College students are the major subject of online learning, and to some extent, their online learning experience reflects teaching results and satisfactions. This study is based on the online teaching survey (student paper) compiled by the online teaching task group of the Teacher Development Center of Xiamen University. With a sample of 209099 valid student questionnaires from 334 universities in China the study presents a one-way analysis of variance, cluster analysis and multivariate linear regression analysis supplemented by collecting and collating qualitative data, interviewing ten students with different backgrounds. It finds that both students’ genders, disciplines, grades, regions, types of university and instructors' flexibility in using various platforms and students' proficiency in teaching tools during online teaching have become the significant factors affecting college students' online learning experience. Also, classroom live broadcast effects and mutual discussion among classmates can help improve the online learning experience. Universities, instructors and students are the major subjects of online learning, and they bear important responsibility in improving online learning experience. Therefore, universities should upgrade course platforms and offer more technical support, instructors should improve their IT skills, and students should change traditional learning methods and develop good learning habits.
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