网络出版日期: 2021-08-04
Breaking Barriers: A Strategic Choice to Promote the Modernization of Education Governance at a High Level
Online published: 2021-08-04
杨文杰 , 范国睿 . 突破藩篱:高水平推进教育治理现代化的战略选择[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2021 , 39(8) : 94 -106 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.08.008
The governance of education has shifted from “management” to “governance”; from “project-based reform based on specific problems” to “systemic change based on system construction”, from “modernization of educational governance” to “modernization of high-level educational governance”, the concept, method and goal have been changed.In recent years, China has conducted many explorations in the process of education governance modernization and accumulated many useful experiences. The transformation of government functions has been further strengthened; the main body status of schools has become more prominent; and the ability of social organizations to participate has increased. But at the same time, the concept and awareness of education governance still need to be strengthened, the power boundary of education governance is blurred, the school self-sponsored learning mechanism needs to be improved, the participation channels of social organizations are not smooth, the participation mechanism is not perfect, and the education rule of law and education system system needs to be further improved.There is still a considerable gap between the advantages of education system and the effectiveness of educational governance. To promote the modernization of education governance at a high level, it is necessary to focus on providing education to the satisfaction of the people, to stimulate the vitality of all educational subjects, to transform the government’s functions, to improve the capacity and effectiveness of education governance, to deepen the reform of the combination of decentralization, management and service, to focus on decentralization and empowerment, to promote the separation of management, administration and evaluation as the basic requirements, to strengthen source governance, legal governance, coordinated governance, system governance, and intelligent governance.In order to achieve a revolutionary breakthrough, we will build a standardized, coordinated and efficient long-term governance mechanism.
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