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    20 September 2015, Volume 33 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Educational Theory(教育理论)
    The Teaching World: a Bidirectional Transformation between Life World and Science World  
    Nan Ji-Wen
    2015, 33 (3):  1-6.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.001
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    In the educational community, the discussion of “teaching/education returning to life” still remains confusing and contentious. Therefore, it is of great importance both in theory and practice to explore the relationship among the teaching world, life world and science world from the perspective of instructional theory. In the discourse of instructional theory/educational theory, the relationship between teaching world and other worlds can be discussed from the perspectives of the three worlds, namely the teaching world, life world and science world. In instructional theory, the teaching world, which occupies an intermediate position between the life world and science world, can achieve the bidirectional transformation between the life world and science world; in other words, it turns the science world into the life world and transforms the latter into the former. It is in the process of the bidirectional transformation that teaching can achieve its purposes through instilling its influence into students’ spiritual world. Therefore the idea of “teaching returning to life”is one sided; instead, it’s essential that teaching should focus on the life world, go beyond the life world and toward the science world.
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    Reflecting the Transformation of Educational Leadership Models
    HU Zhong-Feng,WANG Yi-Ning
    2015, 33 (3):  7-13.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.002
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    Educational leadership has been the major concern among educational researchers ever since 20th century and dozens of different models of educational leadership have emerged. Each model demonstrates its advantages as well as its limitations. Along with the development and change of the research on educational leadership model, the new models are gradually improved, towards integrating other modes. Research on the educational leadership models in China should closely catch up with the international trend through localized development as well as combining theory with practice.
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    Legitimacy of the Logic Construction in Education Reform and its Approaches
    XUE Chuan-Hui
    2015, 33 (3):  14-22.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.003
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    Education reform involves its internal and external logic, as well as its dominant and nondominant logic. The complexity of the education reform has resulted in the alienation phenomenon, i.e. in promoting the education reform, such external logic as the political logic and economic logic has evolved into the dominant logic, which has exerted negative influence on education reform. Reflecting on the theory and practice of education reform and coping with the risk of losing public trust of education reform, it is necessary to construct the logic legitimacy of education reform. Also, it’s essential to adhere to the legality, purposiveness and effectiveness in relation to three dimensions: the rule, the value and the practice.
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    Counter-School Survival under Partial Perception: Discussion on Education and Stratum Reproduction
    SHI Qiu-Xia, WANG Yi-Jie
    2015, 33 (3):  23-31.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.004
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    The authors’ field research in a public school for migrant workers’ children reveals that among the underachiever children with little chance of entering a higher school, a survival logic of counter-school characterized by recreation and resistance is taking shape. This logic is based on the partial perception of education under the marginalized and disadvantaged life situation. The children finally choose to enter the secondary labor market, hence the stratum reproduction. However, the strategic selection by the children in specific contexts should be taken into account to further explore the relationship between education and reproduction. When there is no strong in-group consciousness among the migrant workers’ children, the dynamic in counter-school survival logic does not have the potential to transform the fate of social stratum.
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    Is the College-Mode of Teacher’s Professional Development Outdated?
    CAO Yong-Guo
    2015, 33 (3):  32-42.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.005
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    The growing popularity of the practice-mode of teacher’s professional development has been a great challenge to the college-mode. The college-mode is blamed to be separated from the reality of educational practice, which emphasizes the teaching of theories and generalized rules of practices. The practice-mode focuses on the real situated teaching, training reflective practitioners, and developing personal styles of teaching. The inherent deficiencies in the practice-mode have led to subjectivism or random in teacher’s professionalization, as well as teacher’s lack of educational theories and his worship of practice. Teacher’s professionalization lies in how the teacher uses his philosophy to explore a whole educational practice in cultivating a good personality and great character. Based on the nature of teaching in seeking the meaning and human’s well-being, we should reconsider education and teacher’s professionalization. Teacher professional development should be guided by educational theories. In reconstructing the college-mode, it’s important to reflect the unique nature of educational theory, deepen teacher’s understanding of teaching, develop their critical thinking and form a habit of self-assessment.
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    From Community to School-university Partnership: Expansion and Transformation of Sites and Approaches of Teacher Learning
    WANG Xiao-Fang
    2015, 33 (3):  43-52.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.006
    Abstract ( 598 )   HTML ( 38 )   PDF (539KB) ( 2360 )   Save
    Teacher learning is mediated by context. Teacher learning occurring in community is characterized as experiential, participative learning and a process of identity formation. However, teacher community with clearly-defined boundary is likely to undermine teacher professional development. School-university partnership can expand teacher learning sites. In this partnership, the boundary is ambiguous, open and inclusive, allowing diverse participants to exchange with each other through multiple discourse practices. In this context, teacher learning involves a process of problem-solving and inquiry, which helps to produce new knowledge and improve the teaching system. Both the development and utilization of boundary objects and boundary crossers are the mediating mechanism to facilitate teachers’ boundary crossing learning. One of the important research topics in the field of teacher learning is how to connect boundary learning in partnership with learning in community.
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    Social Transformation and Schooling in Ethnic Minority Areas: Case Study of Lijiang, Yunnan
    HU Di-Ya
    2015, 33 (3):  53-57.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.007
    Abstract ( 447 )   HTML ( 39 )   PDF (504KB) ( 1728 )   Save
    In the context of social transformation in China and the more dramatic changes in culture and livelihood in ethnic minority areas, education for ethnic minority faces severer challenges. Lijiang is a typical ethnic minority area transforming from a traditional agricultural society to a society of integrating agriculture and tourism. It is characterized by great changes in culture, livelihood and population migration. Despite its response, local schooling still needs to transform its conceptions accordingly, attach great importance to the innovation of institution and practice, and implement culturally-sensitive education.
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    “London Challenge”: Lessons and Inspirations of School Reform
    Chris Husbands
    2015, 33 (3):  58-61.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.008
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    “Within many cities, there are effective classrooms-‘beacon’ schools and even clusters of such schools-but there are few if any examples of a successful model being expanded to the scope of an entire district”. After education reforms such as the global education reform movement ,the successful systems of the Pacific Rimand the ‘moral drive for improvement’, London began to consider and practice the challenging issue: to take school reform to scale, i.e. within the framework of vertical cooperation between national, municipal and local levels and combined with policy interventions for improvement of education reform and development, a set of plans has been taken for comprehensive school improvement to scale. Whether the London Challenge is transferable and could be copied and whether it is sustainable for area-based improvement, only time will tell.
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    A Calling-based Counter factual Self: Concept, Formation and Impact
    TIAN Xi-Zhou
    2015, 33 (3):  62-70.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.009
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    Calling is an individual identity and a strong inner desire for the pursuit of one’s goals. Achieving a calling allows an individual to experience the meaning of one’s work, mission and a true self. However, not all callings can be achieved, and what is the impact of the calling which you could have chosen but had to give you’re your self-concept, career and life? Based on the counter factual thinking, self-concept and calling-related researches, this paper argues that: (a) counter factual self based on calling (CSC) is a new construct paralleling actual self; (b) CSC has contributed much to theoretical research of calling and counter-factual thinking; (c) CSC can have direct impact on individual’ emotion, cognition, motivation and behavior.
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    The Impact and Psychic Mechanism of Media Violence on Children and their Aggressive Behavior
    XING Shu-Fen,WANG Dan-Yang,LIN Chong-De
    2015, 33 (3):  71-78.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.010
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    With the prevalence of new medium and violent games, the relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior has become a research focus again. However, controversy still exists regarding the causal relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior, including two opposite theoretical models: General Aggressive Model and Catalyst Model. According to the General Aggressive Model, the effects of media violence on aggressive behavior involve short-term and long-term effect, with different psychic mechanisms. However, such factors as children’s personality, initial aggressive level, their recognition of the role and characteristics of the game will play a regulatory role. In this regard, future studies will be conducted using new paradigms and techniques, in order to reach a relatively consistent conclusion.
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    Temporal Dynamics of Affective Responding to Affect Arousals in Resilient Individuals: A Behavioral Study
    XI Ju-Zhe,ZUO Zhi-Hong,TANG Xiao-Yan,MA Wei-Jun
    2015, 33 (3):  79-87.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.011
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    The present study aims to explore the temporal dynamics of affective responding to positive affect arousals and negative affect arousals among resilient college students in comparison with non-resilient ones. Sixty-seven college students (34 are of high resilience and 33 of low resilience) who participated in the experiments of positive or negative affect arousal were screened out according to the scores of Resilience Scale for Adult (RSA). Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), video clips for affect arousals and self-developed self-rating affect schedule were used to measure and compare baselines of affects, the temporal dynamics of affective responding to affect arousals between the resilient and the non-resilient. The results indicated that high resilient individuals not only had a higher baseline of positive affect and a lower baseline of negative affect than their low resilient counter parts, but also had a higher level of affect balance as well. It was proved that high resilient individuals were of higher sensitivity to both positive and negative affect arousals; they recovered more slowly from effects of positive affective arousals and bounced back quickly from a bottom point when negatively aroused.The results implied that the difference in temporal dynamics of affective responding between high and low resilient individuals was an important intrapersonal factor to differentiate persons of high resilience from those of low resilience.
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    A Factor Analysis of the Mental Health of Children Left Behind: Perspective of Sense of Security
    LIAO Chuan-Jing,WU Ji-Xia,ZHANG Jin-Fu
    2015, 33 (3):  88-97.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.012
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    Using MMHI-60, SSSCLB and ALSEC, this article presents a survey of 2,219 rural children left behind. The results suggest that: (a) in general, the mental health of children left behind is worrying, with significant variation among different levels of sense of security ; (b) life events are in positive correlation to mental health, and sense of security is significantly negative to mental health; (c)sense of security plays a significant regulatory role in life events and mental health; (d) life events can directly predict mental health, with sense of security playing partial mediating effect on mental health in life events; (e)the left-behind situation is an important factor affecting the mental health, while sense of security plays a complete intermediary role between the left-behind situation and mental health of children left behind in China.
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    Educational History(教育史)
    Promotion Quota, Group Population and Geographical Distribution of Military Licentiates in the Qing Dynasty
    LI Lin
    2015, 33 (3):  98-105.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.013
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    During Emperor SHUNZhi’s reign in early Qing Dynasty, the promotion quota of military licentiates for garrison military schools in the capital was clearly prescribed, whereas the quota for schools in other provinces remained unfixed. Starting from the year of 1671, the promotion quota of military licentiates for all provinces was first assigned by reference to the counterpart quota of literary licentiates. During the reigns of Emperor Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, the quota was frequently adjusted due to the establishment of new schools, upgrading of old schools, and changes of administrative regions. For every round approximately 22,000 military licentiates were admitted and affiliated to around 1,800 Confucian schools throughout the empire, and such a quota kept relatively stable, until the Taiping Rebellion during which the Qing government, rewarding public donations and supports for suppression, remarkably raised the in take to around 27,000. Before and after the Rebellion, the group population of military licentiates showed “remarkable increase in the South and modest increase in the North”, whilst its provincial distribution saw “increasing in the South but decreasing in the North”. A thorough investigation on the changes of the promotion quota, group population and geographical distribution of the military licentiates cannot only reveal the political context, but also reflect the dynamic of fostering and recruiting military talents throughout the Qing Dynasty.
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    Government Coordination in Private Education: Case of Nanyang College
    OU Qi-Jin
    2015, 33 (3):  106-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.014
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    The once most prominent Nanyang College(1896-1905) to which SHENG Xuan-huai devoted most of his efforts changed its name several times. Examining how and why the college changed its name helps to reveal the development of modern education. From the out set, the gentry and merchants represented by SHENG played the leading role in establishing the College in the name of Public School. This western-style College was then financed by the industry and commerce community. However, there was no mature and stable industrial and commercial class in China, while there was a well-developed traditional system of public administration, which made the education mode of Nanyang College less sustainable. After the reform in the School System in the late Qing Dynasty, SHENG’s mode gradually faded out in the process of education modernization led by the government.
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    Theory and Practice of Life Education in the Republic of China
    LIU Qi
    2015, 33 (3):  112-119.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.015
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    The core of the education development is educational thought. During the Republic of China, there existed various educational thoughts. Among them, life education was most popular, hence the concept of life education. Influenced by the political, economic, social and cultural factors, different scholar shad different understanding of life education, and all this eventually led to the establishment of the Chinese Association of Life Education. The association created its journal, and through its active educational activities, life education developed into a school of educational thought.
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    Early Introduction of Flexner’s Idea of Modern University
    WANG Shao-Fang
    2015, 33 (3):  120-124.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2015.03.016
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    Scholars in the Republic of China paid remarkably varied attention to the Universities: American, English, German written by Flexner. There were affirmation and criticism as well as silent resistance to Flexner’s theory. Despite these scholars’ different attitudes, it was common that they all chose to adopt Flexner’s criticism towards the American Universities, while abandoning or neglecting his idea of a modern university, which is the essence of Flexner’s theory. The phenomenon was a typical reflection of the general tendency among Chinese scholars dealing with the western theory. They selected the ingredients which adapts to China’s society, politics and education, and could be useful to them. This inherent pragmatism spirit of Chinese culture potentially influenced the selection of the western theory on university, which led to the abandoned core concepts of western theory.
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