited use of inductive ones, and a lack of critical and negative assessment. Moving forward, it is essential to continue forging a uniquely Chinese path in the scientific development of teacher education, particularly in addressing the long-standing core challenges in this field.

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    Empirical Research on Rural Education in China and the Construction of Autonomous Knowledge System
    Zhihui Wu, Qin Wang
    2024, 42 (11):  54-73.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.004
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    In the context of the rise of empirical methods and the construction of an autonomous knowledge system, the research on rural education in China highlights the dual value of empirical evidence and autonomy with its unique practical, cultural and academic significance. Following the vein of practice, understanding, knowledge and knowledge system, we can find the logic of practice development, academic knowledge production and knowledge system construction in Chinese rural education. Historically, the interaction between rural education policy, practice and empirical research can be divided into four major stages. Empirical research on rural teachers and rural students highlights the autonomy of the target group; school merger and the elimination of poverty in education under major social changes highlights the autonomy of the phenomenon.The questions “Can the poor have noble children?” and “Do rural schools have a future?” show the autonomy of discourse, and the policy evaluation and resource allocation show the autonomy of the road. However, the current knowledge system of rural education still suffers from fragmentation of problems, narrowing of data and superficialization of knowledge. The future trend of rural education research is urban-rural integration, student competence, and mechanism adjustment; the direction of deepening empirical research involves problem synthesis, method integration, and data standardization; and the goal of constructing an autonomous knowledge system is disciplinary cross-sectionality, content interaction, and academic autonomy.

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    Towards High-level Evidence: The Evolution and Contribution of Knowledge in Early Childhood Development in China
    Yaojiang Shi, Qiannan Song, Xinyue Zhang, Yuan Gao, Shibin Liang, Yali Zhang, Ai Yue
    2024, 42 (11):  74-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.005
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    Investing in early childhood development (ECD) has become a global priority. China recognized the significance of ECD for children aged 0-3 as early as the early 20th century. The evolution of ECD in China has progressed through five key stages: emergence, foundation, expansion, institutionalization, adjustment and innovation. Since 2010, China has actively integrated international best experiences, exploring and implementing various strategies to generate practical evidence that advances the field of ECD. Beginning in 2012, research teams have concentrated on two critical factors influencing ECD—nutrition and parenting—by conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving 5,000 children aged 0-3 and their families in rural China. These studies have mapped the knowledge discovery process in the ECD field, evaluated the impact on children and families, and developed comprehensive models and operational plans for nutrition and parenting interventions executed by diverse stakeholders. These efforts culminated in the creation of detailed operational manuals. The evidence generated from these empirical studies not only provides robust support for China's ECD models but also serves as a valuable resource for the global community in exploring and refining ECD approaches. It is recommended that China develop and implement a nationwide ECD intervention plan to ensure that families across various regions and socioeconomic backgrounds have access to appropriate nutrition and parenting support. Furthermore, enhancing cross-sector collaboration and resource integration is essential for advancing the ECD agenda collectively.

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    Science Education Research in China: Historical Evolution, Logic of Development, and Future Prospects
    Yonghe Zheng, Xuanyang Yang, Dan Tao, Jie Yang
    2024, 42 (11):  95-110.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.006
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    The construction of a high-quality science education system is a fundamental project to promote the integrated deployment of education, science and technology, and human resources. However, the high-quality development of science education cannot be achieved without the support of solid science education research. Referring to the key policies and critical events in science education, China's science education has gone through four development periods, namely “recovery and adjustment”, “rapid development”, “innovation and exploration” and “systematic construction”. Through constructing a three-dimensional analytic framework of “policy-research-social infrastructure”, this study systematically analyzes the research progress of science education in China at different stages of development. Drawing upon these findings, this study summarizes the logic of development in China's science education research, in terms of the development impetus, basic guarantee as well as the model of knowledge production. Finally, this study puts forward five suggestions for the future of science education research in China, including constructing a funding system for science education, focusing on key scientific research questions, forming an interdisciplinary research community, conducting multiple types of empirical research and coordinating policies and practices with multiple stakeholders.

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    Production Mode of Social Sciences in China: Observations from the Field of Education Finance
    Rong Wang
    2024, 42 (11):  111-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.007
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    This paper first proposes the concept of institutional and dynamic analysis of the production mode of social sciences in China, and on this basis proposes a “four-dimension hybrid” analytical framework that covers political functions, administrative governance, academic strategies, and technical conditions. This framework is then used to analyze three real research events that took place in history—namely, the research event behind the “four percent of GDP” policy, which is the most important educational finance research event in recent history of China, the statistical comparability study of public education expenditures, and an international literature review study related to the “four percent of GDP” policy—to elaborate on the above influencing factors. Finally, some preliminary thoughts are discussed on the construction of an independent knowledge system and research paradigm issues in China’s education finance research.

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    The Contribution and Prospect of Empirical Research on Preschool Education in China to the Construction of Self-independent Knowledge System
    Yongping Yu, Jinxia Yuan, Bin Zhang, Xiaoying Zeng
    2024, 42 (11):  127-145.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.008
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    The construction and improvement of self-independent knowledge system in preschool education have significant implications for promoting scientific decision-making, high-quality development, and the realization of the goal of becoming a strong educational nation in preschool education. A review of the century-long journey of preschool education research in China reveals that focusing on the evolution of practical issues and conducting empirical research have always been the original foundation and important characteristics of research in this field. This study revolves around three core themes: “child development” “preschool education” and “development of preschool education” and selects empirical research literature on Chinese preschool education since 1919, totaling 1,619papers and 17 books. Through systematic review and analysis of the literature, the main knowledge outputs of empirical research are extracted, and from the perspective of self-independent knowledge system construction, the contributions and issues of existing empirical research are analyzed and reflected upon. Based on this, the future prospects for empirical research in preschool education are proposed, aiming to provide references for the continuous development and innovation in this field.

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    From “Basic Education” to “Basic Pedagogy”: Constructing China’s Independent Knowledge System of Basic Pedagogy
    Zhengtao Li, Xiaoxiao Xu
    2024, 42 (11):  146-153.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.009
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    “Basic education” is a holistic entity that serves as a crucial gateway and key mechanism leading to the study of Basic Pedagogy. Basic Pedagogy is the study of “basic education” itself, focusing on the “relationship studies” between basic education theory and practice. Currently, Basic Pedagogy is in an “initial” stage. Constructing China’s independent knowledge system for Basic Pedagogy, rooted in basic education, is an urgent and important task, as well as an inherent mission for researchers in this field. However, Basic Pedagogy faces three major dilemmas: first, the challenge of the relationship between theory and practice; second, the issue of dialogue and exchange between China and other countries; and third, the issue of its relationship with related disciplines. Therefore, Basic Pedagogy must establish its own knowledge system to achieve genuine academic recognition. Specifically, “China’s independent knowledge system of Basic Pedagogy” covers fundamental dimensions such as the nature of research, research objects, research goals, research content, and research methods. This system should be progressively developed and refined through various approaches, including the integration of “three realities” (practice, experiment, and empirical evidence), interdisciplinary collaboration, the symbiosis of theory and practice, collaborative creation, international dialogue, and the empowerment of digital intelligence, leading it towards greater depth and richness.

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    The Autonomous Construction of the Academic Discourse System for Basic Education Curriculum Reform in China
    Yunhuo Cui, Wenye Zhou, Hao Lei, Hongrui Guo, Zihong Zhang, Shaofei Wang, Guiqing An, Gangping Wu
    2024, 42 (11):  154-170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.010
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    The autonomous construction of the academic discourse system in curriculum reform has showcased Chinese characteristics and wisdom. In terms of curriculum objectives, the transformation from “mastering basic knowledge and skills” to “cultivating core competencies” has played a leading role in cultivating individuals, with the curriculum standards having undergone two iterations and becoming increasingly refined. The curriculum structure has evolved from a “single type” to a “diversified balance,” continuously refining a balanced approach and exploring ways of building an integrated curriculum with Chinese characteristics. Curriculum content has shifted the focus from “textbook content” to “learning experience,” with the structuration of students’ learning experiences becoming a shared goal, and textbook studies with Chinese characteristics have made significant progress. Curriculum implementation has transitioned from “classroom transformation” to “program conversion,” embedding the concept of hierarchical collaboration and the systematic curriculum thinking, and the new lesson plan guided by competencies is taking shape. Curriculum evaluation has progressed from “examination and testing” to “curriculum assessment,” supported by the maturation of a developmental curriculum evaluation system, and significant progress has been made in reforming the college entrance examination. Curriculum management has changed from “teaching management” to “curriculum governance,” enabled by the gradual establishment of a systematic and democratic curriculum governance system, and breakthroughs have been made in the localized adaptation of school-based curriculum in China. In the future, guided by practicality, clarity, and originality, the construction of China’s curriculum academic discourse system is still constantly advancing. In the future, it is necessary to continue to promote the autonomous construction of the academic discourse system of the Chinese curriculum reform under the guidance of practicality, clarity and originality.

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    Unfolding, Issues, and Trends of Empirical Research in Chinese Higher Education
    Guangcai Yan, Na Sun, Jiawei Tian
    2024, 42 (11):  171-186.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.011
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    This article selects themes such as investment in higher education, college faculty management systems, academic career mobility, and the teaching behavior of faculty, and provides a cursory review of the related research literature to roughly outline the trajectory of empirical research in the field of higher education in China. It also explores its significance in the construction of a knowledge system. The fundamental conclusion is that currently, the empirical approach has become the mainstream trend in Chinese higher education research. The themes of this research are closely related to national macro policies and systemic reforms. Therefore, it could be characterized as having a pragmatic empirical orientation. Empirical research that unfolds around the numerous issues arising from systemic changes has led to the production of a wealth of thematic knowledge, but there is still a lack of indigenous theory generation and the construction of an independent knowledge system. Future empirical research should be based on local awareness, drawing from and reflecting upon this, to achieve theoretical innovation and construct a knowledge and discourse system that is internationally recognized, thereby highlighting the international contribution of Chinese higher education research.

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    Knowledge Production in the Research on Chinese Vocational Education since the 1980s
    Guoqing Xu, Hongrou Xie, Xiwen Wang
    2024, 42 (11):  187-202.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.012
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    As a type of education closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, vocational education has gradually developed in China since modern times and has become the largest and most complete vocational education system in the world. With the advancement of practice, the academic community has been committed to the theoretical construction of practical problems, especially since the Reform and Opening up. The prominent feature of knowledge production in vocational education during this period was the strong support of vocational education research institutions in universities, and the basic paradigm went through two stages: the construction of the basic knowledge system of vocational education in the last 20 years of the 20th century, and theoretical research in a broader disciplinary perspective in the first 20 years of the 21st century. The research during this period has effectively promoted the knowledge evolution of vocational education. This article takes knowledge production in vocational education since the 1980s as the research question, focusing on the six core research areas of vocational education such as connotation, value, system, curriculum, teacher education, and school-enterprise cooperation. With the significant papers in these six areas as the object, through the analysis of the evolution path and future direction of knowledge production, the basic framework of vocational education knowledge production is outlined, which providing reference for further research to improve the academic level of vocational education.

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