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    01 July 2022, Volume 40 Issue 7 Previous Issue   
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    Cultural Capital of Colleges and Universities: Connotation, Types and Characteristics
    Qinxiao Hu
    2022, 40 (7):  1-26.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.001
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    Capital is the basis for the competition and development of individuals and organizations. There are many types of university capital, among which cultural capital is the endogenous driving force for the competition and development of colleges and universities, and it is also a rich inventory for coping with survival crises. Based on the academic history of cultural capital research, combined with the characteristics of university organizational culture, it can be concluded that university cultural capital is the sum of resources. It is governed by the mind dispositions with knowledge moral character as its core in a specific time and space and is expressed through the organic dispositions, objective objects and formal systems. After long-term accumulation and exchange (or conversion), it is lasting, needs to be treated differently, and can bring value proliferation to the development of universities. University cultural capital is divided into spiritual cultural capital, organic cultural capital, objective cultural capital and institutional cultural capital. Whether there is a break between the four kinds of cultural capital is an important way to measure the amount of cultural capital in colleges and universities, and the quality of knowledge is the core yardstick for measurement. The cultural capital of colleges and universities has the characteristics of value proliferation, historical time and space, dynamic plasticity, collective inheritance and internal dependence.

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    The Reflection on the Symmetry of Teaching
    Zijian Li, Defeng Qiu
    2022, 40 (7):  27-37.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.002
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    Teaching can be regarded as an interactive behavior, and interaction contains rich symmetry principle. The symmetry of reflective teaching is of great significance to redefine the role of teachers and students, promote student-centered learning, establish equal and mutually beneficial relationship between teachers and students, and promote the balance of students' cognition, emotion and sociality. This study attempts to explore the symmetric / asymmetric relationship in teaching from four aspects, including the perspectives of different disciplines, teaching design (especially the scaffolding and zone of proximal development (ZPD)), the orientation of teaching interaction and communication, and different contexts and scenes. The symmetry of reflective teaching enlightens us that we should avoid the inequality caused by the asymmetry of value, right, knowledge, experience, resources and consciousness in the teaching process, strengthen the elements of communication, care and reciprocity, and pay attention to the role and interaction between teachers and students in different teaching strategies (such as ZPD) and situations. Teachers should strengthen teaching reflection, have an insight into the relationship between symmetry and asymmetry in teaching, achieve the best state and improve the quality of learners (students and teachers) through the common responsibility and efforts of both teachers and students.

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    The Solution to Before-school Service in Compulsory Education:An Analysis Based on the Systematic Theory
    Danyi Wang, Yunhuo Cui
    2022, 40 (7):  38-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.003
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    The before-school service in compulsory education in China has become a problem puzzling the government, schools and families. This article uses the arrival time of students at school and before-school activities as the analytical reference of the length and content of before-school service. From the perspective of systematic theory, we construct a before-school service system model consisting of family and school, to analyze the before-school service system in the compulsory education. The survey shows that Chinese students arrive too early, before the time for their parents to go to work; the duration of Chinese before-school activities is too long, and the content of the activities is difficult to prepare for the first lesson. The early arrival time causes part of the family’s care function to be transferred to the school; too long and complicated before-school activities threaten the preparation function of before-school activities in schools, which endangers the current before-school service system in China. Therefore, it is suggested that the earliest time for school students to arrive at school should be set and the care functions of the family should be clarified. Also, regulations on the length and content of before-class activities should be introduced in order to restore the necessary preparation functions of before-class activities. In addition, paid before-class care service should be provided; the functional boundaries between parents and the school should be divided; before-class service policies and regulations should be promulgated; a supporting before-class service supervision mechanism should be established. In this way, the three-dimensional before-class service system can be established from four aspects of time, content, guarantee and supervision, thus the structural and functional misalignment of the family and school in the before-school service system is restored to ensure the smooth operation of the before-school service system.

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    Cultivating “Teacher-Scholar”: Revisiting William C. Bagley’s Philosophy of Teacher Education
    Zhankui Wang
    2022, 40 (7):  48-57.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.004
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    Bagley’s essentialism, as one of the four schools of educational philosophy, has long been well known by international educators. However, this label of “the founder of essentialism” also greatly diluted and even obscured his theoretical contribution to improving American teacher education before he worked for the Normal College of Columbia University under the background of the transformation and upgrading from “normal school” to “teacher college” (normal college) in the 1930s and 1940s. In fact, he established a set of knowledge system about teacher education with the goal of cultivating “teacher scholar” in the process of controversy about “academic”, “professional” or “social” teacher training, which laid the theoretical foundation and career blueprint for the subsequent development of international teacher education. Although China has gradually completed the upgrading and transformation of normal universities around the end of the 20th century, the dilemma of “specialty” or “discipline” of teacher training has been bothering the development of teacher education in China. In recent years, in the process of teacher education and teacher training in normal universities, there has even been a significant tendency of “de-professionalization” of “defining specialty by discipline” or “replacing teacher specialty by discipline”. It not only greatly “narrows” and “misleads” the majority of teachers’ professional understanding of their own work, Moreover, in practice, it further “solidifies” and “intensifies” the image of the majority of teachers as “teachers”. Reviewing Bagley’s philosophy of teacher education will not only help to clarify many puzzles and misunderstandings about teachers’ professional attributes, but also provide important theoretical enlightenment for improving China’s teacher education program and reshaping the professional connotation and professional image of teachers’ work.

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    The Symbiotic Logic of the Development of Rural Vocational Education: Structure and Form
    Chengchen Zhu
    2022, 40 (7):  58-68.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.005
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    Rural vocational education is a type of cross-border coordinated and integrated education. The “self-system” of education must cross the “other system” of rural society, and merge into a “super system”, so as to truly form the integrated and modernization development pattern of vocational education and rural society. The development of “super system” of rural vocational education ought to follow the symbiotic logic and systematic thinking paradigm (value thinking, structural thinking and relational thinking) of “self-system” and “other system”. It is interdependent and symbiotic development in cross-border coordination and integration governance, which is exactly the logical path and value essence of the development of rural vocational education. The theoretical logic of the development of rural vocational education is to take system symbiosis as the development premise, systematic thinking as the methodological paradigm, the structural elements of symbiosis theory as the analytical framework, and the “super system” realm as the position, and build a symbiotic logic system composed of symbiotic unit, symbiotic mode, symbiotic environment and symbiotic interface. Based on the symbiotic logic system, the logical structure of the symbiotic system of rural vocational education includes three structural forms: starting point logic, value logic and action logic. The starting point logic focuses on “rationality” and “spirit”; the value logic is embodied in the “principle of benefit maximization”; and the logic of action is embodied in “integration and co-governance”.

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    “Safety Net” or “Diversion”? An Empirical Study of the Impact of Vocational Education on Social Mobility: Evidence Based on CFPS
    Yijun Wang, Huiqi Hu
    2022, 40 (7):  69-84.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.006
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    Vocational education has two mutually exclusive functions in social mobility: “safety net” and “diversion”. Based on the China Family Panel Studies, the impacts of vocational education on social status and social mobility are analyzed by using some indicators such as economic income, socioeconomic index, and mobility of status on both intergenerational and intragenerational perspectives. The results show that vocational education group can achieve better economic income and socioeconomic status than average level, and significantly superior to their parents. Compared with the junior high school group, vocational education group has remarkable advantage in terms of social status, which indicates that vocational education can provide individuals with a solid “safety net” and promote upward social mobility. However, compared with higher education group, vocational education is inferior in terms of economic income and socioeconomic index, and the “diversion” effect is significant. In addition, vocational education plays a more significant role in promoting the social mobility of the western rural region in China. In general, as an effective mechanism to promote social mobility, vocational education should be paid high attention to further develop its “safety net” function whiling limiting “diversion” effect.

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    Research on the Impact of Incentive Mechanism on SSCI Research Output of University Teachers under the Background of Project System: Based on Panel Data Analysis of 36 “Double First-class” Universities from 2014 to 2018
    Yan Cao, Shanshan Tang, Yuan Xun
    2022, 40 (7):  85-99.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.007
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    The salaries of faculties in the “double first-class” universities are funded by the government. During the 21st century, “basic expenditure plus project funding” is the principal means of allocating resources for “double first-class” universities, while faculties’ basic incentives are mainly constituted by the basic expenditure and their project-oriented incentives are mainly constituted by project funding in the form of contracts penetrated layers by layers. This article collected the panel data by selecting 2014—2018 fiscal expenditure data of 36 double first-class universities, combining SSCI research publications of those universities the year after one to three years, focusing on the short-term and long-term impacts of university incentives and their coordinating and interacting under the project system on the quantity and quality of faculty scientific research output. The results show that, in the short term, increasing the basic incentive has a significant partial effect on the quantity and quality of teachers’ SSCI output and a slightly positive synergy effect along with project-based incentive mechanism. However, increasing project incentive has a weak positive effect on the number of teachers’ SSCI research output, only relying on the synergy effect with basic incentive mechanism and a negative extrusion effect on the quality of teachers’ SSCI research output. However, from the perspective of med-and-long term development, the positive effect of increasing basic incentives on teachers’ scientific research output is difficult to maintain, and there is a significant negative crowding effect; Increasing project incentive also has a weak effect on teachers’ scientific research output, and has a negative extrusion effect on the quality of their scientific research output.

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    Study on the Measurement of Higher Education High-quality Development Level in China
    Rong Huang, Xiaochang Ding
    2022, 40 (7):  100-113.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.008
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    In the fourteenth Five Year Plan period of China, building a high-quality education system is one policy guidance and key requirement. As a result, research on the measurement of provincial higher education development level and high-quality development paths is necessary. This paper takes Amartya Sen’s feasible ability theory as the theoretical framework, regards higher education as an organization with independent behavior ability and the key factor endowment in promoting regional social and economic development, and constructs a measurement system of higher education high-quality development. The system is based on three-dimensional framework from factors to capabilities and functions, covering 11 aspects which are quantity and scale, quality level, financial investment, teacher Investment, infrastructure, knowledge production, personnel training, enrollment opportunities, research and development conditions, human capital and innovation achievements and involving 43 indicators at provincial level. Based on the interface data of China’s 31 provinces in 2019, this paper uses four different measurement methods: factor analysis, partial least squares, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution and grey relation analysis. According to the sub scores of provincial higher education in terms of factors, capabilities and functions through cluster analysis and comprehensive level ranking, 31 provinces are divided into three types of higher education: outstanding type, medium type and starting type, which provides the basis for the comprehensive collaborative improvement of provincial higher education and regional development.

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    What is the True Meaning about Educational Objectives Taxonomy: Discussing with Professor Li Yi and Other Scholars
    Hui-yang Zhuang
    2022, 40 (7):  114-125.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.07.009
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    This paper uses literature analysis method to oppugn the views of articles published by Professor Li Yi and other scholars. Meanwhile, it discusses the true meaning about educational objectives taxonomy. First of all, it quotes three organizational principles called “pedagogical principle, logical principle and psychological principle”, and emphasizes the precise reason for the weakness of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives (ver.1956) is that the psychological principle can not play a sufficient role in the pedagogical issue. This paper also points out that physiological principle is a missing principle of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives (ver.1956) because a rigorous educational objectives classification doctrine must follow physiological principle, logical principle and psychological principle. Secondly, it analyzes the reasons why levels and categories are missing from subject-oriented education objectives description model. Finally, it disproves the viewpoints of “Criticism on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives”, and calls for a rigorous academic attitude.

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