网络出版日期: 2024-10-18
From “Basic Education” to “Basic Pedagogy”: Constructing China’s Independent Knowledge System of Basic Pedagogy
Online published: 2024-10-18
李政涛 , 徐晓晓 . 从“基础教育”到“基础教育学”:建构中国自主基础教育学知识体系[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2024 , 42(11) : 146 -153 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.11.009
“Basic education” is a holistic entity that serves as a crucial gateway and key mechanism leading to the study of Basic Pedagogy. Basic Pedagogy is the study of “basic education” itself, focusing on the “relationship studies” between basic education theory and practice. Currently, Basic Pedagogy is in an “initial” stage. Constructing China’s independent knowledge system for Basic Pedagogy, rooted in basic education, is an urgent and important task, as well as an inherent mission for researchers in this field. However, Basic Pedagogy faces three major dilemmas: first, the challenge of the relationship between theory and practice; second, the issue of dialogue and exchange between China and other countries; and third, the issue of its relationship with related disciplines. Therefore, Basic Pedagogy must establish its own knowledge system to achieve genuine academic recognition. Specifically, “China’s independent knowledge system of Basic Pedagogy” covers fundamental dimensions such as the nature of research, research objects, research goals, research content, and research methods. This system should be progressively developed and refined through various approaches, including the integration of “three realities” (practice, experiment, and empirical evidence), interdisciplinary collaboration, the symbiosis of theory and practice, collaborative creation, international dialogue, and the empowerment of digital intelligence, leading it towards greater depth and richness.
Key words: basic education; basic pedagogy; China; independent knowledge system
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