华东师范大学学报(教育科学版) ›› 2025, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 49-66.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2025.01.004

• 高等教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


鲍威1,2,3, 何元皓3,4, 何峰5   

  1. 1. 厦门大学高等教育发展中心,厦门 361005
    2. 厦门大学教育研究院,厦门 361005
    3. 北京大学教育经济研究所,北京 100871
    4. 北京大学未来教育管理研究中心,北京 100871
    5. 北京大学研究生院,北京 100871
  • 出版日期:2025-01-01 发布日期:2024-12-24
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金面上项目“新时代科技强国目标下组织支持对女性学者职业发展的激励机制研究” (72374015)。

Overcome the Adjustment Barriers: The Impact of China’s Orientation Programs on First-year College Students’ Academic and Social Adjustment

Wei Bao1,2,3, Yuanhao He3,4, Feng He5   

  1. 1. Center for Higher Education Development Research, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
    2. Institution of Education, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
    3. Institute of Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
    4. Future Education Center at Peking University, Beijing 100871 , China
    5. Graduate School of Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Online:2025-01-01 Published:2024-12-24



关键词: 入学教育, 大学新生, 学术性适应, 社会性适应


The college orientation programs serve as a crucial bridge to help first-year students adjust to the college environment, develop self-cognition and social cognition, and integrate into college life. Considering the prevalent academic and social adjustment barriers among Chinese freshmen, and based on the international comparison of the orientation programs, the study evaluates the impact of the orientation programs on first-year students’ adjustment using a nationwide survey data. The study demonstrates that implementing long-term orientation programs, which deliver discipline-based introduction, study skills courses, and mental health services, has positive impact on both academic and social adjustment. However, due to the lack of support for disadvantaged freshmen, the compensatory impact of orientation programs is supposed to strengthen. The findings provide scientific insights for improving orientation programs to ensure the quality of talent cultivation.

Key words: orientation programs, first-year students, academic adjustment, social adjustment