

  • 刘志军
  • 浙江大学社会学系, 杭州 310058

网络出版日期: 2022-03-01



Left-behind Experience and Withdrawal Personality: An Empirical Analysis of New Generation Migrant Workers

  • Zhijun Liu
  • Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Online published: 2022-03-01


采用2385名新生代外来工的调查数据,通过相关行为倾向变量来考察童年期留守经历与个体退缩型人格的关系。结果表明,有过留守经历者更可能“怕被炒掉或被刁难而不反映劳动权益意见”,显示出比较明显的退缩型人格特征。其中以学前留守的影响最显著,而留守时间越长,影响越大。以 “愿否因自身权益受损参加维权活动”这一假想情境下的意愿变量、“是否怕被报复而不投诉权益受侵害行为”这一现实情境下的行为变量所做的参证分析及倾向值匹配前后的对照分析验证了上述结论的稳健性。文章重点以现实情境下的行为倾向测量验证了采用心理量表施测及定性研究所得的结论,并表明留守经历对于退缩型人格的长期性影响可以从大学生等群体推展到普通的外来工群体。所得结论亦表明,除结构逻辑和历史逻辑以外,对于新生代外来工的研究还需纳入生态逻辑,关注其童年期的发展生态系统。由于退缩会对社会融入产生消极影响,诱发“半城市化”的社会结构张力,今后的留守儿童关爱保护工作,需更多关注其人格发展,尤需对那些处于学前阶段的留守儿童采取有针对性的教育和干预策略。


刘志军 . 留守经历与退缩型人格——基于新生代外来工的实证分析[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2022 , 40(3) : 40 -56 . DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.03.005


Using the survey data of 2,385 new generation migrant workers, the relationship between left-behind experience in childhood and individual withdrawal personality was investigated through relevant behavioral tendency variables. The results showed that those with left-behind experience were more likely to “not express labor rights complaints for fear of being fired or being dealt with despitely”, showing a relatively withdrawal personality characteristics. Among them, those who had been left-behind during preschool period are most significant influenced, and the longer been left-behind, the greater the influence. The robustness of the above conclusion was verified by comparison analysis before and after propensity score matching and reference analysis of the willingness variable of “whether or not willing to participate in rights movement to fight for oneself” and the behavior variable of “not to complain about the infringement of rights for fear of revenge”. This paper focuses on the measurement of behavioral tendency in real situations to verify the conclusions drawn from psychological scale and qualitative research, and shows that the long-term influence of left-behind experience on withdrawal personality can be extended from college students and other groups to ordinary migrant workers. The results also indicate that in addition to structural logic and historical logic, the study of new generation of migrant workers should be integrated into the ecological logic to pay attention to the developmental ecosystem in childhood. Because withdrawal personality will directly affect social integration and probably lead to social structure tension of “semi-urbanization”, the future care and protection of left-behind children should pay more attention to their personality development, and special attention should be paid to those children left-behind in preschool stage.


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