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    20 December 2017, Volume 35 Issue 6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    The Choice of Academic Profession: Class Taste or Personal Opportunities
    YAN Guangcai
    2017, 35 (6):  1-10+152.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.001
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    Historically, it is in modern society that academic profession was favored by middle and upper class. In current China's society, the pattern of academic profession dominated by middle and upper class results from the different economic conditions of the family and the inequality of resource distributionin education at all levels, rather than class culture and taste. Therefore, it is essential to implement education priority strategy, enrich educational resources for all, and extend the years of schooling for all. This can not only improve the labor's quality, develop the personal potential, and cultivate numbers of talents, but also help to promote the development of society and construction of a harmonious and orderly society steadily.
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    Private Education Policy Lag: Perspective of Organizational Behavior Decision
    YAN Fengqiao
    2017, 35 (6):  11-17+152.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.002
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    Private education in China is a new phenomenon emerging from beyond the existing dominant public system. Consequently, quite a few governmental agencies, rather than one particular educational agency, are involved in the policy making and implementation in private education.To some extent, the effectiveness of private education policy depends on collaboration among governmental agencies on the one hand, and adjustment of the existing rule that might impede the new policy on the other hand. Therefore, it is appropriate to employ organizational behavior decision model to interpret and analyze private education policies. "Reasonable return", "independent college" and "nonprofit and for-profit classification" are three typical cases for organizational behavior decision model.
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    The Governance System of Non-governmental Education in China: Reform and Innovation
    DONG Shengzu
    2017, 35 (6):  18-26+152+153.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.003
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    Over 30 years of reform and development in China have witnessed the establishment of non-governmental education, which is closely linked with its governance system. At present and in the future, the innovation of governance system of non-governmental education centers and will center on three core topics, namely classification management, government functions and the corporation system. First, exploring a scientific approach to classification management is the most important system arrangement to strengthen the legal basis and consummate the top-level system design for non-governmental education. Second, transforming the government functions is the major incentive to achieve good governing and stimulate the intrinsic vitality for non-governmental schools. Third, improving the corporate governance is key to the micro self-government and stable operations for non-governmental schools. With the deepening of comprehensive reform in education, the institutional environment of non-governmental education in China will be further improved.
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    International Law and Private Schools in China: Some Concepts of Private Education
    YUAN Zheng
    2017, 35 (6):  27-35+153.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.004
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    The restructuring of China's private education began more than three decades ago. However, the disproportionate private schools not including kindergartens in China are still very weak and their rights are not properlyguaranteed. An important reason for this is that many lawmakers, administrators and school owners are completely ignorant of the international conventions, which are legally binding in China. This studydeals with the articles concerning education in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, discussing their legal effect on and significance to private schools in this country.
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    Distribution Justice and Limitations of Education in an Open Society
    ZHOU Xingguo
    2017, 35 (6):  36-41+153+154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.005
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    Distribution justice in education is an issue of how to allocate limited education resources among social groups and individuals more fairly. So far, theories on education distribution have focused more on the matter of education as scarce resource. In a closed social system, education justice depends on allocation procedure fairness, and tends to allocate education resources to those outstanding young talents. The closedness of basic social structure makes it possible to realize individuals' unique abilities bred by education. However, in an open society, attention to education resources distribution theories will meet with dual predicaments of international individual brain strain as well as education resources waste. In conclusion,based on traditional education distribution theories, it's necessary, in the open society justice environment, to introduce reflections on responsibility assignment of ability realization into distribution justice.
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    Survey Research on Civic Literacy of Students in Primary School
    ZHANG Jiajun
    2017, 35 (6):  42-49+154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.006
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    In this paper, the author offers an analysis of a sampling survey on both urban and rural primary schools in different areas of nine provinces in the East, Middle and West of China. The findings show that:a)the level of civic literacy among primary school students is higher on the whole; b) the level of civic literacy among female students is higher than that of male students, which indicates a significant gender gap in the civic literacy of primary school students; c) the level of civic literacy of pupils in the East is higher than that in the central or western areas, but there is no significant difference between the civic literacy of the pupils in the central areas and the civic literacy of the pupils in the western regions. Based on the survey, the author believes that, to improve the students' level of civic literacy, the philosophy of education should be transformed, education of civic literacy should be strengthened, and practical training should be enhanced to achieve the linkage between knowledge and practice. Also, gender stereotypes should be abandoned to promote the idea of gender equality. In addition, it's important that more investment in education in rural areas of central and western regions should be made to ensure a variety of educational resources are available for all.
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    Back to the Body:Toward the Theory of Chinese Language & Literature Education
    YANG Chengyu
    2017, 35 (6):  50-63+154.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.007
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    Chinese Language and Literature (CLL)is a language and the body is the cornerstone of CLL leading to the world. The world is moving from the traditional to the modern. In this context, the body can be divided into natural body, social body and transcendental body. The three dimensions of the body are mutually conditional, establishing a delicate causal relationship. In the process of modernization of Chinese language education, it is necessary to redefine the relationship and division of these three dimensions, rather than adopt one-dimensioned approach. As the three-dimensioned CLL is holistic,present and self-contained,the ontology of CLLcan focus on the difference and fissure of the three kinds of bodies, body and world from a new perspective. The essence of CLL is fissure and poetics is the way to get the essence of CLL.
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    A Neglected Important Educational Topic:Multiple Educational Functions of School Uniforms
    FAN Nanan, YUAN Jingui
    2017, 35 (6):  64-70+155.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.008
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    School uniforms can serve important educational functions. Looking at the development of school uniforms worldwide, people tend to have high expectations on the unique educational functions of school uniforms. In terms of educational functions, school uniforms have the following multiple functions:a)consolidating educational order, b) nourishing good morality, c) fostering aesthetic pursuit, and d) cultivating a healthy psychology. However, people in China have not given a full play to the educational functions of school uniforms, with the problems of "three surplus and three lacks". Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen supervision over quality assurance, improve the designs of school uniforms and the fostering of aesthetics, as well as promote the industry of school uniforms as a national brand.

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    Study on the Future Tendency of Taiwan’s Textbook Policy
    LIU Hui, LI Hui, LI Juntang, ZHANG Li
    2017, 35 (6):  71-81+155.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.009
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    After 1987,Taiwan has a great change in the society, politics, economic and culture, and textbook policy also has change. This article used document analysis and interview to examine the changes of textbook policy at the national education stage. Its purpose is to discover the internal logic of textbook policy and to predict the future tendency of textbook policy in Taiwan. The finding shows that there exists obvious ideology debate in the transition of Taiwan' textbook policy, but a debate situation between stakeholders has formed under the system of edit and audit. The Taiwan's textbook policy in the future is less likely extensive changed.
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    The Suspension of University Problems
    SUI Yifan
    2017, 35 (6):  82-94+155+156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.010
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    University is the backbone of a nation, contributing to the development of social civilization. In the era of the increasingly competitive knowledge-based global economy, the rise and fall of any country around the world lie in university because of its monopoly in talent cultivation and knowledge innovation. Therefore, it is imperative to solve the problems, which are hampering university development. In other words, these problems should not and cannot be suspended. This paper first examined the question of why we need to put forward the issue of the suspension of university problems, and then analyzed the reason why we should not and cannot suspend the university problems in the context of China's development and innovation and why university needs to be developed to play a greater role in society. In conclusion, this paper discussed the three major university problems which have been long suspended:improving the quality of talent cultivation, creating the world-class universities and de-administration in higher education". Also, it suggested some solutions to the problems.
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    Institutional Research on the Construction of First-class Disciplines: A Case Study of Columbia Journalism School and School of Journalism in University of Missouri
    YAN Sanjiu, NAN Ruiqin
    2017, 35 (6):  95-106+156.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.011
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    Through the analysis on the transformation history of the discipline of journalism in two prestigious journalism schools in America, the authors find out that their discipline institutions share some common features. First, external impetus (like the foundations) has significant effects on the division and configurations of the discipline of journalism. Second, programs of study in journalism discipline can be adjusted through increasing or decreasing curriculums. Third, small classes are taught in both schools, which focus on both academics and practices. Finally, the institutional framework based on joint-management constitutes the institutions of discipline construction in schools of journalism, which can provide inspiration and reference to the construction of top discipline of journalism and communication in China.
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    How Socrates Taught: An Interpretation of Protagoras’ Opening
    LIU Li
    2017, 35 (6):  107-115+156+157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.012
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    Protagoras' opening is not just the prologue of the main content of this book but also the prologue of Socrates' political philosophy career.Taking the educational dialogues between Socrates and Hippocrates as a sample,the article analyzes the educational implication of Socratic dialogues through close reading. In Socratic education, the starting point is the careful reflection on individual's self-mind and the limit, as well as the establishment of spiritual connection of teacher-student relationship. The specific path of education is the realization of individual self-awareness through dialectical dialogues, and leisure is a prerequisite for education to happen. As a model teacher, Socrates' typical significance lies not only in his superb educational skills, but also his love for the polis and its youth.
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    An Empirical Investigation on Teachers’ Application of Educational Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools in China
    YANG Fuyi
    2017, 35 (6):  116-125+157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.05.013
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    With subjects of 11,190 Chinese teachers from 291 primary and secondary schools in China, this study investigated Chinese teachers' general application of educational information technology and the relationship between it and teachers' demographic features, knowledge backgrounds, courses taught, related training, and other professional activities, and teaching effectiveness. Some policy suggestions were also discussed in this paper.
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    Interactions between Student Teachers and their School Mentors: Perspective of Exchange Theory
    JIANG Shuling, CHEN Xiangming
    2017, 35 (6):  126-136+157.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.05.014
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    The analysis on the interaction between student teachers and their mentors can reveal how student teachers learn in the education practice, which helps to deepen our understanding of the exiting tutor system in China. Using the case study methods, the authors provide a deep description of the interaction between student teachers and their school mentors in their education practice in schools. Based on Blau's exchange theory, the paper offers a microanalysis on the exchange of power and emotion in the interaction to explore the learning activities of student teachers. Our findings show that the student teachers and their mentors begin their interaction with rational principle, then balance their giving and rewarding based on the principle of reciprocity and fairness. When the rewarding is accepted by each other, the trend of integration can be observed. If not, the trend of disparity can be observed. In the interaction, the integration and disparity of the power influence the career identity and professional ideas of the student teachers. In some local colleges, student teachers cannot acquire required mentoring from the school mentors, and lose recognition and confidence in their practice. However, some student teachers can manage to change the situation in the exchange of power and emotion.
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    The Origin and Reflection on the “Three Center” of Traditional Education
    HUANG Mengwan
    2017, 35 (6):  137-142+158.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.015
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    In China, it is generally accepted by many educators that traditional education is teacher-centered, textbook-centered and classroom-centered.Actually, the "Three Center" was first invented during the Cultural Revolution to summarize the teaching practice since the establishment of People's Republic of China. In the debate between the traditional and modern education in the 1980s, the "Three Center" was used by some scholars who opposed the traditional education to characterize traditional education. The so-called "Three Center" partly reflects some propositions of traditional education. Therefore, the term has been widely acknowledged in China. Nowadays, scholars tend to use the "Three Center" based on their objective understanding of traditional education. Consequently, the "Three Center" only represents the three key words in the traditional education theory:teachers, textbooks and classrooms. However, in order to avoid any misunderstanding of the traditional education theory, the concept of "Three Center" should be treated carefully.

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    Have 63% Rural Children Never Received High School Education in China:Some Doubts about Scott Rozelle and His Team's Research Conclusions
    Shizhou LOU, Jiawen ZHANG, Haijiang WU
    2017, 35 (6):  143-147.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2017.06.016
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    With the full implementation of the National Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development, great achievements have been made in China's rural high school education. However, there still exists the unbalanced development between urban and rural areas to some extent. Rural high school education, as amajor concern of China's educational equity, has attracted much attention from all walks of life. It is important to have a better understanding of the complexity of school-running forms and the management system of China's high school education. Moreover, this can help comprehensively evaluate the current situation of rural high school education so that effective measures can be explored to promote the balanced development of urban and rural education.

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