Research on the Development of Chinese College Graduates’ Employability under the Demand of International Talents: Based on the Expectation and Realization of Chinese College Graduates from German Enterprises in China
Online published: 2021-10-16
祝智庭 , BorisWesemann , 闫寒冰 , 王诗蓓 , 李笑樱 , 王巍 , RobertA. Sedlák . 国际化人才需求下中国高校毕业生就业能力发展研究——基于在华德企对中国高校毕业生的期望及实现情况调研[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2021 , 39(11) : 115 -126 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.11.007
In the context of global economic globalization, international talent demand has become one of the weathervanes of talent training in colleges and universities. Can Chinese college graduates meet the expectations of multinational companies after they join them? With this question as the starting point and 218 German Enterprises in China as the research samples, this study investigates the basic employment situation, ability development situation, especially the differences of enterprises’ expectations on them and their realization of Chinese college graduates who have been employed in these companies for 1—5 years. The research results show that Chinese college graduates generally receive more recognition in terms of hard power, such as subject knowledge or professional skills, but fall far short of the requirements of enterprises in terms of soft power, such as social skills and personal qualities. According to the results, combining to 30 German business work in China’s college graduates interview, this study put forward some suggestions on the cultivation of Chinese university way, including speeding up improve education level of vocational education in our country, accelerate the process of curriculum reform, build campus is advantageous to the comprehensive quality of ascension, and improve college students’ employment guidance of professional standards
Key words: college graduates; employability; enterprise expectation; different demand
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